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Re: C birth announcements
in reply to a message by Sofia
I like:
Charles Albert Dougal (not so crazy about Dougal, though)
Charles Isaac
Charles William David
Florence and William Jacob (I love Florence! I wish it were more popular here in the US)
Charlie Joseph (though I really would've preferred Charles instead of Charlie)
Christopher David- I really like the nickname Kit
Gabriel John
Charlotte Joyce
Charlotte Rose (not very original, but still pretty)
Isabelle and William Jack
Clara Sophia Jane (even though I don't get the whole '2 middle names' thing)
I had to shudder at a few though:
Coby Christopher- I like Christopher, but 'Coby' ceases to sound cute once the boy is ten.
Cameron Grace- Cameron for a girl=horrible
Casey Nicole- wayyy too outdated
Charlie Ann Louise- I don't like this Charlie trend for girls at all.
Chloe Rose Emily- 2 trendy first names plus one overused middle name... Not so good. Overall, I think the names given to babies across the pond are way better than the ones given to American babies these days!
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