Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022
It’s not like the connection between Switzerland or the Philippines or Hawaii is really a household thing.“Someone once said that it wasn’t so hard to do right; what was hard was to know what was right to do.” William X. Kienzle
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Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Fiammetta  ·  8/26/2023, 11:08 AM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Kesces  ·  8/29/2023, 11:17 PM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Manipura  ·  8/28/2023, 9:51 PM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Fiammetta  ·  8/31/2023, 9:34 AM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Manipura  ·  9/1/2023, 3:28 AM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  clevelandkentevans  ·  8/28/2023, 10:28 AM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Manipura  ·  8/28/2023, 10:08 PM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Fiammetta  ·  8/31/2023, 9:36 AM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Fiammetta  ·  8/28/2023, 1:22 PM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Impala1729  ·  8/26/2023, 2:36 PM
Re: Most popular Swiss names of 2022  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  8/26/2023, 1:10 PM