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You say/You think
These are my favorites, and I want completely honest opinions.You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say:
You think:You hear: Leonard Allan
You say:
You think:You hear: Katarina Falk
You say:
You think:You hear: Helen Amarante
You say:
You think:You hear: Morgana Elise
You say:
You think:You hear: Bridget Helen
You say:
You think:You hear: Alistair Philip
You say:
You think:You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say:
You think:Thank you!
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You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say: Andreas is a nice name ...
You think: ... But I still prefer Andrew, were it not for overuse. Raphael sounds stuffy.You hear: Leonard Allan
You say: Probably nothing, because if someone has a plain / very ordinary name, you don't generally comment at all.
You think: Leonard is not ready for a comeback. Far too dated - embarrassingly dated, so that he'd cringe introducing himself, rather than attractively dated.You hear: Katarina Falk
You say: Katarina is a beautiful name.
You think: As above, although Caterina is my preferred form. Falk has a good meaning ... but the sound is just very unattractive.You hear: Helen Amarante
You say: Amarante is very pretty!
You think: The same. It would've been too much as a first name though. Wasn't a good idea to pair it with Helen - Amarante just highlights Helen's dullness.You hear: Morgana Elise
You say: Morgana is such a beautiful name.
You think: The same. Elise sounds like a filler, and the vowels run together in an awkward way (giving that jolty ah-eh sound).You hear: Bridget Helen
You say: Probably nothing, because if someone has a plain / very ordinary name, you don't generally comment at all.
You think:You hear: Alistair Philip
You say: Probably nothing, because if someone has a plain / very ordinary name, you don't generally comment at all.
You think: Aaargh! Not another Alistair to remember!!!!! (Where I live, it is not too overused at the moment, but consistently has been for a bout 60 years, and I must be acquainted with 30 or more.)You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say: Probably nothing, because if someone has a plain / very ordinary name, you don't generally comment at all.
You think: OK, but a bit dreary and grey. I always think I sound overly critical in these say/think things! But I'm always looking for perfection in a name and can hardly ever find it :-(
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Actually ...... Falk has grown on me since this morning :-) Assuming it's pronounced "fawlk", not "fahlk".
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Wups - forgot my thinking on BridgetYou hear: Bridget Helen
You say: Probably nothing, because if someone has a plain / very ordinary name, you don't generally comment at all.
You think: Helen is very dull indeed. Bridget is sweeter, perhaps because it's longer since it's been overused. They both need a more interesting combination though - together they're both dull.
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You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say: Nice name.
You think: I don't care for Andreas. Reminds me of the San Andreas fault, and looks like the plural for Andrea. Raphael is good. You hear: Leonard Allan
You say: Is he named for someone?
You think: Leonard? Call him Leo and it's all good. Allan seems like a filler mn to me, and is misspelled. You hear: Katarina Falk
You say: How pretty.
You think: Katarina is very pretty. Hope Falk is a family name. You hear: Helen Amarante
You say: How pretty.
You think: Helen is kind of blah, and the name of my annoying aunt. Aramante is pretty. You hear: Morgana Elise
You say: Very pretty.
You think: It is. You hear: Bridget Helen
You say: Very pretty.
You think: It is. Helen is better in the middle. You hear: Alistair Philip
You say: Handsome name.
You think: I just can't warm up to Alistair, sorry. You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say: Sam, is it? I love that name.
You think: I love Samuel, hate Kenneth (personal associations).
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You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say: Wow, that's different.
You think: Good too see too!You hear: Leonard Allan
You say: Does he like to go by Leo or Lenny? Or just Leonard?
You think: Quite a safe, yet nice name, though I hope he has a nn.You hear: Katarina Falk
You say: How pretty!
You think: Wow, I love the name Katarina, Falk is different too.You hear: Helen Amarante
You say: Such lovely names!
You think: I like Helena better, but Amarante is cool!You hear: Morgana Elise
You say: Very nice, different too!
You think: Morgana is better than Morgan on a girl, but jeez it sounds evil!You hear: Bridget Helen
You say: Cool, I love those names.
You think: Not together though.You hear: Alistair Philip
You say: Nice name, they fit so well!
You think: Wonder if the family's Scottish?You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say: A very sensible and no-nonsense choice, very good to see.
You think: Blech, Samuel! Kenneth sounds funny with it too.
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You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say: thats a gorgeous name, very mature
You think: thats a gorgeous name
You hear: Leonard Allan
You say: may I call you Leo?
You think: Leo sounds nice why do I have this strange aversion to Leonard? oh wait I remember, I don't like that name. At least leonardo could be better
You hear: Katarina Falk
You say: what an interesting name
You think: I think I like that but Falk is a bit much
You hear: Helen Amarante
You say: my grandmother's name is Helen
You think: and it sounds like an old woman's name, Amarente is interesting
You hear: Morgana Elise
You say: pretty
You think: Morgana is much better than Morgan on a girl
You hear: Bridget Helen
You say: I love the name Bridget!
You think: Bridget is really growing on me
You hear: Alistair Philip
You say: what an interesting unique name
You think: Alistair is unusual and really classy, fairly nice combo
You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say: nice name
You think: eh okay, it works, nothing special. There's something weird about Kenneth...

This message was edited 10/8/2004, 3:09 PM

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LOLThe comments were hilarious. Just a heads up - Leonard Allan was my grandfather, my dad is Lynn Allan, and I want to honor them both, hence Leonard Allan. And yup, I hate Leonard, too.Falk is the latter part of my last name.And Kenneth would be the dad, and its a tradition to give a form of the father's name and mother's name to one son and one daughter.
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You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say: You`re cute
You think: He`s cuteYou hear: Leonard Allan
You say: Can I call you Leo?
You think: Lynyrd SkynyrdYou hear: Katarina Falk
You say: Hi Kat, cool middle name
You think: Bye bye birdieYou hear: Helen Amarante
You say: Amarante, what does it mean?
You think: Is it something to do with cherries. or nuts?You hear: Morgana Elise
You say: Hi
You think: Morgana, the queen of darkness. Mwahauahaa.You hear: Bridget Helen
You say: Hel-lo Bridget.
You think: Jones/FieldingYou hear: Alistair Philip
You say: Are you scottish?
You think: Hope he is.You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say: Hi Sam.
You think: Kenneth?
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You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say: Those are both nice underused names
You think: I do like the names but as a combo it's a little vowel heavy. You hear: Leonard Allan
You say: You don't hear those names much anymore. Do they have meaning to you?
You think: There's a reason you don't hear those names much anymore.You hear: Katarina Falk
You say: Katarina is such a pretty name.
You think: I hope that kid doesn't end up as another Kate or Kathy.You hear: Helen Amarante
You say: Helen is such a nice name
You think: Helen is just okay. Amarante is reminding me of amaretto and absinthe. Maybe I just need a drink. You hear: Morgana Elise
You say: What a pretty combination
You think: Eh. Combo's okay. Morgan Elise sounds better imo but Morgana Elise has more character.You hear: Bridget Helen
You say: Bridget is such a nice name.
You think: Bridget is such a nice name.You hear: Alistair Philip
You say: What a nice flowing combo!
You think: While it is a nice flowing combo it sounds kinda wimpy. And all I can think of is Alistair Cooke.You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say: Those are such nice names.
You think: They are.
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You hear: Andreas Raphael
You say: Wow, Andreas. That's unusual!
You think: At least he's not another Andrew. Personaly i prefer Andre, i love Raphael. You hear: Leonard Allan
You say: NIce to meet you Lenard.
You think: I would've gone for Leo or Leon. The -ard ending makes me think of the way certain people hard. As in 'Oh he's well 'ard.' Allan, blah. Nothing special there. You hear: Katarina Falk
You say: Is she popular in school?
You think: Sounds (for want of a better word) bitchy to me. Falk? Well it;s different i'll say that for it. You hear: Helen Amarante
You say: Hi Helen.
You think: Hey that's my middle name, shame i can't stick it. Amarante is ok. You hear: Morgana Elise
You say: Hi Morgana.
You think: I wonder if she's french? Morgana sounds abit frilly to me and i prefer Elsie to Elise butit's not bad. You hear: Bridget Helen
You say: Bridget, hi!
You think: I wonder if she got it from Bridget Jone's Diary. Helen = same as above. You hear: Alistair Philip
You say: I once new a boy called Alistair.
You think: Shame he was a right old misery guts. Philip is nice. You hear: Samuel Kenneth
You say: HI Sam.
You think: NIce combo, both nice simple names.
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