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Whoops! Hit the enter button before I was ready ..
Grade 7
16 Children in the Class1. Kaitlynn Jayla Gonzalez
2. Niccola Cione MacClelland
3. Abigail Tiffany Ahmed
4. Grazia Niccola Stewart
5. Huan Huo Potter
6. Sem Adonijah Bernardi
7. Emerson Hailey Kwan
8. Shaynah Jael Gallo
9. Barlaam Svarog Thomson
10. Massimo Emidio Oliver
11. Margaret 'Maggie' Amanda Cohen
12. Samuel Leopoldo Harris
13. Geri Cipriano Klein
14. Addison Riley Macpherson
15. Ayelet Talia Rios
16. Zoroaster Pippin O'SheaI would have picked more middle names / best class but I am in a rush. Thanks for t he fun game!
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