[Facts] Re: The Romanov Family
in reply to a message by Alice
The "proper" spellings would be in Cyrillic, and for those just see the entries here: Nikolai, Aleksandra, Olga, Tatyana, Mariya, Anastasiya, and Aleksey.Those Latin spellings, btw, are generally considered the proper Romanisations of these particular Cyrillic names. However, more often than not I've seen Mariya and Anastasiya rendered without the Y.

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The Romanov Family  ·  Alice  ·  5/22/2006, 12:56 PM
Re: The Romanov Family  ·  Miranda  ·  5/22/2006, 2:18 PM
Re: The Romanov Family  ·  MariaNikolaievnaRomanova  ·  5/22/2006, 2:18 PM
Re: The Romanov Family  ·  Kaleko  ·  5/22/2006, 2:27 PM
Re: The Romanov Family  ·  MariaNikolaievnaRomanova  ·  5/22/2006, 2:35 PM
Re: The Romanov Family  ·  Kaleko  ·  5/22/2006, 2:48 PM
Re: The Romanov Family  ·  Kaleko  ·  5/22/2006, 2:54 PM
Re: The Romanov Family  ·  MariaNikolaievnaRomanova  ·  5/22/2006, 3:17 PM