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Re: BAs from UK
in reply to a message by Sofia
Kitty Penelope - Penelope is adorable, but not with Kitty.
Marni Sky Lucia - Narni Sky is cute! Adding Lucia to it seems a bit much.
Poppy May - It's cute.
Poppy Theodora - Eh.
Rose Charlotte - I like it.
Rose Susanna - Not a fan of Susanna (especially this spelling.)
Rosie Antonia Hepworth - It's alright
Stella Mary - I don't like this.
Stevie Belle - This is cute.
Teresa Margaret - Eh.
Willa Mary Rae - Not my style.
Xanthe Isobel Olive - Too much.
Xanthe Mary Daisy - Again, too much.
Zoe Vuong - Not a fan.
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