H: Ali Muhammet Sohelian
W: Marta Valentine [Glass] Sohelian
Ali & Marta || Wit, Nells, Cleo, Felicity and Tennyson
S1: Wit Vidal Sohelian
DW: Lyna Rashelle [Anvar] Sohelian
DD: Cassia Helene [Sohelian] Madison
-DH: Solomon Humphrey Madison
--DD: Elle Laine Madison
DD: Clara Jenelle [Sohelian] Atherton
-DH: Garrett Wallace Atherton
--DS: Lincoln Marlowe Atherton
--DS: Geoffrey Delan Atherton
--DS: Henry Emerson Atherton
Dog: Keane [male, Labrador]
Wit & Lyna || Cassia and Clara [Keane]
...Solomon & Cassia || Elle
...Garrett & Clara || Lincoln, Geoffrey and Henry
D1: Nella Florina [Sohelian] Drummond
DH: Gareth Markos Drummond
DD: Sabina Fae [Drummond] Cohen
-DH: David Habib Cohen
--DS: Everett Maynard Cohen
--DD: Kendra Harriet Cohen
DS: Aaron Bridger Drummond
-DW: Colette Berenice [Fouche] Drummond
--DD: Reagan Virginie Drummond
--DD: Cordelia Winter Drummond
--DD: Margot Helene Drummond
--DD: Jenelle Nichole Drummond
DD: Liviana Sophie [Drummond] McFarland
-DH: Troy Louis McFarland
--DD: Sophie Meredith McFarland
DD: Gemma Veronique [Drummond] Pringle
-DH: Blake William Pringle
--DS: Samuel Simon Pringle
--DS: Matthew Martin Pringle
Gareth & Nells || Sabina, Aaron, Liv and Gemma
...David & Sabina || Everett and Kendra
...Aaron & Colette || Reagan, Delia, Margot and Jenelle
...Troy & Liv || Sophie
...Blake & Gemma || Samuel and Matthew
D2: Cleo Glorianne [Sohelian] Doherty
DH: Calen East Doherty
DS: Silas Jay Doherty
-DW: Millicent Fern [Sonenberg] Doherty
--DS: Ares James Doherty
--DD: Astrid Amie Doherty
-ADD: Tamika Cleo Doherty
Dog: Aatto [male, Rottweiler]
Cal & Cleo || Silas and Mika [Aatto]
...Silas & Millicent || Ares and Astrid
D3: Felicity Apollonia [Sohelian] Acker [twin to Tennyson]
DH: Seth Doron Acker
DS: Alexis Martin Acker
--DW: Chessie Ava [Livingston] Acker
--DS: Nolan Finn Acker
DS: Daniel Palmer Acker
--DW: Emilia America [Sosa] Acker
--DD: Isla Giselle Acker
--DS: Linus David Acker
DS: Kerr Douglas Acker
-DW: Megan Priscilla [Labreck] Acker
--DD: Greta Shannon Acker
--DS: Easton Nicholas Acker
Seth & Felicity || Lex, Dan and Kerr
...Lex & Chessie || Nolan
...Dan & Emilia || Isla and Linus
...Kerr & Meg || Greta and Easton
S2:Tennyson Chance Sohelian [twin to Felicity]
DW: Priya Ami [Bhat] Sohelian
DS: Dominic Rakesh Sohelian
-DW: Dira Inbar [Chopra] Sohelian
--DS / DS: Alexander Bram Sohelian // Oliver Pace Sohelian
DD: Lucina Jane Sohelian
Cat: Hamish [male, ragamuffin]
Tennyson & Priya || Dominic and Lucy [Hamish]
...Dominic & Dira || Alexander and Oliver
** Rhett, Judah, Elliot, Calvin **
*** Gillian, Emilia, Piper ***This message was edited 9/8/2016, 10:03 AM