I think this was
the name that got me looking more and more into meanings. Perhaps some sites simply list it as meaning "great", but I've always understood it as "sublime", which is the highest compliment.
There's also another Arabic name- which I failed to pen- that means "not less (worthy)", which I thought was lovely, for a female.
Agnes: Pure or Holy
Any Nahuatl name, especially
Xochipilli and
Ixchel. I also like Mongolian and names in Sanskrit. They often have divine and/or nature meanings. They represent entire ideas, rather than just words.
M O N G O L I A NNarantsetseg: Sunflower
Crystal Mother
Star FlowerSarangerel: Moonlight
Dzoldzaya: Light of
DestinyAltantsetseg: Golden
FlowerBatuldzii: Firm
Silver RayErdenetsetseg:
Precious FlowerNaranbaatar: Sun
HeroAltanchimeg: Golden Ornament
Delgernandjil: Great Elegance
Odgerel: Starlight
S A N S K R I T Chandra: Moon
Megha: Cloud
Vimala-prabhada: Stainless Splendor
Arjuna: White One | Clear One | Made of
SilverRatnottama: The Principle Gem | Supreme Among Gems
This message was edited 2/10/2010, 4:53 PM