Maegen's Congrats Game Round 2
Names that earned five adoption points last round were: Christian, Kirsten, Elizabeth, Hugo, Ewen, Sophie, Darius and Felicity
Rules for this round: If you were given more than one child be sure to say how many years there are between them. Please turn off the hyperlinks. They’re annoying to deal with.
Also, add to your reply three of your favorite boys’ and three of your least favorite girls’ names. And for any that missed the last round
For first children: use this namebank; (Names of Characters played by Orlando Bloom, Ryan Gosling, Julia Roberts and Kirsten Dunst)
Boys- William, Hollywood, Drew, Balian, Shy, Paris, Jimmy, Legolas, Joseph, Todd, Noel, Lucas, Marston, Lars, Daniel, Henry, Noah, Leland, Richard, Roy, Alan, Hercules, Zylus, Joshua, Thomas, Sean, Adam, Kevin, Greg, Kenneth, Matthew, Scott
Girls- Georgia, Joanne, Charlotte, Jova, Tess, Anna, Katherine Ann, Patricia, Francesca, Jolene, Kathleen, Samantha, Erin, Maggie, Katrina, Isabel, Alice, Julianne, von, kitty, Mary, Susie, Grace, Anne, Sabrina, Darby, Tinkerbell, Hilary, Laura, Rachel, Vivian, Shelby, Maria, Daisy, Polly, Candy. Tracy, Babs, Marla, Mary Jane, Claire, Elizabeth, Betty, Kaena, Sofia, Marion, Nicole, Kelly, Silly, Torrance, Lidda, Zinaida, Betsy, Amber, Lux, Hannah, Becky, Christy, Tina, Anastasia, Sondra, Charlie, Joyce, Bonnie, Amy, Sara, Judy, Claudia, Hedril, Kitten, Sandra, Campbell, Kiki
For second children: name them after two of your favorite authors. Be sure to say who they are.
For third Children: use the random name generator with biblical, history, literature and theology
Twins and triplets: each child gets different naming rules.
Username: acg233
AP: 5
LN: O'Malley
DH: Connor Aidan (23)
DW: Genevieve Marie (21)
DS: Kester 3 Einar 2 (nb)
Username: Arcadia
AP: 5
LN: Norling
DH: Rain Robertson
DW: Alicia Felice
DD: Kirstin 4 Benedita 1
Username: Array
AP: 11
LN: Swango
DH: Nathaniel Isadore "Nat" 26
DW: Katharine Hope "Kitty" 27
DD: Christina 4 Elise 2 "Christie," 2
DD: Jeanne 2 Agatha 3 "Jeanie," 0
Username: Ashley
LN: Morgan
DH: Anthony Carl
DW: Leah Abigail
Username: Avalon
AP: 8
LN: Kelevra
DH: Kingston Paul
DW: Sophia Mathilde
DD: Christiane 3 Elizabeth 5
Username: ceglips
AP: 9
LN: Brown
DH: Joshua George
DW: Kiatlyn Jenna
DS: Kristian 4 Hugo 5
Username: Claire
AP: 4
LN: Jackson
DH: Claire
DW: Thomas
DS: Carsten 3 Grzegorz 1
Username: Della Grey
AP: 5
LN: Ellery
DH: Ethan Gregor
DW: Genevieve Sasha
DD: Kristina 3 Elise 2 "Kit"
Username: Diamante04
AP: 16
LN: Thomas
DH: John Samuel
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Christina 4 Elizabeth 5 {2}
DS: Brendan 4 Evander 3 {nb}
Username: Ebba
AP: 4
LN: Piers
DH: Robert Jackson 'Robbie'
DW: Sophia Melissa
DD: Chrissie 3 Floryn 1
Username: Eleanora
AP: 4
LN: Livingston
DH: Jericho Felix
DW: Ianthe Marilla
DD: Kia 3 Salomea 1
Username: ellie321
AP: 8
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Christian 5 Hugon 3
Username: estel
AP: 7
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2 "Kirsty"
Username: Frozten
AP: 8
LN: Samson
DH: Jude Thomas
DW: Arissa Leigh
DD: Tiana 3 Elizabeth 5
Username: glukumalon
LN: Quinley
DH: Holden Miles
DW: Deborah Kay
DD: Christiana 3 Elise 2
Username: Isa
LN: Sullivan
DH: Raphael Alexander "Alex"
DW: Mia Lorelei
DD: Kirsi 3 Elizabeth 5
Username: Jenni
AP: 6
LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DD: Krysia 1 Elise 2 (4)
DD: Florian 1 Tova 2 (2)
Username: Kate
LN: MacCormac
DH: Cameron William
DW: Kate Suzanne
Username: Kelga
AP: 9
LN: Kyllington
DH: John William
DW: Della Rae
DD: Kiersten 4 Elizabeth 5
Username: Keepskuh
AP: 6
LN: Cooley
DH: Bart Ian
DW: Anne Elisabeth
DD: Kirsten 5 Floryn 1
Username: KMF
AP: 9
LN: Tate
DH: Nicholas Emmett
DW: Alexis Paige
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1 (2)
DS: Donatien 2 Evander 3"Donny" (0)
Username: Lauryn [L A U R E N]
AP: 6
LN: Warner
DH: Brandon Michael
DW: Maria Kathleen
DD: Kiersten 4 Elise 2
Username: Mashlover
AP: 10
LN: Kennedy
DH: Alexander Jack "A.J."
DW: Trudy Elizabeth "Tru"
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
Username: MelH
AP: 4
LN: Wilson
DH: Jesse Louis
DW: Genevieve Norah
DD: Christabel 2 Elise 2
Username: Natla'd
AP: 4
LN: Whistle
DH: Lachlan Anthony "Lockie"
DW: Jennifer Laine "Jenna"
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
Username: Quigonjecca
AP: 4
LN: Sawyer
DH: Caspian Blaise
DW: Winter Eowyn
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2
Username: Rachel
AP: 4
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Gwendiolyn Susannah
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
DH:Eder Milton
DW:Theresa Florence
Username: sarah lee
AP: 6
LN: Wilson
DH: Thomas Charles "Tom"
DW: Annabel Marie
DD: Christiana 4 Elisa 2
Username: Silvie
LN: Sparrows
DH: Jonathan Edward
DW: Harriet May
Username: Spartz
AP: 5
LN: Richey
DH: Kyle James
DW: Marie Nicole
DD: Christy 3 Elise 2
LN: Starkey
DH: Tarsem Dimitri
DW: Katarina Hazel "Kitty"
Username: starlet
AP: 10
LN: Miller
DH: Kingsley Orson
DW: Arabella Pearl
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
Username: Sugar
AP: 7
LN: Tyler
DH: John Zavier
DW: Maria-Louisa Joan "Lulu"
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2
Username: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
Username: Tai Angel
AP: 5
LN: Bruebacker
DH: Jeremy Matthew
DW: Claudia Rachelle
DD: Kiersten 4 Salome 1
Username: Tesserella
AP: 9
LN: Gyllenhaal
DH: Jake
DW: Tessa
DS: Topher 4 Hugo 5
Username: X-Mar
AP: 4
LN: Hunting
DH: Leo Miles
DW: Cato Sofie
DS: Risto 2 Einar 2
Note for Natla'd
Spouse names
Rules for spouses are as follows: I give first and last names, you get to tink of middle names and if you like put in a bit of history about your spouse. (You’ll notice repeated last names, it’s because these are my aunts and uncles. Also, repeated first names are not a mistake. I actually have doubled names in my family)
Merlaine Cook
Myron Cook
Erin Iverson
Wilfred “Willy” Iverson
Elizabeth “Libby” Gerber
Nathan “Nate” Gerber
Britta Lindsey
Jared Lindsey
Kara Overall
Shawn Overall
Benjamin “Ben” Rydalch
Laura Rydalch
Jeremy Rydalch
Amanda Rydalch
Julie Gibbons
Jeremy Gibbons
Melinda “Mindy” Rowley
Joshua “Josh” Rowley
Katrina “Katie” Morgan
Thomas “Thom” Morgan
Joshua “Josh” Rydalch
Emily Heaton
Dallas Heaton
Jeffery “Jeff” Smith
Chrissy Smith
Steven “Steve” Smith
Sean Smith
Natalie Smith
Michael “Mike” Smith
Natalee Smith
Timothy “Tim” Smith
Shelly Smith
Brian Smith
Barbra “Barb” Smith
Matthew “Matt” Smith
Lisa Smith
Rules for this round: If you were given more than one child be sure to say how many years there are between them. Please turn off the hyperlinks. They’re annoying to deal with.
Also, add to your reply three of your favorite boys’ and three of your least favorite girls’ names. And for any that missed the last round
For first children: use this namebank; (Names of Characters played by Orlando Bloom, Ryan Gosling, Julia Roberts and Kirsten Dunst)
Boys- William, Hollywood, Drew, Balian, Shy, Paris, Jimmy, Legolas, Joseph, Todd, Noel, Lucas, Marston, Lars, Daniel, Henry, Noah, Leland, Richard, Roy, Alan, Hercules, Zylus, Joshua, Thomas, Sean, Adam, Kevin, Greg, Kenneth, Matthew, Scott
Girls- Georgia, Joanne, Charlotte, Jova, Tess, Anna, Katherine Ann, Patricia, Francesca, Jolene, Kathleen, Samantha, Erin, Maggie, Katrina, Isabel, Alice, Julianne, von, kitty, Mary, Susie, Grace, Anne, Sabrina, Darby, Tinkerbell, Hilary, Laura, Rachel, Vivian, Shelby, Maria, Daisy, Polly, Candy. Tracy, Babs, Marla, Mary Jane, Claire, Elizabeth, Betty, Kaena, Sofia, Marion, Nicole, Kelly, Silly, Torrance, Lidda, Zinaida, Betsy, Amber, Lux, Hannah, Becky, Christy, Tina, Anastasia, Sondra, Charlie, Joyce, Bonnie, Amy, Sara, Judy, Claudia, Hedril, Kitten, Sandra, Campbell, Kiki
For second children: name them after two of your favorite authors. Be sure to say who they are.
For third Children: use the random name generator with biblical, history, literature and theology
Twins and triplets: each child gets different naming rules.
Username: acg233
AP: 5
LN: O'Malley
DH: Connor Aidan (23)
DW: Genevieve Marie (21)
DS: Kester 3 Einar 2 (nb)
Username: Arcadia
AP: 5
LN: Norling
DH: Rain Robertson
DW: Alicia Felice
DD: Kirstin 4 Benedita 1
Username: Array
AP: 11
LN: Swango
DH: Nathaniel Isadore "Nat" 26
DW: Katharine Hope "Kitty" 27
DD: Christina 4 Elise 2 "Christie," 2
DD: Jeanne 2 Agatha 3 "Jeanie," 0
Username: Ashley
LN: Morgan
DH: Anthony Carl
DW: Leah Abigail
Username: Avalon
AP: 8
LN: Kelevra
DH: Kingston Paul
DW: Sophia Mathilde
DD: Christiane 3 Elizabeth 5
Username: ceglips
AP: 9
LN: Brown
DH: Joshua George
DW: Kiatlyn Jenna
DS: Kristian 4 Hugo 5
Username: Claire
AP: 4
LN: Jackson
DH: Claire
DW: Thomas
DS: Carsten 3 Grzegorz 1
Username: Della Grey
AP: 5
LN: Ellery
DH: Ethan Gregor
DW: Genevieve Sasha
DD: Kristina 3 Elise 2 "Kit"
Username: Diamante04
AP: 16
LN: Thomas
DH: John Samuel
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Christina 4 Elizabeth 5 {2}
DS: Brendan 4 Evander 3 {nb}
Username: Ebba
AP: 4
LN: Piers
DH: Robert Jackson 'Robbie'
DW: Sophia Melissa
DD: Chrissie 3 Floryn 1
Username: Eleanora
AP: 4
LN: Livingston
DH: Jericho Felix
DW: Ianthe Marilla
DD: Kia 3 Salomea 1
Username: ellie321
AP: 8
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Christian 5 Hugon 3
Username: estel
AP: 7
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2 "Kirsty"
Username: Frozten
AP: 8
LN: Samson
DH: Jude Thomas
DW: Arissa Leigh
DD: Tiana 3 Elizabeth 5
Username: glukumalon
LN: Quinley
DH: Holden Miles
DW: Deborah Kay
DD: Christiana 3 Elise 2
Username: Isa
LN: Sullivan
DH: Raphael Alexander "Alex"
DW: Mia Lorelei
DD: Kirsi 3 Elizabeth 5
Username: Jenni
AP: 6
LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DD: Krysia 1 Elise 2 (4)
DD: Florian 1 Tova 2 (2)
Username: Kate
LN: MacCormac
DH: Cameron William
DW: Kate Suzanne
Username: Kelga
AP: 9
LN: Kyllington
DH: John William
DW: Della Rae
DD: Kiersten 4 Elizabeth 5
Username: Keepskuh
AP: 6
LN: Cooley
DH: Bart Ian
DW: Anne Elisabeth
DD: Kirsten 5 Floryn 1
Username: KMF
AP: 9
LN: Tate
DH: Nicholas Emmett
DW: Alexis Paige
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1 (2)
DS: Donatien 2 Evander 3"Donny" (0)
Username: Lauryn [L A U R E N]
AP: 6
LN: Warner
DH: Brandon Michael
DW: Maria Kathleen
DD: Kiersten 4 Elise 2
Username: Mashlover
AP: 10
LN: Kennedy
DH: Alexander Jack "A.J."
DW: Trudy Elizabeth "Tru"
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
Username: MelH
AP: 4
LN: Wilson
DH: Jesse Louis
DW: Genevieve Norah
DD: Christabel 2 Elise 2
Username: Natla'd
AP: 4
LN: Whistle
DH: Lachlan Anthony "Lockie"
DW: Jennifer Laine "Jenna"
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
Username: Quigonjecca
AP: 4
LN: Sawyer
DH: Caspian Blaise
DW: Winter Eowyn
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2
Username: Rachel
AP: 4
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Gwendiolyn Susannah
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
DH:Eder Milton
DW:Theresa Florence
Username: sarah lee
AP: 6
LN: Wilson
DH: Thomas Charles "Tom"
DW: Annabel Marie
DD: Christiana 4 Elisa 2
Username: Silvie
LN: Sparrows
DH: Jonathan Edward
DW: Harriet May
Username: Spartz
AP: 5
LN: Richey
DH: Kyle James
DW: Marie Nicole
DD: Christy 3 Elise 2
LN: Starkey
DH: Tarsem Dimitri
DW: Katarina Hazel "Kitty"
Username: starlet
AP: 10
LN: Miller
DH: Kingsley Orson
DW: Arabella Pearl
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
Username: Sugar
AP: 7
LN: Tyler
DH: John Zavier
DW: Maria-Louisa Joan "Lulu"
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2
Username: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
Username: Tai Angel
AP: 5
LN: Bruebacker
DH: Jeremy Matthew
DW: Claudia Rachelle
DD: Kiersten 4 Salome 1
Username: Tesserella
AP: 9
LN: Gyllenhaal
DH: Jake
DW: Tessa
DS: Topher 4 Hugo 5
Username: X-Mar
AP: 4
LN: Hunting
DH: Leo Miles
DW: Cato Sofie
DS: Risto 2 Einar 2
Note for Natla'd
Spouse names
Rules for spouses are as follows: I give first and last names, you get to tink of middle names and if you like put in a bit of history about your spouse. (You’ll notice repeated last names, it’s because these are my aunts and uncles. Also, repeated first names are not a mistake. I actually have doubled names in my family)
Merlaine Cook
Myron Cook
Erin Iverson
Wilfred “Willy” Iverson
Elizabeth “Libby” Gerber
Nathan “Nate” Gerber
Britta Lindsey
Jared Lindsey
Kara Overall
Shawn Overall
Benjamin “Ben” Rydalch
Laura Rydalch
Jeremy Rydalch
Amanda Rydalch
Julie Gibbons
Jeremy Gibbons
Melinda “Mindy” Rowley
Joshua “Josh” Rowley
Katrina “Katie” Morgan
Thomas “Thom” Morgan
Joshua “Josh” Rydalch
Emily Heaton
Dallas Heaton
Jeffery “Jeff” Smith
Chrissy Smith
Steven “Steve” Smith
Sean Smith
Natalie Smith
Michael “Mike” Smith
Natalee Smith
Timothy “Tim” Smith
Shelly Smith
Brian Smith
Barbra “Barb” Smith
Matthew “Matt” Smith
Lisa Smith
This message was edited 1/22/2007, 4:11 PM
Username: Lauryn [L A U R E N]
AP: 6
LN: Warner
DH: Brandon Michael
DW: Maria Kathleen
DD: Kiersten 4 Elise 2
DD: Isabel Grace
boys: Timothy, Brennan, Kellan
least girls: Jessica, Holly, Michelle
AP: 6
LN: Warner
DH: Brandon Michael
DW: Maria Kathleen
DD: Kiersten 4 Elise 2
DD: Isabel Grace
boys: Timothy, Brennan, Kellan
least girls: Jessica, Holly, Michelle
Username: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Christina Elise [3]
DS/DS/DS: Noah Scott "Noey" / Matthew Sean "Matty" / William Marston "Liam" [nb]
Favorite boys:
Damian, Matthew, and Noah
Least favorite girls:
Christopher, Christina, and I have welcomed home our triplets Noey, Matty, and Liam. Chris and I have changed our routine and have been trying to adjust to four children now instead of just Christina.
Mary, Rose, and Jane
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Christina Elise [3]
DS/DS/DS: Noah Scott "Noey" / Matthew Sean "Matty" / William Marston "Liam" [nb]
Favorite boys:
Damian, Matthew, and Noah
Least favorite girls:
Christopher, Christina, and I have welcomed home our triplets Noey, Matty, and Liam. Chris and I have changed our routine and have been trying to adjust to four children now instead of just Christina.
Mary, Rose, and Jane
Username: Ashley
LN: Morgan
DH: Anthony Carl
DW: Leah Abigail
DS: Christian Hugon
DS: Matthew Thomas
LN: Morgan
DH: Anthony Carl
DW: Leah Abigail
DS: Christian Hugon
DS: Matthew Thomas
Username: Frozten
AP: 8
LN: Samson
DH: Jude Thomas (24)
DW: Arissa Leigh (22)
DD: Tiana 3 Elizabeth 5 (5)
DS: Joseph Daniel (1)
My fav boys:
Nicholas,London and Jaiden
Girls name I don't like:
Caitlin,Sara and Therese
AP: 8
LN: Samson
DH: Jude Thomas (24)
DW: Arissa Leigh (22)
DD: Tiana 3 Elizabeth 5 (5)
DS: Joseph Daniel (1)
My fav boys:
Nicholas,London and Jaiden
Girls name I don't like:
Caitlin,Sara and Therese
Username: Ebba
AP: 4
LN: Piers
DH: Robert Jackson 'Robbie'
DW: Sophia Melissa
DD: Chrissie 3 Floryn 1
DD: Georgia Grace
3 favourite boys names: Reuben, Caleb and Ewan
3 least favourite girls names: Ashley, Sally and Gertrude
AP: 4
LN: Piers
DH: Robert Jackson 'Robbie'
DW: Sophia Melissa
DD: Chrissie 3 Floryn 1
DD: Georgia Grace
3 favourite boys names: Reuben, Caleb and Ewan
3 least favourite girls names: Ashley, Sally and Gertrude
Username: Isa
LN: Sullivan
DH: Raphael Alexander "Alex"
DW: Mia Lorelei
DD: Kirsi Elizabeth
DD: Hannah Lux
fav. boys' names: Fredrik, Raphael, Evan
least fav. girls' names: Peggy, Gertrud, Sandy
LN: Sullivan
DH: Raphael Alexander "Alex"
DW: Mia Lorelei
DD: Kirsi Elizabeth
DD: Hannah Lux
fav. boys' names: Fredrik, Raphael, Evan
least fav. girls' names: Peggy, Gertrud, Sandy
Username: Eleanora
AP: 4
LN: Livingston
DH: Jericho Felix
DW: Ianthe Marilla
DD: Kia 3 Salomea 1
DD: Anastasia Sofia
Eleanor x
AP: 4
LN: Livingston
DH: Jericho Felix
DW: Ianthe Marilla
DD: Kia 3 Salomea 1
DD: Anastasia Sofia
Eleanor x
you forgot to name three of your favorite boys' names and three of your least favorite girls' names
Username: Keepskuh
AP: 6
LN: Cooley
DH: Bart Ian
DW: Anne Elisabeth
DD: Kirsten Floryn
DS: Drew Henry
AP: 6
LN: Cooley
DH: Bart Ian
DW: Anne Elisabeth
DD: Kirsten Floryn
DS: Drew Henry
This message was edited 1/23/2007, 6:21 AM
Username: Natla'd
AP: 4
LN: Whistle
DH: Lachlan Anthony "Lockie"
DW: Jennifer Laine "Jenna"
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
--DW: Lisa Felicity Smith
Favourite boys' names: Salvador, Jaret and Ray
Least favourite girls' names: Gabriella, Christine and Skylar.
AP: 4
LN: Whistle
DH: Lachlan Anthony "Lockie"
DW: Jennifer Laine "Jenna"
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
--DW: Lisa Felicity Smith
Favourite boys' names: Salvador, Jaret and Ray
Least favourite girls' names: Gabriella, Christine and Skylar.
sorry, I forgot to mention that you need to pick a number
Username: KMF
AP: 9
LN: Tate
DH: Nicholas Emmett
DW: Alexis Paige
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1 (5)
DS: Donatien 2 Evander 3"Donny" (3)
DS: Drew Thomas (1)
DS: Joseph Mike "Joey" (nb)
Joseph is after Jo Brand who's book I plan to pick up again after a long break from reading it. Mike Gayle is my favourite author which is where the mn comes from.
Favourite boys names:
Dorian, Zane, Tristan
Least favourite girls names:
Emma, Katie, Louise
AP: 9
LN: Tate
DH: Nicholas Emmett
DW: Alexis Paige
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1 (5)
DS: Donatien 2 Evander 3"Donny" (3)
DS: Drew Thomas (1)
DS: Joseph Mike "Joey" (nb)
Joseph is after Jo Brand who's book I plan to pick up again after a long break from reading it. Mike Gayle is my favourite author which is where the mn comes from.
Favourite boys names:
Dorian, Zane, Tristan
Least favourite girls names:
Emma, Katie, Louise
This message was edited 1/23/2007, 6:22 AM
Username: Sugar
AP: 7
LN: Tyler
DH: John Zavier
DW: Maria-Louisa Joan "Lulu"
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2
DD: Amber Anastasia
AP: 7
LN: Tyler
DH: John Zavier
DW: Maria-Louisa Joan "Lulu"
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2
DD: Amber Anastasia
you forgot to list three of your favorite boys' names and three of your least favorite girls' names
Username: salsa
LN: Starkey
DH: Tarsem Dimitri
DW: Katarina Hazel "Kitty"
DD: Chrissie Elizabeth
DD/DS/DS: Kitten Claire "Kayci" / Thorstein Bourdieu "Thor" / Jabez Adlai
favourite boys names:
Theo, Dominic, Damian
least favourite girls names:
Laura, Zoe, Vicky
LN: Starkey
DH: Tarsem Dimitri
DW: Katarina Hazel "Kitty"
DD: Chrissie Elizabeth
DD/DS/DS: Kitten Claire "Kayci" / Thorstein Bourdieu "Thor" / Jabez Adlai
favourite boys names:
Theo, Dominic, Damian
least favourite girls names:
Laura, Zoe, Vicky
This message was edited 1/22/2007, 11:15 PM
AP: 16
LN: Thomas
DH: John Samuel
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Christina 4 Elizabeth 5 {3}
DS: Brendan 4 Evander 3 {1}
DS: Joseph William "Joe" {nb}
Three Favorite Boys' Names: Grant, John, Jude
Three Least Favorite Girls' Names: Amelia, Emily, Helena
LN: Thomas
DH: John Samuel
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Christina 4 Elizabeth 5 {3}
DS: Brendan 4 Evander 3 {1}
DS: Joseph William "Joe" {nb}
Three Favorite Boys' Names: Grant, John, Jude
Three Least Favorite Girls' Names: Amelia, Emily, Helena
Username: Tesserella
AP: 9
LN: Gyllenhaal
DH: Jake
DW: Tessa
DS: Topher Hugo 5
DD: Elizabeth Joyce ‘Lily’
AP: 9
LN: Gyllenhaal
DH: Jake
DW: Tessa
DS: Topher Hugo 5
DD: Elizabeth Joyce ‘Lily’
Username: Mashlover
AP: 10
LN: Kennedy
DH: Alexander Jack "A.J."
DW: Trudy Elizabeth "Tru"
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
DS: Lars Noah
Three fave boy's names: Phineas, Lawrence and Abraham.
Three least fave girl's names: MaKaya, DaKaina, Kyanna.
AP: 10
LN: Kennedy
DH: Alexander Jack "A.J."
DW: Trudy Elizabeth "Tru"
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
DS: Lars Noah
Three fave boy's names: Phineas, Lawrence and Abraham.
Three least fave girl's names: MaKaya, DaKaina, Kyanna.
Username: ceglips
AP: 9
LN: Brown
DH: Joshua George
DW: Kaitlyn Jenna
DS: Kristian 4 Hugo 5
DS/DS: Joshua Shy / Thomas Henry
Favourite Boys Names:
Least Favourite Girls Names:
AP: 9
LN: Brown
DH: Joshua George
DW: Kaitlyn Jenna
DS: Kristian 4 Hugo 5
DS/DS: Joshua Shy / Thomas Henry
Favourite Boys Names:
Least Favourite Girls Names:
Username: MelH
AP: 4
LN: Wilson
DH: Jesse Louis
DW: Genevieve Norah
DD: Christabel 2 Elise 2
DS: Leland Noel
Favourite boys: Miles, Desmond, Jasper
Least favouirte girls: Amanda, Piper, Bethany
AP: 4
LN: Wilson
DH: Jesse Louis
DW: Genevieve Norah
DD: Christabel 2 Elise 2
DS: Leland Noel
Favourite boys: Miles, Desmond, Jasper
Least favouirte girls: Amanda, Piper, Bethany
Username: avalon
AP: 8
LN: Kelevra
DH: Kingston Paul
DW: Sophia Mathilde
DD: Christiane 3 Elizabeth 5
DD: Torrance Sofia
3 fave boys' names: Alec, Finn, Lucas
3 least fave girls' names: Amelia, Olivia, Ruth
AP: 8
LN: Kelevra
DH: Kingston Paul
DW: Sophia Mathilde
DD: Christiane 3 Elizabeth 5
DD: Torrance Sofia
3 fave boys' names: Alec, Finn, Lucas
3 least fave girls' names: Amelia, Olivia, Ruth
Username: Spartz
AP: 5
LN: Richey
DH: Kyle James
DW: Marie Nicole
DD: Christy 3 Elise 2
DD: Hannah Rachel
AP: 5
LN: Richey
DH: Kyle James
DW: Marie Nicole
DD: Christy 3 Elise 2
DD: Hannah Rachel
you forgot to list your three favorite boys' names and three least favorite girls' names
Username: Claire
AP: 4
LN: Jackson
DH: Claire
DW: Thomas
DS: Carsten 3 Grzegorz 1 (2)
DD/DD: Andrea Clementine / Persis Ophrah (nb)
Andrea Clementine is after Andrew Clements.
Favorite boys names:
John, Thomas, Andrew
Least favorite girl names:
Gertrude, Matilda, Mildred
AP: 4
LN: Jackson
DH: Claire
DW: Thomas
DS: Carsten 3 Grzegorz 1 (2)
DD/DD: Andrea Clementine / Persis Ophrah (nb)
Andrea Clementine is after Andrew Clements.
Favorite boys names:
John, Thomas, Andrew
Least favorite girl names:
Gertrude, Matilda, Mildred
Username: Rachel
AP: 4
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Gwendiolyn Susannah
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
DS/DS: Noah Daniel / Scott Gabriel
Lets see... favorite male authors... hmm.... I like the Uglies trilogy so Scott Weaterfeild and hm.... Who else.... I dont read many books by main authors (not on purpose)... I read a book by Gabrielle Zevin that I loved and I guess I could use a male form.
Fav. Boy: Kenneth, Elijah, Ambrose
Least Fav. Girl: Mykenzeighey, Maddeighsine, and Kenadeighie
Sorry about the kree8yvve-ness, but you did say least favorite, so I had to make them worse. If you cant translate them they are Mackenzie, Madison and Kennedy.
AP: 4
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Gwendiolyn Susannah
DS: Carsten 3 Floryn 1
DS/DS: Noah Daniel / Scott Gabriel
Lets see... favorite male authors... hmm.... I like the Uglies trilogy so Scott Weaterfeild and hm.... Who else.... I dont read many books by main authors (not on purpose)... I read a book by Gabrielle Zevin that I loved and I guess I could use a male form.
Fav. Boy: Kenneth, Elijah, Ambrose
Least Fav. Girl: Mykenzeighey, Maddeighsine, and Kenadeighie
Sorry about the kree8yvve-ness, but you did say least favorite, so I had to make them worse. If you cant translate them they are Mackenzie, Madison and Kennedy.
Username: glukumalon
LN: Quinley
DH: Holden Miles
DW: Deborah Kay
DD: Christiana 3 Elise 2 (3)
DS/DS/DS: Henry Leland/ Fitzgerald Virgil "Fitz" (for F. Scott Fitzgerald and, well, Virgil)/ Andrew Cainan
Favorite Boys Names: Augustine, Jude, Jonas
Least Favorite Girls Names: Britney, Reagan, Madison
LN: Quinley
DH: Holden Miles
DW: Deborah Kay
DD: Christiana 3 Elise 2 (3)
DS/DS/DS: Henry Leland/ Fitzgerald Virgil "Fitz" (for F. Scott Fitzgerald and, well, Virgil)/ Andrew Cainan
Favorite Boys Names: Augustine, Jude, Jonas
Least Favorite Girls Names: Britney, Reagan, Madison
Username: sarah lee
AP: 6
LN: Wilson
DH: Thomas Charles "Tom" (28)
DW: Annabel Marie (27)
DD: Christiana 4 Elisa 2 (2)
DS/DS/DS: Henry Thomas / Mitchell Reilly / Cain Matthias (0)
(Magaret Mitchell and Patricia Reilly Giff)
AP: 6
LN: Wilson
DH: Thomas Charles "Tom" (28)
DW: Annabel Marie (27)
DD: Christiana 4 Elisa 2 (2)
DS/DS/DS: Henry Thomas / Mitchell Reilly / Cain Matthias (0)
(Magaret Mitchell and Patricia Reilly Giff)
you forgot to list your three favorite boys' names and your least favorite girls' names
LN: Kyllington
DH: John William
DW: Della Rae
DD: Kiersten Elizabeth
DS/DS/DS: William Drew/Timothy Silver/Zacchaeus Joseph
Timothy Silver is after Tim LaHaye and Shel Silverstein
DH: John William
DW: Della Rae
DD: Kiersten Elizabeth
DS/DS/DS: William Drew/Timothy Silver/Zacchaeus Joseph
Timothy Silver is after Tim LaHaye and Shel Silverstein
Oops...I forgot
Boys names I love: Gideon, Morgan, Dominic
Girls names I do not love: Maude, Clementine, Hazel
Boys names I love: Gideon, Morgan, Dominic
Girls names I do not love: Maude, Clementine, Hazel
Username: ellie321
AP: 8
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Christian 5 Hugon 3
DD: Mary Jane Claire
AP: 8
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Christian 5 Hugon 3
DD: Mary Jane Claire
Username: Tai Angel
AP: 5
LN: Bruebacker
DH: Jeremy Matthew (27)
DW: Claudia Rachelle (25)
DD: Kiersten 4 Salome 1 (2)
DD: Sondra Jolene (nb)
Fave: Kai, Orlando and Finlay
Least: Heidi, Neaveh and Gertrude
AP: 5
LN: Bruebacker
DH: Jeremy Matthew (27)
DW: Claudia Rachelle (25)
DD: Kiersten 4 Salome 1 (2)
DD: Sondra Jolene (nb)
Fave: Kai, Orlando and Finlay
Least: Heidi, Neaveh and Gertrude
Username: Della Grey
AP: 5
LN: Ellery
DH: Ethan Gregor
DW: Genevieve Sasha
DD: Kristina 3 Elise 2 "Kit" (2)
DD: Vivian Daisy "Daisy" (nb)
Three Fave Boys Names:
Rowan, Asher, Phineas "Phin/Phinny"
Three Least Fave Girls Names:
Jessica, Brittany, Madison
AP: 5
LN: Ellery
DH: Ethan Gregor
DW: Genevieve Sasha
DD: Kristina 3 Elise 2 "Kit" (2)
DD: Vivian Daisy "Daisy" (nb)
Three Fave Boys Names:
Rowan, Asher, Phineas "Phin/Phinny"
Three Least Fave Girls Names:
Jessica, Brittany, Madison
Username: estel
AP: 7
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2 "Kirsty"
DD: Erin Nicole
3 favorite boys names
3 least favorite girls names
Username: X-Mar
AP: 4
LN: Hunting
DH: Leo Miles
DW: Cato Sofie
DS: Risto 2 Einar 2
DD: Marion Jova
fav boys: Thor, Romeo, Constantine
least girls: Charlotte, Emma, Rebekah
AP: 4
LN: Hunting
DH: Leo Miles
DW: Cato Sofie
DS: Risto 2 Einar 2
DD: Marion Jova
fav boys: Thor, Romeo, Constantine
least girls: Charlotte, Emma, Rebekah
Username: starlet
AP: 10
LN: Miller
DH: Kingsley Orson
DW: Arabella Pearl
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
DD: Charlotte Francesca
favorite boys names: Leo, Dylan & Alexander
least favorite girls’ names: Gertrude, McKenzie & Kennedy
AP: 10
LN: Miller
DH: Kingsley Orson
DW: Arabella Pearl
DS: Christian 5 Hugo 5
DD: Charlotte Francesca
favorite boys names: Leo, Dylan & Alexander
least favorite girls’ names: Gertrude, McKenzie & Kennedy
Username: acg233
AP: 5
LN: O'Malley
DH: Connor Aidan
DW: Genevieve Marie
DS: Kester Einar
DS/DS: Drew Zylus (namebanks) / King Pierce (Tamora Pierce and Steven King)
three of your favorite boys
three of your least favorite girls’
-Any Katherine varient (Catharine, Kate, Cate, Katie, Katarina, etc.)
-Any Christina varient (Christie, Chris, Kristy, etc.)
AP: 5
LN: O'Malley
DH: Connor Aidan
DW: Genevieve Marie
DS: Kester Einar
DS/DS: Drew Zylus (namebanks) / King Pierce (Tamora Pierce and Steven King)
three of your favorite boys
three of your least favorite girls’
-Any Katherine varient (Catharine, Kate, Cate, Katie, Katarina, etc.)
-Any Christina varient (Christie, Chris, Kristy, etc.)
How do I earn Adoption points?
Username: Quigonjecca
AP: 4
LN: Sawyer
DH: Caspian Blaise
DW: Winter Eowyn
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2 (2)
DS: William Legolas (nb)
Fave Boys names: Colby, Jamison and Aragorn
Least fave girls names: Coantha, Bertha, and Hortense
Username: Quigonjecca
AP: 4
LN: Sawyer
DH: Caspian Blaise
DW: Winter Eowyn
DD: Kirsten 5 Elise 2 (2)
DS: William Legolas (nb)
Fave Boys names: Colby, Jamison and Aragorn
Least fave girls names: Coantha, Bertha, and Hortense
This message was edited 1/22/2007, 4:43 PM
umm... you earn points by how I like the name, I try to be fair, but there are some names I just don't like. Such as Elise, and so many people chose that name.