[Opinions] Re: Oreius
in reply to a message by Seda*
I like Orion better.
Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.
Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.
But Orion is pronounce OH-rye-on..like the constellation.
Btw, is your name really Una or are you just going by that because you like it?

Btw, is your name really Una or are you just going by that because you like it?

I've never heard Orion pronunced that way. It's generally oh-RYE-an (like O'Ryan).
"Phineas. That's an interesting name."
"Yeah. It's Latin for 'kick me'."
"Yeah. It's Latin for 'kick me'."
That's pretty close to what I typed. I couldn't really decide where to emphasize it. hehe.
I used to know a boy whose name was O'Ryan and it sounded very close to how I say Orian except I make Ryan end with more of an -an than -on sound. I think we're probablt saying it the same or very close.

I used to know a boy whose name was O'Ryan and it sounded very close to how I say Orian except I make Ryan end with more of an -an than -on sound. I think we're probablt saying it the same or very close.

My name's really Kyler. Una is a character name. ^^
Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.
Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.
Ah, well, alright. I've really started liking Oona though so I was just wondering. Good screen name choice. :)
