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I know a family with four boys-
in reply to a message by Julie
John, Ian, Jack and Sean (pr. like Shane). The daughter in the family is, happily,
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I'm curious...Were their mns variations of the same name, too?
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Hmm. Jack's mn is Robert, but I don't know any of the others. They're all adults, so I'm not sure there's a subtle way of asking (somehow it's okay to ask a mom about her kids' names, but quizzing a co-worker on his siblings' mn seems more awkward...)
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LOLYes, it does seem awkward asking the father about mns, doesn't it? I wonder why that is?"I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." -Daniel Boone, American explorer
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Eww. Guess it could be worse. :-/ At least it seems like they were aware of the 'theme'. ~Heather~
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