Re: UK BAs 2005 :]
in reply to a message by Evey
I like / love *
Sophie Isabella **
Lucy Elizabeth **
Serena Lucinda
Hannah Louise
Lydia Rose
Annabel Emilia
Charlotte Mary *
Luca Rebecca *
Kitty Ellenora, spelt Eleanora
Olivia Annabelle **
Alice Miranda *
Abbie May
Charlotte Emma *
Alexandra Elizabeth *
Poppy Olivia Rose
Emilia Rachel *
Cecilia Emily
Louise Beatrice
Amelia Jane **
Polly Mary *
Emma Rose **
Madeleine Alice **
Lucy Ann **, spelt Anne
Melissa Louise
Emily **
Lily Grace **
Ella Sarah **
Lily Mabel **
Emily Rebecca *
Beatrice Rose
Ruby Ann **, spelt Anne
Grace Elizabeth **
Pollyanna *
Esme Florence
Alice Sophia Jane *
Isabelle **
Holly Victoria *
Lilly Florence **, spelt Lily
Daisy May
Sophie Ellen Raye **, spelt Rae
Bella Charlotte
Lucy Charlotte **
Clementine Rose *
Samantha Jayne
Leah Ruth
Emma Louise **
Annabelle Elizabeth Margot
Alexandra Diana *
Harry John Daniel **
Thomas Christopher
Rory Joseph William **
Thomas Michael
Tristan John
Max Oliver *
Freddie James **
Arthur Edward *
Edward Jonathan George *
Luca **
Freddie William Oliver **
Caspar Jack *
Thomas Austin
Harry John Charles
Freddie Peter Michael
James **
Thomas George
John Christopher
William Jack
James Thomas **
Tobias William *
Louie Thomas, spelt Louis
Charles William
Max Arthur
Joseph Alexander **
Samuel Peter **
Orlando *
Henry John Francis
Oliver Edward Henry *
Arthur Patrick Henry
Thomas and Olivia **
Kitty and Freddie **
Jacob Charles and Emily Louise **
Sophie Isabella **
Lucy Elizabeth **
Serena Lucinda
Hannah Louise
Lydia Rose
Annabel Emilia
Charlotte Mary *
Luca Rebecca *
Kitty Ellenora, spelt Eleanora
Olivia Annabelle **
Alice Miranda *
Abbie May
Charlotte Emma *
Alexandra Elizabeth *
Poppy Olivia Rose
Emilia Rachel *
Cecilia Emily
Louise Beatrice
Amelia Jane **
Polly Mary *
Emma Rose **
Madeleine Alice **
Lucy Ann **, spelt Anne
Melissa Louise
Emily **
Lily Grace **
Ella Sarah **
Lily Mabel **
Emily Rebecca *
Beatrice Rose
Ruby Ann **, spelt Anne
Grace Elizabeth **
Pollyanna *
Esme Florence
Alice Sophia Jane *
Isabelle **
Holly Victoria *
Lilly Florence **, spelt Lily
Daisy May
Sophie Ellen Raye **, spelt Rae
Bella Charlotte
Lucy Charlotte **
Clementine Rose *
Samantha Jayne
Leah Ruth
Emma Louise **
Annabelle Elizabeth Margot
Alexandra Diana *
Harry John Daniel **
Thomas Christopher
Rory Joseph William **
Thomas Michael
Tristan John
Max Oliver *
Freddie James **
Arthur Edward *
Edward Jonathan George *
Luca **
Freddie William Oliver **
Caspar Jack *
Thomas Austin
Harry John Charles
Freddie Peter Michael
James **
Thomas George
John Christopher
William Jack
James Thomas **
Tobias William *
Louie Thomas, spelt Louis
Charles William
Max Arthur
Joseph Alexander **
Samuel Peter **
Orlando *
Henry John Francis
Oliver Edward Henry *
Arthur Patrick Henry
Thomas and Olivia **
Kitty and Freddie **
Jacob Charles and Emily Louise **