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[Games] Generation CAF 11 [with rules]
DH [dec aged 100] FN and MN are between 10-20 in 1918 [LN : Breen Jaeger Darby Winslow Whitmore]
DW [97] FN and MN are between 50-60 in 1921 [LN : Devlin Newberry Castro Leavitt Lindsay]DD1 [76] FN is mothers MN, MN is between 20-30 in 1942
DD2 [74] FN is between 50-60 in 1944, MN is mothers FN
DD3 [73] FN and MN are between 1-10 in 1945
DS1 [70] Fathers name
DD4 & DS2 [68] FN and MN are between 70-80 in 1950 // FN and MN are between 20-30 in 1950
DD5 [64] FN and MN are between 30-40 in 1954*
DD1 [76]
DH [76] FN and MN are between 1-10 in 1942 [LN : Lancaster Carver Guthrie Fulton Byers]DS [54] Fathers name
- DW [51] Initials are CSA
- DD [28] Mothers name reversed
- DD [27] Grandmothers name
-- DH [32] FN, MN and LN begin with the same letter
-- DS [3] FN and MN are unisex
-- DS [2m] FN and MN are unisex
- DS [25] Fathers name
-- DW [25] FN, MN and LN are Scottish
-- DD [exp] FN is Scottish, MN is a colour
- DD [22] FN and MN are classic/traditional
- DD [20] FN and MN are classic/traditional
-- Dgf [23] Initials are AVF and are Italian
- DD [20] FN and MN are classic/traditional
- DS [15] FN and MN are classic/traditionalDD [52] Mothers name reversed
- ExH [52] FN is one syllable, MN is 3 syllables [LN : Costello Delaney Kinney Odell Law]
-- DD [34] FN and MN are between 10-20 in 1984
--- ExBf [34] FN and MN are between 30-40 in 1984 [LN : Barlow Marino Espinosa Daly Vogel]
--- DS [15] FN and MN are between 100-120 in 2003
--- DD [14] FN and MN are between 100-120 in 2004
-- DS [31] FN and MN are between 10-20 in 1987
- DH [51] FN and MN are Hawaiian [LN : Wilson Smith Wang Thompson Garcia]
-- DD [24] FN is between 80-100 in Hawaii [use :], MN is Hawaiian
-- DD [22] FN is between 60-80 in Hawaii [use :], MN is Hawaiian
--- DH [26] FN and MN are uncommon Spanish names [Aguado Blanco De la Cruz Garza Marquez]
-- DD [18] FN is between 40-50 in Hawaii [use :], MN is Hawaiian DD [50] FN and MN is between 90-100 in 1968
- DH [50] FN and MN are popular Spanish names [LN : Mendez Montero Ortega Ramos Reyes]
- DD [14] FN is Spanish, MN is her mothers FNDD [47] FN and MN is between 100-110 in 1971
- ExH [49] FN and MN is between 30-40 in 1969 [LN : Kuhn Hartley McFadden Britt Cortes]
- DD [24] FN and MN were popular in 1994
- DS [21] FN and MN were popular in 1997
- DD [18] FN and MN were popular in 2000 DD [45] FN and MN is between 130-140 in 1973
- DH [45] FN, MN and LN are Polish
- DS [16] FN is trendy but NOT in the top 100, MN is his fathers FN
- DS [14] FN is trendy, but NOT in the top 100, MN is his fathers MN
- DD [11] FN is trendy, but NOT in the top 100, MN is Polish
- DS [8] FN is trendy, but NOT in the top 100, MN is Polish DS [42] FN and MN is between 100-110 in 1976
- ExGf [41] FN and MN is between 50-60 in 1975 [Alford Emerson Lange Quintero Finch]
-- DD [25] FN and MN is between 40-50 in 1993
--- Dfiance [28] FN and MN are common last names [LN : Flanagan Kendall Camp McLeod Kaplan]
- DW [39] FN, MN and LN are Italian
-- DD [15] FN and MN are between 50-100 in Italy
-- DD [12] FN and MN are between 50-100 in Italy
-- DS [10] FN and MN are between 50-100 in Italy
-- DD [exp] FN and MN are between 50-100 in Italy *
DD2 [74]
DH [78] Initials are GSR DS [50] Initials are WG
- DW [40] FN, MN and LN are Estonian
- DS [7] FN is a classic, MN is Estonian DS [45] Initials are AF
- DW [42] Initials are CV [LN : Tracy Holley Gibbons Byrne Tillman]
- DD [17] FN and MN are between 120-135 in USA 2001
-- Dbf [19] FN is a 'jock' name, MN is after a US college [LN : Kessler Connolly Hatcher Joyner Hilton]
-- DD [nb] FN and MN are between 950-970 in the USA
- DD [14] FN and MN are between 150-165 in USA 2004
- DD [10] FN and MN are between 200-215 in USA 2008 *
DD3 [73]
DH [75] FN, MN and LN are popular Italian names DD [50] FN is between 50-100 in USA 1968, MN is Italian
- ADD [11] FN is a long feminine Italian name, MN is Korean DS [48] Fathers name
- DW [44] Initials are CAR and Italian
- DS [16] Fathers name reversed
- DS [13] FN and MN are Italian and has the same initials as his brother
- DS [11] FN and MN are Italian and has the same initials as his brothers
- DD [6] FN and MN are Italian and the same initials as her mothers DS [45] FN is between 50-100 in 1973, MN is Italian
- DW [38] FN, MN and LN are Irish
- DS [9] FN is popular in Italy, MN is a popular Irish name
- DD [6] FN is a popular Irish name, MN is popular in Italy
- DD [2] FN is a popular Irish name, MN is popular in Italy DS [42] FN is between 50-100 in 1975, MN is Italian
- DW [42] FN and MN is between 15-25 in 1975 [LN : Wills Sharpe Pierson Hollis Magana]
- DS [12] FN and MN are between 70-85 in 2006
- DD [9] FN and MN are between 70-85 in 2009*
DS1 [70]
ExW [70] FN and MN is between 85-95 in 1948 [LN : Rutherford Knowles Lyon Dolan Hastings]DD [52] FN and MN are between 125-135 in 1966
- DH [52] FN and MN are between 85-95 in 1966 [LN : Doherty Phan Womack Lockhart Muller]
- DS [13] FN and MN are between 640-660 in 2005 DD [50] FN and MN are between 145-155 in 1968
- DH [51] FN, MN and LN are French
- DD [23] FN and MN are French
-- DH [26] FN, MN and LN are Arabic
-- DD [6m] FN is French, MN is Arabic
- DS [21] FN and MN are French
- DS [18] FN and MN are French
-- Dgf [19] Initials are NTY
- DD [16] FN and MN are French DS [47] FN and MN are between 105-115 in 1971
- exW [47] FN and MN are between 35-55 in 1971 [LN : Courtney Nicholas Langley Locke Dempsey
-- DS [26] FN and MN are between 120-130 in 1991
-- DS [23] FN and MN are between 140-150 in 1994
--- Dfiancee [21] FN is Arabic, MN is Romanian, LN is Romanian
--- DD [exp] FN is floral, MN1 is Arabic and MN2 is Romanian
- DW [42] FN, MN and LN are German
-- DS [15] FN is between 630-650 in 2003, MN is German
-- DS [14] FN is between 420-440 in 2004, MN is German
-- DD [11] FN is between 350-370 in 2007, MN is GermanDW [65] Initials are EMV DS [39] FN and MN are between 150-170 in 1979DD [35] FN and MN are between 180-200 in 1983
- DH [37] FN was popular in the 1980s, MN and LN are Hungarian
- DS [5] FN is Hungarian, but easy to pronounce in English, MN is his fathers FN
- DD [2] FN is Hungarian, but easy to pronounce in English, MN is mothers FN *
DD4 [68]
exH [70] FN and MN are classics [Dempsey McGill Kendrick Kirkpatrick Sheehan]DD [49] FN is one syllable, MN is mothers FN
- DH [51] FN is Irish, MN is English and begins with B [LN : Magee Cheng Cassidy Broussard Abraham]
- DD [27] FN is a Mac/Mc name, MN begins with her mothers FN
- DD [25] FN is trendy, MN begins with her mothers FN
-- DH [30] Initials are XLM
- DD [23] FN is trendy, MN begins with her mothers FN
- DS [20] FN is an -aden/aiden/ayden name, MN is his fathers FN
- DD [18] FN is trendy, MN begins with her mothers FN
- DD [10] FN is trendy, MN begins with her mothers FN DD [47] FN is one syllable, MN is her mothers MN
- ExH1 [48] FN and MN were popular in the 1970s [LN : Garland Rossi Saldana Simons Ziegler]
-- DD [30] FN and MN were between 30-40 in 1988
- ExH2 [50] FN and MN were popular in the 1960s [LN : Grady Gleason Padgett Tipton Curran]
-- DD [26] FN and MN were between 90-100 in 1992
--- Dfiance [30] FN, MN and LN are popular in Denmark
--- DD [nb] FN is popular in Denmark, MN is a flower
- DH [45] Initials are FED
-- DHD [24] FN is unisex, MN is a popular MN
-- DHD [22] FN is unisex, MN is a popular MN
-- DD [12] FN and MN is between 130-145 in 2006
-- DS [7] FN is between 130-145 in 2006, MN is fathers FNDD [44] FN is one syllable, MN is grandmothers FN
- DH [43] FN is a place name, MN begins with K [LN : Lund Meredith Zapata Bloom Tovar]
- DS [18] FN is unisex, MN is a place name
-- Dgf [17] FN and MN are long and girly [LN : Swift Buckner Whalen Metcalf Sanderson]
- DD [15] FN is technically a boys name, MN is a place name
- DD [13] FN is technically a boys name, MN is a place name
- DS [9] FN is unisex, MN is a place name DH [65] FN and MN are old fashioned [LN : Holbrook Hollingsworth Barrios Segura Crenshaw]DD [36] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DH [37] FN and MN were between 50-100 in 1980s [LN : Whitlock Hawley Kohler Addison Madsen]
- DD [10] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DD [8] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DS [5] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DS [3] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DS [exp] FN and MN are old fashionedDD [33] FN and MN are old fashioned
- Dfiancee [28] FN and MN are between 50-100 in Poland, LN is Polish*
DS2 [68]
DW [62] FN, MN and LN are African DD [38] FN is biblical, MN is African
- DH [35] FN, MN and LN are popular in UK
- DS [7] FN and MN are between 320-340 in UK
- DD [4] FN and MN are between 400-420 in UK
- DS [18m] FN and MN are between 230-250 in UK
- DD [exp] FN and MN are between 600-620 in UKDD [35] FN is biblical, MN is African
- DH [36] FN and MN are uncommon [LN : Isaac Adler Jansen Schilling Naylor]
- DD [11] FN is biblical, MN begins with T
- DD [10] FN is biblical, MN begins with O
- DD [7] FN is biblical, MN begins with C
- DD [5] FN is biblical, MN begins with E
- DS [2] FN is biblical, MN is fathers FNDS [32] FN is biblical, MN is mothers maiden name
- Dgf [27] FN, MN and LN are between 40-70 in USA 1991
- DD [exp] FN and MN are between 780-800 in the USA *
DD5 [64]
DH [64] FN, MN and LN are Greek DD [36] FN and MN are Greek
- DH [41] FN, MN and LN are Greek
- DD [6] FN and MN are Greek and she has a cute nickname
- DS [3] FN and MN are Greek and has a sweet nickname DS [34] FN and MN are Greek
- DW [29] FN and MN are uncommon, but not unheard of [LN : Ellington Houghton Paxton O'Sullivan Brownlee]
- DD & DS [2] FNs are uncommon, MNs are Greek DD [31] FN and MN are Greek
- Dfiance [32] FN and MN are Japanese DD [28] FN and MN are Greek
- Dbf [28] FN is Arabic, MN is from newfangled American and LN is Arabic- - -
Poppy. Josephine. Lula. Rose. Indie. Belle. Eve. Eva
Skyler. Jack. Alexander. Jude. Albert. Francis. Mason. Ralph.
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DH dec aged 100 - Albert Thomas Breen
DW 97 - Elsie Katherine Breen [Leavitt]DD1 76 - Elizabeth Frances [Breen]
DD2 74 - Evelyn Elsie [Breen]
DD3 73 - Mary Susan [Breen]
DS1 70 - Albert Thomas Breen
DD4 68 - Charlotte Maria [Breen]
DS2 68 - Edward George Breen
DD5 64 - Connie Marilyn [Breen]*Albert and Elsie w Betty | Evie | Mary | Albie | Lottie | Teddy | Connie --
DD1 76 - Elizabeth Frances Byers [Breen]
DH 76 - John William Byers DS 54 - John William Byers
- DW 51 - Cora Sophia Byers [Anderson]
- DD 28 - Sophia Cora Byers
- DD 27 - Elizabeth Frances Lindberg [Byers]
- DH 32 - Ludovic Lyle Lindberg
- DS 3 - Jamie Addison Lindberg
- DS 2m - Skyler Mason Lindberg
*Elizabeth and Ludovic w Jamie | Skyler

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Sorry for the double post!

This message was edited 2/19/2018, 9:07 AM

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DH [dec aged 100] Edward George Darby
DW [97] Agnes Julia Newberry
DD1 [76] Julia Marilyn
DD2 [74] Rose Agnes
DD3 [73] Susan Patricia
DS1 [70] Edward George
DD4 & DS2 [68] Maria Charlotte/ Daniel Gregory
DD5 [64] Catherine Teresa Ned Darby, Agnes Darby, Julia Darby, Rose Darby, Susan Darby, George Darby, Maria Darby, Dan Darby, & Cate Darby
DD1 [76] Julia Marilyn
DH [76] Thomas David Lancaster DS [54] Thomas David
- DW [51] Claire Susanna Abbey
- DD [28] Susanna Claire
- DD [27] Julia Marilyn
-- DH [32] Truman Theodore Thorpe
-- DS [3] Aubrey Noel
-- DS [2m] Rowan Mackenzie
Julia Thorpe, Truman Thorpe, Aubrey Thorpe, & Rowan Thorpe
- DS [25] Thomas David
-- DW [25] Sorcha Lilias Falconer
-- DD [exp] Ùna Saffron
Tommy Lancaster, Sorcha Lancaster, & Ùna Lancaster
- DD [22] Eleanor Sarah
- DD [20] Violet Louisa
-- Dgf [23] Antonella Vitalia Fiore
Violet Lancaster & Nella Fiore
- DD [20] Grace Virginia
- DS [15] Isaac Philip
Tom Lancaster, Claire Lancaster, Susanna Lancaster, Julia Lancaster, Tommy Lancaster, Nora Lancaster, Violet Lancaster, Grace Lancaster, & Isaac LancasterDD [52] Marilyn Julia
- ExH [52] Rhys Kynaston Delaney
-- DD [34] Laura Elizabeth
--- ExBf [34] Patrick Charles Vogel
--- DS [15] Tristan Henry
--- DD [14] Gabriela Catherine
Laura Delaney, Patrick Vogel, Tristan Delaney, & Gabi Delaney
-- DS [31] Nicholas Robert
Marilyn Delaney, Rhys Delaney, Laura Delaney, & Nick Delaney
- DH [51] Kaleo Ikaika Wilson
-- DD [24] Eva Nalani
-- DD [22] Ruby Iolana
--- DH [26] Cosme Guiomar de la Cruz
Ruby Wilson & Cosme de la Cruz
-- DD [18] Audrey Mele
Marilyn Wilson, Kaleo Wilson, Laura Delaney, Nick Delaney, Eva Wilson, Ruby Wilson, & Audrey WilsonDD [50] Rachel Kathryn
- DH [50] Lorenzo Julian Ortega
- DD [14] Maialen Rachel
Rachel Ortega, Lorenzo Ortega, & Maia Ortega DD [47] Anna Valerie
- ExH [49] Douglas Andrew Britt
- DD [24] Alexandra Mary
- DS [21] Caroline Victoria
- DD [18] Isabella Chloe
Anna Britt, Doug Britt, Alex Britt, Carrie Britt, & Bella Britt

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This message was edited 2/19/2018, 9:52 AM

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DH [dec aged 100] Edward George Darby
DW [97] Agnes Julia Newberry
DD1 [76] Julia Marilyn
DD2 [74] Rose Agnes
DD3 [73] Susan Patricia
DS1 [70] Edward George
DD4 & DS2 [68] Maria Charlotte/ Daniel Gregory
DD5 [64] Catherine Teresa
Ned Darby, Agnes Darby, Julia Darby, Rose Darby, Susan Darby, George Darby, Maria Darby, Dan Darby, & Cate Darby
DD1 [76] Julia Marilyn
DH [76] Thomas David LancasterDS [54] Thomas David
- DW [51] Claire Susanna Abbey
- DD [28] Susanna Claire
- DD [27] Julia Marilyn
-- DH [32] Truman Theodore Thorpe
-- DS [3] Aubrey Noel
-- DS [2m] Rowan Mackenzie
Julia Thorpe, Truman Thorpe, Aubrey Thorpe, & Rowan Thorpe
- DS [25] Thomas David
-- DW [25] Sorcha Lilias Falconer
-- DD [exp] Ùna Saffron
Tommy Lancaster, Sorcha Lancaster, & Ùna Lancaster
- DD [22] Eleanor Sarah
- DD [20] Violet Louisa
-- Dgf [23] Antonella Vitalia Fiore
Violet Lancaster & Nella Fiore
- DD [20] Grace Virginia
- DS [15] Isaac Philip
Tom Lancaster, Claire Lancaster, Susanna Lancaster, Julia Lancaster, Tommy Lancaster, Nora Lancaster, Violet Lancaster, Grace Lancaster, & Isaac LancasterDD [52] Marilyn Julia
- ExH [52] Rhys Kynaston Delaney
-- DD [34] Laura Elizabeth
--- ExBf [34] Patrick Charles Vogel
--- DS [15] Tristan Henry
--- DD [14] Gabriela Catherine
Laura Delaney, Patrick Vogel, Tristan Delaney, & Gabi Delaney
-- DS [31] Nicholas Robert
Marilyn Delaney, Rhys Delaney, Laura Delaney, & Nick Delaney
- DH [51] Kaleo Ikaika Wilson
-- DD [24] Eva Nalani
-- DD [22] Ruby Iolana
--- DH [26] Cosme Guiomar de la Cruz
Ruby Wilson & Cosme de la Cruz
-- DD [18] Audrey Mele
Marilyn Wilson, Kaleo Wilson, Laura Delaney, Nick Delaney, Eva Wilson, Ruby Wilson, & Audrey WilsonDD [50] Rachel Kathryn
- DH [50] Lorenzo Julian Ortega
- DD [14] Maialen Rachel
Rachel Ortega, Lorenzo Ortega, & Maia OrtegaDD [47] Anna Valerie
- ExH [49] Douglas Andrew Britt
- DD [24] Alexandra Mary
- DS [21] Caroline Victoria
- DD [18] Isabella Chloe
Anna Britt, Doug Britt, Alex Britt, Carrie Britt, & Bella Britt

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DH [dec aged 100] Henry Thomas Jaeger
DW [97] Emma Julia [Newberry] JaegerDD1 [76] Julia Elizabeth [Jaeger] Fulton
DD2 [74] Rose Emma Jaeger
DD3 [73] Mary Judith Jaeger
DS1 [70] Henry Thomas Jaeger "Thomas"
DD4 & DS2 [68] Charlotte Lynn Jaeger / Daniel Mark Jaeger
DD5 [64] Catherine Paula JaegerHenry & Emma; Julia, Rose, Mary, Thomas, Charlotte, Daniel, and Catherine*
DD1 [76] Julia Elizabeth [Jaeger] Fulton
DH [76] William James FultonJulia & William; James, Elizabeth, Rachel, Anna, Natalie, and AlexanderDS [54] William James Fulton "James"
- DW [51] Camille Sarah Anderson
- DD [28] Sarah Camille Fulton

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This message was edited 2/18/2018, 4:17 PM

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DH [dec aged 100] Henry Thomas [LN: Darby]
DW [97] Elsie Agnes [LN: Lindsay]
DD1 [76] Agnes Virginia
DD2 [74] Rose Elsie (Rosie)
DD3 [73] Mary Sandra (Polly)
DS1 [70] Henry Thomas (Hal)
DD4 & DS2 [68] Charlotte Lynn and Roger Lawrence
DD5 [64] Teresa Catherine (Tessa)
DD1 [76] Agnes Virginia
DH [76] James Richard [LN: Lancaster]
DS [54] James Richard (Jamie)
- DW [51] Calla Seraphina [LN: Augustine]
- DD [28] Seraphina Calla
- DD [27] Agnes Virginia
-- DH [32] Montgomery Magnus [LN: McAllister] (Mobty)
-- DS [3] Rory Gray
-- DS [2m] Nico Rowan
- DS [25] James Richard (Jem)
-- DW [25] Rowena Adair [LN: Sinclair]
-- DD [exp] Davina Lavender
- DD [22] Georgia Cornelia (Georgie)
- DD [20] Wilhelmina Genevieve (Willa)
-- Dgf [23] Alessandra Viola [LN: Fiore]
- DD [20] Matilda Hermione
- DS [15] Archibald Humphrey (Archie)
DD [52] Virginia Agnes (Ginny)
- ExH [52] Jude Tennyson [LN: Law]
-- DD [34] Elizabeth Danielle (Libby)
--- ExBf [34] Charles Benjamin [LN: Barlow] (Chuck)
--- DS [15] Tristan Henry
--- DD [14] Gracie Isabelle
-- DS [31] Nicholas Robert
- DH [51] Kai Makeo [LN: Wilson]
-- DD [24] Clara Kalani
-- DD [22] Athena Moanna
--- DH [26] Cayo Navarro [LN: De la Cruz]
-- DD [18] Malia Kaia
DD [50] Anna Melanie
- DH [50] Lazzaro Diego [LN: Reyes]
- DD [14] Catalina Anna
DD [47] Veronica Valerie (Vera)
- ExH [49] George Andrew [LN: Britt]
- DD [24] Nicole Hannah
- DS [21] Samuel Matthew (Sam)
- DD [18] Emily Victoria
DD [45] Julia Natalie
- DH [45] Konrad Kasper [LN: Zima]
- DS [16] Miles Konrad
- DS [14] Beckett Kasper (Beck)
- DD [11] Juliet Zofia (Jett)
- DS [8] Holden Zenon
DS [42] Alexander Damon (Sasha)
- ExGf [41] Sara Sandra [LN: Emerson] (Sadie)
-- DD [25] Maria Olivia
--- Dfiance [28] Penn Sullivan [LN: Kendall]
- DW [39] Bianca Eleonora [LN: Serafino]
-- DD [15] Cecilia Valentina
-- DD [12] Eva Celeste
-- DS [10] Massimo Sebastian
-- DD [exp] Lavinia Maddalena
DD2 [74] Rose Elsie (Rosie)
DH [78] Gideon Simon [LN: Riddle]
DS [50] Willoughby Graham

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DH - Walter Raymond Winslow Sr. [Deceased, aged 100]
DW - Emma Juanita {Castro} Winslow [97]DD1 - Juanita Marilyn {Winslow} Fulton [76]
-DH - James Thomas Fulton Sr. [76]
-DS - James Thomas Fulton Jr. [54]
--DW - Carissa Samantha {Alexander} Fulton [51]
--DD - Samantha Carissa [28]
--DD - Juanita Marilyn {Fulton} Nolan [27]
---DH - Nicholas Nathaniel Nolan [32]
---DS - Sawyer Addison [3]
---DS - Devon Hollis [2 months]
--DS - James Thomas Fulton III [25]
---DW - Moira Sheenan {Craig} Fulton [25]
---DD - Elspeth Ruby [Expecting]
--DD - Alexandria Hannah [22]
--DD - Philippa Temperance Fulton [20]
---Dgf - Alessia Viviana Fierro [23]
--DD - Elizabeth Tabitha [20]
--DS - Sebastian Vincent [15]
-DD - Marilyn Juanita {Fulton} Garcia [52]
--Ex-DH - Zane Benjamin Kinney [52]
--DH - Kaimana Mikala Garcia [51]
--DD - Rachel Amber Kinney [34]
---Ex-Dbf - Jacob Charles Vogel [34]
---DS - Tristan Garrett [15]
---DD - Jade Isabelle [14]
--DS - Eric William [31]
--DD - Naia Hokulani [24]
--DD - Teagan Noelani Garcia [22]
---DH - Grimaldo Jimeno Marquez [26]
--DD - Zoe Leilani [18]
-DD - April Melinda {Fulton} Ramos [50]
--DH - Pablo Alvaro Ramos [50]
--DD - Elena April [14]
-DD - Erica Valerie Fulton [47]
--Ex-DH - George Andrew Britt [49]
--DD - Taylor Jessica [24]
--DS - David Matthew [21]
--DD - Brianna Emily [18]
-DD - Julia Kristine {Fulton} Krakowski [45]
--DH - Filip Walerian Krakowski [45]
--DS - Ryder Filip [16]
--DS - Axel Walerian [14]
--DD - Yasmin Dorota [11]
--DS - Hayden Joachim [8]
-DS - Victor Alexander Fulton [42]
--Ex-Dgf - Tanya Katherine Emerson [41]
--DW - Romina Vincenza {Moretti} Fulton [39]
--DD - Cynthia Danielle Emerson [25]
---Dfiance - Russell Howard McLeod [28]
--DD - Claudia Federica [15]
--DD - Lucrezia Agnese [12]
--DS - Sebastian Valerio [10]
--DD - Valentina Angela [Expecting]DD2 - Evelyn Emma {Winslow} Roberts [74]
-DH - Gregory Simon Roberts [78]
-DS - Wyatt Gregory Roberts [50]
--DW - Laura Tuule {Kuut} Roberts [40]
--DS - Benjamin Rasmus [7]

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DH [dec aged 100] Albert Henry Winslow
DW [97] Elsie Sarah Winslow [Leavitt]DD1 [76] Sarah Elizabeth [Winslow]
DD2 [74] Charlotte Elsie [Winslow]
DD3 [73] Nancy Mary [Winslow]
DS1 [70] Albert Henry Winslow
DD4 [68] Marcia Marie [Winslow]
DS2 [68] Edward Daniel Winslow
DD5 [64] Connie Marilyn [Winslow]Albert* and Elsie || Sarah, Charlotte, Nancy, Bertie, Marcia, Teddy and Connie*
DD1 [76] Sarah Elizabeth Byers [Winslow]
DH [76] John Robert Byers DS [54] John Robert Byers
- DW [51] Clara Sophie Byers [Anderson]
- DD [28] Sophie Clara Byers
- DD [27] Sarah Elizabeth Jenner [Byers]
- DH [32] Jesse James Jenner

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DH [dec aged 100] Arthur Henry Winslow
DW [97] Agnes Katherine [Lindsay] Winslow DD1 [76] Katherine Helen Winslow
DD2 [74] Rose Agnes Winslow
DD3 [73] Nancy Patricia Winslow
DS1 [70] Arthur Henry Winslow
DD4 & DS2 [68] Sally Charlotte Winslow / Gregory Daniel Winslow
DD5 [64] Paula Marilyn Winslow Arthur and Agnes Winslow
Katherine, Rose, Nancy, Art, Sally, Greg, and Paula
DD1 [76] Katherine Helen [Winslow] Guthrie
DH [76] James William Guthrie Katherine and Jim Guthrie
James, Helen, April, Anna, Natalie, and Alex
DS [54] James William Guthrie
- DW [51] Cassandra Sophia [Allford] Guthrie
- DD [28] Sophia Cassandra Guthrie
- DD [27] Katherine Helen [Guthrie] Oxford
-- DH [32] Oliver Orlando Oxford
-- DS [3] Ashton Sage Oxford
-- DS [2m] Finley Harper Oxford
- DS [25] James William Guthrie
-- DW [25] Catriona Greer [MacDaniel] Guthrie
-- DD [exp] Maisie Lavender Guthrie
- DD [22] Eleanor Ruth Guthrie
- DD [20] Victoria Josephine Guthrie
-- Dgf [23] Alba Vincenza Filippi
- DD [20] Grace Margaret Guthrie
- DS [15] Charles Joseph Guthrie James and Cassie Guthrie
Sophia, Kate, Jamie, Nora, Tori, Grace, and Charlie~Kate and Oliver Oxford
Ash and FinJamie and Catriona Guthrie
MaisieTori Guthrie and Alba Filippi
DD [52] Helen Katherine [Guthrie] Wang
- ExH [52] Jack Benjamin Odell
-- DD [34] Amy Elizabeth Odell
--- ExBf [34] Scott Jeremy Vogel
--- DS [15] Vincent Marcus Vogel
--- DD [14] Angela Daniela Vogel
-- DS [31] Brandon Nicholas Odell
- DH [51] Kapena Maleko Wang
-- DD [24] Olivia Momi Wang
-- DD [22] Natasha Noelani Wang
--- DH [26] Sancho Natalio de la Cruz
-- DD [18] Faith Elikapeka WangHelen Wang and Jack Odell
Amy and BrandonHelen and Kapena Wang
Olivia, Natasha, and Faith~Amy Odell and Scott Vogel
Vincent and AngelaNatasha Wang and Sancho de la Cruz
DD [50] April Yolanda [Guthrie] Ramos
- DH [50] Leonardo Mateo Ramos
- DD [14] Nydia April Ramos April and Leo Ramos
DD [47] Anna Veronica Guthrie

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This message was edited 2/18/2018, 9:24 AM

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