[Facts] Re: My column on Lacey
Interesting as always - thank you! And, to add to your Lacie collecion, in Alice in Wonderland the Dormouse starts to tell a story, but falls asleep before getting very far. The beginning is: "Once upon a time there were three little sisters... and their names were Elsie, Lacie and Tillie." Elsie = L.C., the real-life Alice's elder sister Lorina Charlotte, then Lacie is an anagram of Alice and Tillie is a nn for Matilda, the family nn of a younger sister, actually named Edith.
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My column on Lacey  ·  clevelandkentevans  ·  8/29/2021, 10:02 AM
Re: My column on Lacey  ·  Anneza  ·  8/31/2021, 2:54 AM
Re: My column on Lacey  ·  ClaudiaS  ·  8/29/2021, 4:32 PM
Re: My column on Lacey  ·  Miranda Iris  ·  12/30/2021, 5:06 PM