[Opinions] Just a question
in reply to a message by rascaldog
you know that of those only Eden is just a girls name, so naming your son jody isn't shocking like it is when you name your daughter Mason
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet
Actually Eden isn't really female, it just states it is, it's really unisex.
Actually, Eden's male too...
There's a male Eden mentioned in the Bible (2 Chronicles 29:12 and 2 Chronicles 31:15).

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
There's a male Eden mentioned in the Bible (2 Chronicles 29:12 and 2 Chronicles 31:15).

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Oh thanks, I didn't know that.
To my sweet muse
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet
Every time you rip my heart out
Every time you break it
I pick up the pen I hold in my hands
And write the most beautiful poems
But you know what
If it's alright by you
I'd rather be happy than a poet
ya, but all those names are still more commonly used on girls nowadays. And Eden is considered a unisex name.
It's not the same thing, is the point, you see. "More commonly used on girls" does not mean the same thing as "conventionally used as a name for females only." People might expect Eden to be a girl, but they wouldn't be as flabbergasted by it on a boy as they would if the boy's name were Annabelle.
Mason on a girl, however, isn't IMO one hundred percent conventionally male anyway. It's too new as a common usage. It does seem ugly to me as a woman's or girl's name, but more because the surname and the "stone mason" meaning make it tough and cold to the point of being comical. Like .. like naming a girl Rock. Sorry. I guess possible nickname Masie could rescue her when she was feeling inclined not to conceal her sex.
- chazda

Mason on a girl, however, isn't IMO one hundred percent conventionally male anyway. It's too new as a common usage. It does seem ugly to me as a woman's or girl's name, but more because the surname and the "stone mason" meaning make it tough and cold to the point of being comical. Like .. like naming a girl Rock. Sorry. I guess possible nickname Masie could rescue her when she was feeling inclined not to conceal her sex.
- chazda

This message was edited 2/16/2006, 7:59 PM