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Mandaline and Mirandine
WDYT about the name Mandaline? I've read it as a variant of Amandine and I think it's cute? But is it too close to Mandarin and mandoline?
Also, what do you think of Mirandine? I made it up a few years ago for a story; I think I mixed Miranda and Amandine. It's pronounced mi-ran-DEEN.Does the sea exist
Because of our longing?
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Mirandine is cute I think :)
I'm not enthused about Mandaline... I just imagine a little child trying to say 'mandarin' ^^ so, I would say, yes it is too close to mandarin and mandoline.---
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Mirandine could grow on me, but Mandaline is way too close to mandolin.
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Mandaline is a bit close to mandoline but Mirandine is cute and spunky.
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Mirandine is interesting. Especially with that pronunciation (as opposed to the DEEN being made DINE) Mandaline is a bit too much like Mandarine. It also sounds a bit like a mispronounced "Madeline"
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Mandaline is too close to mandarin and mandolin for me. But Mirandine seems kind of cool. I wouldn't me inclined to use it, but I also wouldn't mind if someone else did.
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