[Facts] DEIRDRE-DEIRE (gallego- Español)
I want to inform you my daugther has the name translated to spanish, Deirdre to Deire. The history is really funny, because I chose that name due to a theatral work, Deidre of the sorrows, in Gallician lenguage. At the moment, she only has this name.
Deire is not Galician, nor Spanish for Deirdre
En galego, a obra é Deirdre das dores, non Deire das dores. Y en castellano, la obra es Deirdre de los dolores, no Deire de los dolores.
Then, Deire is not Galician and it is not, of course, Spanish.
En galego, a obra é Deirdre das dores, non Deire das dores. Y en castellano, la obra es Deirdre de los dolores, no Deire de los dolores.
Then, Deire is not Galician and it is not, of course, Spanish.
Deirdre is Celtic....
Yes, I know...
But in his/her post, star says:
"I want to inform you my daugther has the name translated to spanish, Deirdre to Deire. The history is really funny, because I chose that name due to a theatral work, Deidre of the sorrows, in Gallician lenguage. At the moment, she only has this name."
And I wanted to remark the incorrection of the first affirmation and of the possibility of Deire as Galician version of Deirdre.
But in his/her post, star says:
"I want to inform you my daugther has the name translated to spanish, Deirdre to Deire. The history is really funny, because I chose that name due to a theatral work, Deidre of the sorrows, in Gallician lenguage. At the moment, she only has this name."
And I wanted to remark the incorrection of the first affirmation and of the possibility of Deire as Galician version of Deirdre.