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Re: you say/you think with my faves
in reply to a message by Becca
This is my daughter, Erin Linden
You say: Erin is such a sweet name!
You think: Hmmm, Linden for a girl, hope it's a family thing. Not the best flow, either!This is my daughter, Audrey Amelia
You say: Hi, Audrey! What a classy name you have!
You think: Great name!This is my son, Stuart Teagan
You say: Hi, Stewie!
You think: Stuart's ok, nms, better than another Braydin! DOn't care for Teagan,and can you say style clash!?!This is my daughter, Eva Margaret (Evie)
You say: Hi, Evie. YOu're name is so sweet!
You think: Lovely name!This is my son, Leo Miles
You say: Great name choice!
You think: Leo's not a fave, but the whole name's a great choice!This is my daughter, Georgina Brynn (Gina)
You say: Hi, Gina!
You think: Prefer Georgia, hate Gina. Brynn is a male name!This is my son, Gilbert Lawrence
You say: Hi, Gil! your anme makes me think of the Anne of Green Gable's character Gilbert Blythe!
You think: Ok name, better than another Braden! It's nice to see people using classics!
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