WDYTO Brighton?
What do you think of the name Brighton (NN Bright?) Male, obviously.
Brighton is a seaside town in England for me, and nothing else. It's just not a name.
i agree
me too.
I agree...
I generally hate place names on humans and this doesn't have even GP potential to me.
Not so fond of the nn Bright, but Brighton is lovely.
I personaly think the name is quite handsome. One of the lesser used place names, so the fact that it is unique is even better.
It's not so bad, but it's nmsaa. It also sounds a bit strange to me because it's the name of the town where I live.
I think it´s harsh :-(
I like Brighton.
I think it's cute!
Well, obviously since it's been my top boys name for quite some time, I like it. but I can't say I'd want to give it any kind of nn, I only like it as a full name.
but, lately my top name has shifted to Jameson, because Brighton doesn't seem to age too well in my mind. though it might still come into play.
but, lately my top name has shifted to Jameson, because Brighton doesn't seem to age too well in my mind. though it might still come into play.