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[Games] 21-24
Year 21One of Leopold's most trusted advisors, Lord Whittingham, passed away a few months ago. Leopold had known him since he was a child, and while there are several options for his replacement, but Leopold cannot bring himself to choose any of them, and so leaves his post vacant instead.
Charlotte Maria Alexandra Courtenay Fallingborg, Princess of Denmark "Lotta" [19, blonde hair, brown eyes]
Christian Frederik Nicolai Fallingborg, Crown Prince of Denmark [22, red hair, brown eyes]Alexander Christian Leopold Fallingborg, Prince of Denmark [0, red hair, brown eyes]There is great excitement over in Denmark as Lotta gives birth to a son, barely a year after she and Christian are married. Their son, Alexander, takes his second middle name from his grandfather. The entire English royal family comes over to Denmark for his christening - the 10-year-old Max and Lionel are particularly interested in their new nephew. Year 22The 15-year-old Theodore has increasingly been causing trouble for his parents, associating with the "wrong crowds" despite his parents' best attempts to stop him. Therefore, they resort to sending him to stay with Alexandra's now elderly father, a trick which worked on the twins and Katherine when they were young.
Charlotte Maria Alexandra Courtenay Fallingborg, Princess of Denmark "Lotta" [20, blonde hair, brown eyes]
Christian Frederik Nicolai Fallingborg, Crown Prince of Denmark [23, red hair, brown eyes]Alexander Christian Leopold Fallingborg, Prince of Denmark [1, red hair, brown eyes]
Dagny Helena Maria Fallingbord, Princess of Denmark [0, red hair, brown eyes]The nation is thrilled when it is announced that Lotta is again expecting. She gives birth to a healthy girl, Dagny, with the same red hair as her father. This time, only Alexandra and Katherine come to the christening. Much to Lotta's distress, Christian decides that he will serve in the army for several years at least before he must take the throne - although his regiment is unlikely to be put in too much danger, she still worries for his safety. Year 23Recently, radical positions on religion have been on the rise in Britain - this occasionally spills over into violence on the streets, which is difficult to contain.
Christian is sent with his regiment to Poland. Despite being generally very well-travelled, this is a first for him.
Thomas Leopold William Courtenay, Crown Prince of the United Kingdom [21, brown hair, green eyes]
Magdalena Sofia Maria Agustina Sanchez Courtenay, Princess of the United Kingdom [20, black hair, green eyes]Thomas is married to Magdalena, the youngest daughter of the sister of the King of Spain. It is very much not a marriage of love: while the two get along fine, there is no passion between them. Thomas is, however, thrilled at the chance to spend two weeks with his sister (and, he'll admit, his nephew and niece) when she visits for the wedding.Year 24Lionel, aged 13, finds that he has quite the talent for painting, and decides that he'll practice hard every day from now on.
Charlotte Maria Alexandra Courtenay Fallingborg, Princess of Denmark "Lotta" [22, blonde hair, brown eyes]
Christian Frederik Nicolai Fallingborg, Crown Prince of Denmark [25, red hair, brown eyes]Alexander Christian Leopold Fallingborg, Prince of Denmark [3, red hair, brown eyes]
Dagny Helena Maria Fallingbord, Princess of Denmark [2, red hair, brown eyes]
Frederik Theodor Henrik Fallingborg, Prince of Denmark [0, blonde hair, brown eyes]Christian is away on duty when Lotta gives birth to their third child, a boy who she and Christian's father decide to call Frederik.
Thomas Leopold William Courtenay, Crown Prince of the United Kingdom [22, brown hair, green eyes]
Magdalena Sofia Maria Agustina Sanchez Courtenay, Princess of the United Kingdom [21, black hair, green eyes]Edmund Oliver William Courtenay, Prince of the United Kingdom [0, brown hair, green eyes]Thomas and Magdalena welcome a son, Edmund, who naturally displaces Theodore, Max, and Lionel in the line of succession (not that they're complaining.) Unfortunately, he is born just weeks after Frederik, and so Lotta is unable to come over to England for his christening.Still und geborgen, frei ohne Sorgen
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