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Re: When naming a child, how much do you worry about how the name will sound on a resume someday?
So in my case, I strongly dislike my (father’s) last name, I could use my mother’s instead without getting into trouble?
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf


I do this. I put my mothers maiden name as my surname on job applications. When I have to fill out w2 paperwork they can see that it’s not my legal name, but I haven’t been questioned thus far. If they did I would simply explain that I plan to change my legal surname and prefer to be addressed that way. Just don’t make it seem like you’re trying to purposefully hide your identity.
That would be a huge relieve for me! I’ll contact the HR department and ask if this is a possibility to change my last name on my name tag, work mail etc. I’d change my surname in a heartbeat, but it’s a huge pain to do so where I live. You need a psychologically report etc. And although he hurt me I still don’t want to hurt my father by changing my last name officially and him finding out in an emergency situation. (not yet)
Since it's a last name, I don't know how it would work. This is for stuff like, an Elizabeth could put "Betty" or "Liz" on her resume, and that's fine.You would have to use your legal name on all official paperwork anyway, I assume.