[Games] Re: Sure, why not
in reply to a message by Norah
We have found three children for you.
Gayatini Malati [12]
Gaya is a quick and spirited girl from southern India. Her parents both passed away in the tusnami a couple years ago and could not get in contact with any of her relatives. She loves school and is especially good at the sciences and maths. She wants to be a medical researcher when she is older. She was risin Hindu, but she does not mind if she is unable to practice her religion.

Cosimo Achille [14]
Cosimo has been with us since he was a young boy and his parents left him. They have not been found since. He has some emotional problems, and has slight bipolar, but on medications he has few "episodes." Besides that he has some trouble in school, teachers say that he just doesn't pay attention. He has also been known as a bully to bullies and sweet to others. He wants to be in the military or to be a cop so that he can "stop mean people from doing bad things." He is strongly Catholic and wants to continue to practice his religion.

Chauncey Catherine [16]
Chauncey is a sweet girl from England who was kicked out of her home by her step fater after her mother passed away two years ago. She has been living here since and wishes to find a sweet family. She loves to work with little children and hopes to become a teacher. She helps out a lot with the children here and they all love her dearly. She also loves art and water.

Gayatini Malati [12]
Gaya is a quick and spirited girl from southern India. Her parents both passed away in the tusnami a couple years ago and could not get in contact with any of her relatives. She loves school and is especially good at the sciences and maths. She wants to be a medical researcher when she is older. She was risin Hindu, but she does not mind if she is unable to practice her religion.

Cosimo Achille [14]
Cosimo has been with us since he was a young boy and his parents left him. They have not been found since. He has some emotional problems, and has slight bipolar, but on medications he has few "episodes." Besides that he has some trouble in school, teachers say that he just doesn't pay attention. He has also been known as a bully to bullies and sweet to others. He wants to be in the military or to be a cop so that he can "stop mean people from doing bad things." He is strongly Catholic and wants to continue to practice his religion.

Chauncey Catherine [16]
Chauncey is a sweet girl from England who was kicked out of her home by her step fater after her mother passed away two years ago. She has been living here since and wishes to find a sweet family. She loves to work with little children and hopes to become a teacher. She helps out a lot with the children here and they all love her dearly. She also loves art and water.

Thank you so much for giving us more great kids!
Chauncey is a great help to me, and the other children simply adore her. She has bonded with Francesca, and Francesca has started speaking to her - if only a few words.
Cosimo is a handful, but he gets along well with his siblings. He has been doing better in school, and received a 'school citizenship' award because he is so loyal to his new friends. I am not a diligant Catholic, but Cosimo and Nicholas have been going to church together, along with a few of the other children.
Gaya is a joy! She gets along well with everyone, and is so sweet! She opens up to me, and even told me all about a boy she met at school! It has also been a great learning experience for all the children, Nicholas, and myself. She has been teaching us about Hindu. I was a bit worried that Cosimo might not like it, but he listens and asks questions just like the rest of us.
Yesterday, we all went for a hike and had a lovely time! Chauncey carried Finley on her back - he adores her!
Thanks again!
Chauncey is a great help to me, and the other children simply adore her. She has bonded with Francesca, and Francesca has started speaking to her - if only a few words.
Cosimo is a handful, but he gets along well with his siblings. He has been doing better in school, and received a 'school citizenship' award because he is so loyal to his new friends. I am not a diligant Catholic, but Cosimo and Nicholas have been going to church together, along with a few of the other children.
Gaya is a joy! She gets along well with everyone, and is so sweet! She opens up to me, and even told me all about a boy she met at school! It has also been a great learning experience for all the children, Nicholas, and myself. She has been teaching us about Hindu. I was a bit worried that Cosimo might not like it, but he listens and asks questions just like the rest of us.
Yesterday, we all went for a hike and had a lovely time! Chauncey carried Finley on her back - he adores her!
Thanks again!