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WDYT | Twins
One of the the following is the twin set that will be used when my babies arrive in two months. As I mentioned, I don't know the genders at all, so I've had to do double the work in compiling baby name lists. Well, some BTN Users have done most of it for me ( =P ) but when I knew... I knew. The B/G | B/B pairings were only decided over the last three or four days (or today!). I am content, though. =)Isla Primrose | Columba Rose
These honor my Scottish heritage.
I've been settled on this set for months now; G/G pairings are the only ones I didn't ask for help on.
Columba was originally Iona, but that was too cheesy for me. I don't mind Primrose/Rose so much, since they are MNs. Ignatius Carlisle | Blaise Donovan
I came up with Ignatius and Blaise on my own, and have been decided on them for a long time as well. I had help with the middle names.
I'm worried that IC might be too dissimilar. I like the middle names, but part of me doesn't want them to have any; I think Ignatius is strong enough. WDYT?Vincent Marcel | Regina Estelle
Regina is a name I don't hear often (at all) these days. Maybe it's different around your way, but that's the main appeal for me. I think they sound good together, and the meanings match. The combos are very sweet.Cordelia Pearl | Dashiell Golden
Cordelia Inez | Dashiell Jerome
There is something very Victorian about this pairing that I love. I don't know how well they'll work Today, but I don't really care; there are always nicknames.
I kind of fell into the matchy trap with Pearl/Golden. That wasn't my intention though. I had already decided on Pearl when I went looking for names in use during the Victorian era; Golden stood out. It's very unique. Inez and Jerome work in terms of meaning, and Inez is the only Spanish name on the list (I haven't been very considerate of the father's heritage thus far, and he hasn't concerned himself with names =/ ). Thanks to Bear for that combo!Honorable Mention
Tristan | Laetitia
I love this pairing a lot, but Tristan just doesn't go with what would be his last name. Also, I like the other pairings more to bother finding middle names for these two.WDYT of these?

This message was edited 2/17/2009, 4:37 PM

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Isla Primrose / Columba Rose: Awww :) I must admit that I prefer Iona to Columba, but you are right that it's much cheesier than this set - that would have been some rather intense matchiness. I think all of these names are wonderful, anyway.Ignatius Carlisle / Blaise Donovan: I adore both Ignatius and Blaise. I adore them as a pair, as well - they go together beautifully (also my synesthesia wholeheartedly approves). I think you're right that Ignatius is strong enough to stand on its own, but I've always found middle name omission to be strange and a little sad. Not having a middle name just doesn't seem like anything to brag about (even if the first name is), and in a society where middle names are expected, the comment "oh, I don't have a middle name" is kind of awkward. Besides, I think it would be a shame to drop the middle names when they're so nice, and that Blaise would certainly do better to have one, as he's only one syllable.Vincent Marcel / Regina Estelle: I am in love with Regina and think that she and Vincent are a perfect match. I cannot even describe how thrilled I would be to meet twins called Vincent and Regina.Cordelia / Dashiell: Cordelia and Dashiell are both favorites of mine. Of your two combos, I prefer Cordelia Pearl and Dashiell Golden - Cordelia Pearl is iridescent and gorgeous, and Dashiell Golden is just so cool. Cordelia Inez and Dashiell Jerome are both lovely as well, so if you decide you want to go down the path that honors the father's heritage more, you certainly have an excellent option there.Your twins are going to be stunningly named no matter what.
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How would you pronounce Iona? Besides the matchiness, that was something else I had trouble with. I don't like it as Ay/ona at all, but when I said E/ona, it seemed wrong; Like it should be Fiona.Ignatius and Blaise have been my B/B pairing from the start. I'm not particularly synesthetic, but something about the pair just sounds so right. As far as middle names go, I definitely don't want to go without. Ignatius is just such a good name that I can't seem to be content with any middle name; nothing seems good enough. Also: I like Carlisle- and I love Blaise Donovan- but something about those combos comes off as very English. As I've said, I haven't been too concerned with the other half of their lineage, but these seem too... ethnic, and completely in my favor?I'm glad that you like Dashiell! Not a lot of people do, and I don't get it. I must admit to being unfamiliar with Dashiell Hammet, and more into Cate Blanchett. She's the reason I came across the name. Cordelia Pearl is iridescent and gorgeous, and Dashiell Golden is just so cool
I concur! =)Your twins are going to be stunningly named no matter what.THANK YOU! ♥
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Have I said how much I love your names?Your G/G and B/B combos are perfection. I would keep the middle names, but that's only because I'm a middle name person. For me it's an embellishment on a name, and then there's the option that if they don't want to go by their first name, they have the middle to fall back on.As far as G/B combos go, I would choose Cordelia Pearl and Dashiell Golden. Not overcomplicated, but not too simple. Not unheard of, but not popular. I think they are by far the most impressive of the G/B combos.Good luck to you!
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I agree about Cordelia Pearl and Dashiell Golden. DG is especially unique, so that puts them at the top of the B/G list.I'm a middle name person as well, and Blaise definitely needs one. Ignatius is just... pretty much my favorite name right now, and no middle name seems good enough (though I like Carlisle). It's a little silly, since... how often does a person mention their middle name?Thank you! ♥
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I know exactly what you mean. Some names are just so strong that no matter what name you put with them it just doesn't seem like it adds up. It's the way I feel about Belphoebe, or Adrasteia.
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Oh, yeah. I can't imagine a middle name for Adrasteia. =)How'd you come across Belphoebe?
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Looking through the Literature section here, I think. I love it because it crosses Phoebe (a name I adore), and makes it so much brighter with the Bel-. I have The Faerie Queene on my computer to read, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I will someday though! Probably as soon as I get a screen for this computer.
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Isla & Columba are nice together :)boy/girl I like Vincent & Regina are you using Nina as nnI dislike Blaise but like Ignatius
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NinaI'll leave the NNs up to friends. =)I don't like shortening names, really. Even if it's a long name like Anastasia. That's a friends name, and I'm the only one who doesn't call her Ana.Regina will be Regina. =)Nina is much better than Gina, though. ♥
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I love Primrose, Rose, Estelle, Cordelia, Pearl, and Laetitia (prefer Letitia), though I also appreciate Columba, Ignatius, Vincent Marcel, Regina, and Inez.
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LetitiaI can't explain why I prefer it with the extra A. It would be stupid to say "it's too short", because it's only missing one letter... but that's kind of what it is. It bothers me. =P

This message was edited 2/17/2009, 4:42 PM

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Please Please Please go with Vincent Marcel and Regina Estelle. Those are the two names I voted for earlier and I just thinking they are a refreshing throwback to the 60s/70s decade. I love them both!
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I know! You were very enthusiastic! =DI'm not completely sold on Estelle. That's really the only thing that bothers me. I'm tolerating it because it fits, but I don't like the name on its on.Were there a lot of Vincents in the 70's? I believe you about Regina. I can see it.
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Awww thats too bad about Estelle. I think its a pretty name. What about Regina Charmaine? Thats really 70s vintage and absolutely just as pretty as Regina Estelle.
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It's a bit long, but I do love Charmaine. That definitely has a 70s vibe. =DI ♥ Estella. It's funny how one letter can make the difference. =P
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