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Re: Valeska
I like it. It's soo much fun to say and it IS dramatic and glossy. For some reason it's registering like more of a word in my mind though- like it could be a noun or adjective or else a brand name. Something to describe something elseValeska seems a bit too flashy next to Lenore though, which is more of a warm cozy sweater of a name. Along the same lines Valeska is more of a fancy fur coat, so they just don't jibe in my mind photo image_zps50478a13.jpg
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Valeska is triggering some kind of deja vu in my mind too...a surname I think? Lenore is another glossy-dramatic name in my mind, but I could see how it could also be seen as a more modest, cozy name, so fair enough there. What kind of femme fatale name would you suggest as a sister to Valeska?
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