Re: May
in reply to a message by Pie

This is probably to blame for part of the Maisievalanche - Maisy Mouse, it's a kids' book series and I think also a cartoon. Though why you would want to name your kid after a cartoon mouse beats me!
This message was edited 6/20/2012, 3:18 PM
Thank you!
I couldn't remember for the LIFE of me why Maisie bugged me so much. This is the mouse I grew up with. It's my only association with the name and I just can't stand it on a kid, but I couldn't figure out why for the longest time!
Intense relief. :D Thanks.
I couldn't remember for the LIFE of me why Maisie bugged me so much. This is the mouse I grew up with. It's my only association with the name and I just can't stand it on a kid, but I couldn't figure out why for the longest time!
Intense relief. :D Thanks.