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Re: Opinions on Brutus (just for fun, I promise!)
Ahh, whoops! I do apologize for making another Brutus post so soon. Oh well, not much I can do about it anymore. But yeah, I was rather fond of Eamonn Brutus in particular, cause it actually does seem like a usable combo. But I can't get too hung up on that, or I'll have a whole tribe of children named Constantine, Severus, Brutus, and Lucius (definitely over-the-top, when they're all siblings haha). That aside, though, my favorite Brutus combo is definitely Brutus Hyperion. It's freaking ridiculous, but it has a great flow/rhythm about it! I'll have so save that one for a pet someday. =P
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No worries, the other Brutus thread wasn't asking about combos! I just thought I'd give you the link in case you wanted to read the opinions people had.I've found that Eamonn can take pretty much any name at all. Because he's awesome like that.You know, all of those names on siblings would be over-the-top, but if I ever encountered that set of kids I would really admire their parents for being so bold. And they won't always be linked to each other. Severus will have his own friends and go off and have his life and then some girl will ask him if he has siblings and what their names are and he'll say he has 3 brothers, Constantine, Brutus, and Lucius, and she'll be like OMG your parents are cool.I have a friend with 3 boys named D'Artagnan, Peregrin, and Archimedes, and if their forth is a boy they're going to name him Galileo. Epic.
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Typo ahoy! (Should've signed in...)Forth = fourth. Just so you know it was a typo and I don't actually think it's spelled that way. :)
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It's true...Your friends are totally badass.
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