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Re: Ember's Adoption Agency (with a twist)
in reply to a message by Ember
Your username: acg233
Your name: Hazel Kiera
Your spouse's name (if you have one): Zane Kaden
Any children: no
How many children (max 4): 4
What genders: two girls and two boys
What ages: 3-4, 6-7, 11-12, 15-16, 17PREFERENCES
Preferred countries/cultures: European
Preferred languages: any
Mental disabilities (severe, mild, any, none): none
Physical disabilities (severe, mild, any, none): any
Emotional disabilities (severe, mild, any, none): mildAnything else you want to mention:PS: ACT, CAT, TOO, SKI

This message was edited 1/14/2007, 9:50 PM

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Congrats!Congrats to Hazel and Zane, we have found four children for you!Adélaïde Caroline Thayer is an 11-year-old girl from Paris. She has medium blonde hair that she likes to keep long, and brown eyes. She has confided in us that she is excited to try out acting. She has loved reading plays, such as Shakespeare, and is ecstatic about trying it out herself! You'd better find her a good theater for her to start with. You can tell by her personality that she is a performance-prone girl. She is very lively. She speaks international sign language to communicate with her brother, French, and some English.Corin Alexandre Thayer is Adélaïde's younger brother. He is seven years old and hearing impaired. He speaks sign language but as soon as you can get him hearing aids, you can teach him to speak orally too. He takes after his sister as of personality, but prefers to just show off for her friends. He can do the robot very well for a 7-year-old, haha! He is very energetic as well, and between him and his sister, you and your husband will have to stay in shape to keep up with them! He loves running and is amazingly fast. If you could find a good track team for him, he would have an output for his energy and enthusiasm. He as brown hair, the same brown eyes as Adélaïde, and an athletic build.Torsten Olav Olesen "Tor" just turned fifteen. He is from Copenhagen, Denmark. He as well is very athletic and will get along wonderfully with Corin. Track, basketball, and soccer are his favorites. He is eager to try out the "American football". He speaks English fairly well but is not fluent. He is a very good-looking boy and has proved to be quite the chick magnet. Watch out for all kinds of girls to be calling – we were continually amazed by the number of girls that got his number. He also likes video games, kids, and sketching. Watch out for his temper, though, and his strong opinion that he can and will say anything he thinks. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and an athletic build.

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