by snapdragon (guest)
4/17/2023, 9:43 AM
What's the book?
I'm listening to a series of podcasts written and hosted by Meg McCauly. Her pen name is Minerva Sweeney Wren, which is why the name has been on my mind. They're very well-done.
So many of the names you listed - Ursula, Marjorie, Miranda, Niobe, Vivienne - are favorites. I have really been digging Ursula lately.
I like Vesta better than Minerva. Part of the problem with Minerva is that it gives me a vibe of a very stern, angry older woman. Judgemental, incredibly snobby. The type who was hanging on to proper social status in the 1940s, decrying the end of society that people were getting so uppity.