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[Surname] Embury, Bryden, Lipscombe...
Embury :

The following text is taken from:

[...Embery :
is a variant of the surname Amery which is an English Patronymic name. The name was brought to the British Isles with the Normans, many of whom were referenced by the towns they emigrated from, or by the Norman given names of their fathers. Amery is derived from Old French amal =bravery + ric =power, and derivatives include Amory, Emery, Emary, Emberry, Embrey , and Imbrey , among others....]

Embury is just another variant of Embery and the rest.

Though i have to say:

Gender: Masculine
Usage: Ancient Germanic
Pronounced: A-mal-rik, a-MAL-rik   [key]
Extra Info: Related Names
Options: Contribute Information
Derived from the Germanic elements amal "work, labour" and ric "power". This was the name of two rulers of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century.)

Those are Germanic elements and not Old French (important difference).

The same site, also backs up the meaning of Emery. Search for 'Emory', then click on 'Emery' and then on 'Emeric'. There it says: 'work rule', which is the same basically as Amalric.


According to
BRYDON, BRYDEN, BRIDEN. A maker of bridles

But;Britten;Brittan says:
A native of Britain, the ancient name of England. Several derivations have been given to Britain, such as Brydon or Prydyn, Welsh, the fair tribe, or brave men . Bridaoine, Gaelic, from Bri, dignity, and daoine, men. Pryddain, the fair and beautiful isle. Brait or Briand, extensive, and in, land. Brit-tane, the land of tin.

I tend to believe the latter source because of its reputation, and Prydyn is indeed the Welsh name for an area where the Picts live (as i understood, anyone know for sure?) and in that case the meaning of the first website doesn't make any sense. To add to that, a person that makes bridles is called in English a lorimer according to the following site:


[...What does the Bryden name mean?
Last Name: Bryden
1. probably a habitational name from a place now lost. The surname is most common in southwestern Scotland.
2. Reaney suggests that it is a metonymic occupational name for a bridle maker, from Old French bridon ‘bridle’....]

so, to get down to it, there are two possibilities at the moment, and it might even be related to Brighton as a result of corruption, in some families, that is.


combe as a component in surnames indeed means 'valley', but the first part I can't place. Variants are Luscombe, Lipscomb and Lustcombe.
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