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[Facts] How about Alípio?
Hello, my name is Alípio and i´m portuguese (male, caucasian). I was wondering if you could give me some more info about my first name. It is a quite rare name even here in Portuga; I suppose its origin is greek-roman, since there was a St. Alipius (about 360 AD) who was St. Augustine fellow, i think. But i still don't know what does it mean. Can you help me about it? Thanks.
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If I remember right, Alipius is derived from the Greek a - not, and lypos - sad, so it literally means "not sad" (though "joyful" would probably be a better interpretation).
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Thanks Ivayla.
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Ivayla is right!Alípio: Significa o que não tem tristeza e indica uma pessoa extrovertida e falante que chama a atenção em qualquer roda social. Tende a gastar todas as suas economias em objetos sofisticados.Hope this helps e boa sorte!
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Obrigado Magia.
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