[Facts] Meaning of my name and where does it comes from
Kindly forward Meaning of my name and where does it comes from:
My names: Patricia Alexandria Magreth
My husband: Jakob
Our son: Ntintin Antuan Gift
Sent to pam@iway.na
Kindly forward Meaning of my name and where does it comes from:
My names: Patricia Alexandria Magreth
My husband: Jakob
Our son: Ntintin Antuan Gift
Sent to pam@iway.na
Ntintin sounds made up and the whole name screams hoax... sorry. Otherwise, use the search function. It's not difficult and probably easier and quicker than email.
Click on Patricia, Alexandria, and Jakob.
As for your son's name, Antuan is probably a phonetic adaptation of Antoine.
As for your son's name, Antuan is probably a phonetic adaptation of Antoine.