[Facts] Re: Lol, no-one's trying to offend you!
in reply to a message by Chrisell
Ok, there is no prob... It' just that I'm not first language English speaker and have lost most of it so I need to use some circumlocution in order to be sure I'm being gramatically correct (leading to longer more complex sentences), furthermore punctuation may be different in Spanish and English (not very different but enough as to make problems).... Even in Spanish I write in a complex way according to what I've been told and I can't do much about it 'cause I write as I do 'cause I find it simple and cannot understand what is the problem with the way I'm writting, maybe I abuse of the ellipsis... I've always had problems with paragraphs, sorry for that... The Spanish reference I meant was mostly just a comment, a comment made to indicate that names could mean "pounder", a gift for those who do know or have access to finding out about Spanish, being not essential I didn't thought it would be a problem to readers... My title wasn't really an accusation but just a question for I sensed some problem going on and wanted to be sure what problem it was; now I see the problem is the troll... So... Peace and love; bye.