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I found a written English pronunciation on the Miriam Webster Dictionary site which gives "lī-ˈkər-gəs" (copied and pasted it; that's a bar over the "i" indicating the vowel is long like "lie" and an accent mark before the second syllable indicating that syllable is stressed). An audio English pronunciation from Howsay agrees.A commenter to the name here at BtN gives it as "English pronunciation: lie-KUR-gus" (agreeing with the two previous sources) and same commenter adds "Latin: LEE-koor-goos (or -kuur-goos)". Found two audio Latin pronunciations, one at Forvo and one at Pronouncenames in agreement with the commenter, aside from one sounding more like the name, Gus, at the end, rather than "goos", but definitely with the stressed "LEE" rather than unstressed "lie".
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