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[Opinions] Re: Logan, Tatiana and Sabrina for F
in reply to a message by )(
Sabrina is...ok at best. I don't love anything about it, something about it repels me a bit. Every Sabrina I've ever known has been an absolute nightmare of a person. I've known three so far and encountered a couple more and they've all been really, really, really difficult, entitled and just awful. But the sound isn't bad, when it doesn't make me cringe either from association or for some reason I can't quite place.I really do not like Logan at all. I don't know why, it is just absolutely not a name I like in any way, shape or form. I hate the look, the sound, the feel.I dislike Tatiana a lot. It's both frosty and "trashy" (and I do intend those quotes because I hate the concept of "trashiness" and the elitism it implies but I can fr not think of another word for how I feel about this name) and yet also reminds me of Russian Tatyanas I've known, bottle-brassy and battleship-chested middle aged Russian women who take no prisoners, either your best friend or your worst enemy but absolutely unflinching in their bluntness, frugality and ingenuity, and yet they still have massive manicured talons because of course they do. Most of these Tatyanas I was on the right side of and have fond feelings towards, but the picture it paints is such a stark one I can't imagine it on a cute little kid. And I still don't like the name.
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