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[Opinions] Patience
Patience is a name that I used to like. As with Mercy, I liked its Puritan vibe and thought it sounds pretty. There was an undercurrent of creepiness because of Patience Worth, but that sort of added to its appeal. Recently, however, a very very bad association has caused me to feel sick when I hear it.What do you think of Patience?
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It's pretty but it's not my favorite. It's a bit out there and yet it's not. It would be a quiet, surprisingly choice.
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I like it. I always immediately think of the character from Firefly who shot Mal (a bit), but the name's still nice (even if she really kind of isn't). There's also a character in the 'Realm of the Elderlings' (where many characters have virtue/word names including Verity, Mishap, Regal, Desire, Dutiful, and Shrewd) named Patience, and that's a far nicer association. As far as virtue names go, I do prefer Prudence, but Patience is still quite nice. :)

This message was edited 7/24/2015, 1:10 AM

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I like it, it makes me think of a sweet girl with large, curious eyes who usually sits under a tree with a book in her lap, though she's too busy watching the birds and clouds and dragonflies to really pay attention to what she's supposed to be reading.I'm using it for a character in a project of mine, though, and she's kind of the opposite of that (hearty laughter). She's a moody, punk kid with wild hair and clothes. So, I guess I think it's versatile, at least.
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I love it.
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I should like this, since I like Temperance, Verity and Hope, but I don't. The only think I can think of is a patient at a hospital and the fact that the word ultimately means "suffering".
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The are some words which work well as names, the there are others, which to me, are just words. Patience is one of the latter. Sorry, it's not for me.
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I really like Patience, for the reasons you stated - satisfyingly creepy Puritan prettiness. Also it makes me think of flowers - maybe because of impatiens. Which makes me think of my mom, because she's got a thing for impatiens. Though I really enjoy it and would love to meet one, I wouldn't want to be a Patience. It's a bit too darling. Although it would be rad to meet a Pat/Patty/Patsy who was a Patience. I love Patience as a middle name, it adds a gentle quirkiness.
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I'm sorry Patience got wrecked for you. :(I have yet to meet someone with the name, so it's all word to me for now. Which doesn't mean it's bad, necessarily, just that it is heavily associated with it's definition. So I find it really hard to picture reasonably bellowing down the sidewalk for my two-year-old Patience that took off on me. Word names are just tough for me like that, especially virtue ones. On the sound of it alone, I don't love Patience. I feel like it needs some zip. Like maybe Patienza or something, lol.
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I think virtue names are tricky, for obvious reasons. What if you name a kid Patience and she turns out to be the most impatient person you have ever known?Anyway, I don't really think of this as a name because I've never met a person IRL who carried it. It's just a word to me.
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I think of Patience more as a virtue or long-term goal, rather than a short-term personality trait. Like, her parents had to patiently work hard at having a child, or had to be patient at some point in their lives before being together, etc. They had a goal, and patience has helped them achieve it.I don't disagree that a little Patience might be teased if she was acting impatiently, but that's not really the point I get from the word/name anyway.
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I like it in a GPish sort of way, but as Puritan virtue names go, I prefer the likes of Verity, Temperance and Charity.
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I love Temperance! I'm always forgetting about it.

This message was edited 7/23/2015, 8:52 AM

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I really like Temperance and Charity too. Also have a gp soft spot for Chastity
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Ditto Chastity but that might just be because I adore Chaz Bono. :)
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I love it. It's my number one choice for a future daughter and has been for about the past 8 years
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One of those virtue names which I really dislike. They make it appear as if the person bearing the name would only be allowed to act that way. So for example, a girl named Patience will always be associated with being patient. This is awful, sorry.
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I can really appreciate Patience, but not enough to ever consider using it, especially having just looked up Patience Worth. I'd be very excited to meet a Patience, though.
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Well, it is a very important word; I actually wear a bracelet every day to remind myself to be patient, as I have trouble with this. ;) I really like it as a middle name, but I don't realistically enjoy it as a first name.I would rank the P virtue names as follows:1. Pleasance
2. Prudence
3. PatienceI guess I'd pick it last as a name because patience is a word used more in every day conversation.
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I actually knew a nurse named Patience. She was Haitian, I think. The name suited her because she was very gentle and patient. But I don't like it as a name, it's just too much of a word and not quite enough of a name.
It's waaay better than Prudence.
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what would you nn her? Patty? lol
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What's wrong with Patty?
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oh, nothing! I just can't think of any nns for Patience, that's all.

This message was edited 7/23/2015, 8:39 AM

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I like Pate, myself, but at the same time I don't think Patience is the kind of name that's in terrible need of a nn. It looks long written down, but it's pretty short when spoken.
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It's only two syllables long, it doesn't really need a nickname!
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I like Payshe just cant decide how to spell it
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