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[Opinions] Re: Maybe down to three names for our daughter. Opinions wanted
I would personally not care about the "sorrow" / "regret" meatning of Rue. It has a meaning outside of its etymology (being a herb and most known for being something from nature), its not like you're considering actually naming her Dagny Regret Davis Have you seen one of the possible meanings for Mary? "Sea of Bitterness" is not a charming meaning, and Persephone? "murder" like yikes but both are nice names and have been used My personal order of the names are Verity, Sybil and Dagny. Never heard of Dagny before and while I don't think its my taste, I think its interesting and I feel it'll grow on me a little I vote for:1. Dagny Liesl Davis
2. Dagny Vera DavisI don't think Love and Sybil have the same flow for Dagny1. Sybil Dagny Davis
2. Sybil Verity DavisAgain, I'm not convinced Love flows well, I think it might be it's a one-syllable name next to short names. If the names were longer like Persephone Love Davis or Delphina Love Davis, then it'd work better1. Verity Love Davis
2. Verity Liesl DavisNow this time because Verity is a three syllable name, Love flowes very well with it and is my top pick for Verity's middle in terms of flowIf I had to choose an overall name, however, considering both first and middle options, I think Verity Liesl Davis is the best name :)~oOo~oOo~oOo~"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, (2020)

This message was edited 2/12/2025, 1:56 PM

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