[Games] Congrats Emerson Family!
in reply to a message by Wintertale
Congrats Katharine, Elias, and Eliana! Please welcome
Agostina Gioconda is 1 year old and from Italy. Her parents abandoned her on the streets. She is a very happy baby. (Picture aged to 14 years):

Andrew Carlton is 3 years old and from England. He loves cars and trains. Andrew's parents died in a tragic car accident, with Andrew in the car and Andrew is constantly reanacting the event with his toy cars. (Picture aged to 14 years):

Agostina Gioconda is 1 year old and from Italy. Her parents abandoned her on the streets. She is a very happy baby. (Picture aged to 14 years):
Andrew Carlton is 3 years old and from England. He loves cars and trains. Andrew's parents died in a tragic car accident, with Andrew in the car and Andrew is constantly reanacting the event with his toy cars. (Picture aged to 14 years):