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[Facts] Aha, we should form a Skunks-Crabs 'n' Unstaged Showoff aficionado society :) n/t
For the uninitiated:
skunks-crabs: brass knucks
unstaged showoff: sawed-off shotgunSpeaking about secret jollies, any other cigar fans out there?
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Any ya'll got an anagram fer "kiss ma heinie"? : p
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Sure,...which is actually a propos, as members of the Sikh faith always carry a dagger. According to tradition, whenever their dagger is unsheathed, blood ought to be drawn. This story was recounted by a yuppie Sikh colleague of mine at the World Bank back in the eighties who carried his minuscule knife at work.
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As if Sikhs haven't had a bad enuf time over here lately...the little Sikh dagger carried in a scabbard on the chest has caused various stinks for some time. A coupla years back, some Sikh boys were suspended from school for wearing them.The thing almost turned into a religious rights brouhaha until a judge ruled they could wear them to school IF the daggers were firmly soldered or riveted into their sheaths. That calmed things down until after the Columbine HS massacre when some school districts got paranoid again and banned them. Some of those are still in the courts.And now that security is tightened up at US airports (yeah, righhttt...what a joke), the rent-a-morons aren't letting Sikhs thru with them at all, WHEN they bother to plug in the metal detectors.Ya know, I'd feel safer walking into a biker bar at midnight and hollerin "YOU FAGGOTS!" than I would climbing aboard a simple domestic flight. Nothing meaningful has yet been done in this country to increase airline security and I doubt if it will until something else MAJOR happens.Americans are good, well-meaning people, but we're masters of slamming the barn door after the horse gets out -- and we probably won't slam the door even then if it inconveniences anyone even a teeny bit... curbside baggage check, anyone?- Da.
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Gotta tell ya Disney World is sure on the ball, tho'When John and I were there in September, they had tables set up at the entrances to all the theme parks, and you had to open your bag, knapsack, whatever, to be search by the security personnel before you were allowed into any of the parks. You also had to have photo I.D. to go on any of the backstage tours this time. All new security measures since Sept. 11th.Then, when we went on the Disney Cruise, you had to have photo I.D. to get off and on the ship at every port -- even at their private island. You also had to pass through a metal detector each time you disembarked or embarked, and have your bags x-rayed. This, too, was new since Sept. 11th, as we'd been on the cruise before.There were other security measures at Disney World, too. Gotta tell you, too, no one complained about the extra wait in line because of the added security. I give the Disney folks major props for their thoroughness and attention to detail.Security on Disney properties ain't no Mickey Mouse operation.-- Nanaea
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My 19-month Nephele went through a metal detector recently at the Athens Intercontinental hotel where we attended Thanksgiving brunch. And he muck-remover was broken off my nailclipper by a grinning security goon before a recent flight to Salonica. Dont mind quasi-paranoia as a deterrent, sure beats being BBQued alive...
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Hey, Guys! Let's all get jobs at Disney World!Let's do it!
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Nooooo! It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to freakin' LIVE there! LOL!
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You always striked me more as a Warner Bros type:P
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Oh, no way! I LOOOOVE Disney World and I want to live there and be happy all the time! (OK, OK, don't ruin the kid's fantasy.) Except for Bugs Bunny, I don't like cartoons.:)
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Barted topic, take two: "Is Sikh meanie"
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LOL! You guys are funny!LOL!
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