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Re: Felix (and Jasper)
I love Felix, in fact I used it in my boy quints. Jasper is alright, not a favourite but its growing on me! Felix and Jasper make a great set, as do Felix, Jasper and Milo. (I love Milo too!)I know a Felix. I'm not sure how old he is but the sibset is:
Xanthe (10)- shes the oldest so the X is at the start of her name
Lexie (7 or 8?)- shes in the middle so the X is in the middle fo her name
Felix (???)- hes the youngest so the X is at the end of the name.I'm not sue if the parents realised about the X theme at first, but I think its really cute! (Lexie pointed it out to me. I ahdn;t noticed that before) Anyway, point is I love Felix!
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