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Re: Perfect Italian mobster names
Whatever name he has, he needs a good mobster nn. Here's a few real-life mobsters with nns. You could mix and match first and last names to create your own.Vincent the Chin GiganteSalvatore "Sammy the Bull" GravnoJoseph "Joe Bananas" BonannoJohn Gotti "The Teflon Don" or "The Dapper Don"Skinny Joey MerlinoNicodemo "Little Nicky" ScarfoPhilip "The Chicken Man" TestaAlphonse "Scarface" CaponeFor first names, you can't go wrong with Tony, Vinnie, Sal or Joe.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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Nice idea but something original.
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in that case ...Frank "The Butcher" LoRussoFat Tony AielloLittle Vinnie MarcelloAngelo "The Wolf" LupinoSalvatore "Crazy Sal" Bernardini
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