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Re: Middle name for Carol
in reply to a message by Casey
Nearly every Carol I've met, regardless of age, has had the middle name Jane; so I don't know if that turns you off of that choice. Of the combos you posted, I like Carol Ivy.As for middle names that have longevity and aren't too stiff? How about...Carol Adelaide
Carol Andrea
Carol Annabel
Carol Beatrix
Carol Christina ("Cece"?)
Carol Evelyn
Carol Fay / Carol Fae / Carol Faye
Carol Gabrielle
Carol Heather
Carol Helen
Carol Helena
Carol Hope
Carol Irene
Carol Jennifer
Carol Jocelyn
Carol Josephine
Carol Maria
Carol Moreen / Carol Maureen
Carol Nadia
Carol Natalie
Carol Noreen
Carol Phaedra
Carol Phoebe
Carol Stephanie
Carol Silvana / Carol Sylvana
Carol Teresa / Carol Theresa
Carol Thecla
Carol Theda
Carol Vada / Carol Veda
Carol Veronica
Carol Violet
Carol Vivian
Carol Winona
Carol Yvette
Carol Yvonne
Carol ZoePlease rate my personal short name lists (the latter includes combos):

This message was edited 12/29/2015, 1:53 PM

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