Quigonjecca's Judged Congrats Round one! (I'm still accepting sign ups)
Okay well, I only had eight sign-ups so I am DEFINATLEY accepting sign-ups with this round. I am going out of town on Sunday, but the game will resume when I get back. This round you all get biological children. You also will have one of your dreams come true. (whatever dream you choose) Also, One of you will lose your job and.... You decide after that! For names this round you may choose a boys name from the Chronicles of Narnia (the whole series) and for girls, try these links:
(ignore everything but the names)
The better you follow the rules, the more children you get! Here are the rules and Judging Criteria:
1. Names (1-10) ten being the best on everything
2. Description (1-10)
3. Creativity (1-10)
4. Imagination (1-10)
5. Making it sorta believable... (1-10)
6. Randomosity (1-10) {this one is hard to score on}
7. Following the rules of course... (1-10)
Ok, well, here are the rules...
1. No spelling/Nick name changes unless otherwise specified.
2. Make sure there are no changes to the sign up sheets.
3. Okay, well If I missed anything just tell me!
UN: Summer
DH: Ian Kyler
DW: Evangeline Adorlee "Evie"
Ian has dark brown hair and green eyes. And I have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Ian is a great surgen and currently is in charge of four interns that believe him to be the "meanest surgen ever." And I am an english and theatre teacher at a local high school that she does for pure enjoyment.
We grew up next door to each other and were ffriends from the very beginning. We then fell in love when they were in high school after Ian's twin brother Isaiah died from a brain tumor that would be very hard to operate on. Since then Ian has prefected every way to operate in the brain and has since saved severall people in similar situations as his brother had been in.
This is our house that my parents bought for us when we got married. It was the greatest gift we recieved! We absolutely love it and it has quite a few rooms that will soon fill with our children!
1. 8
2. 8
3. 8
4. 9
5. 9
6. 5
7. 10
UN: Roni
DH: Caspian Jonas
DW: Sonata Arwen
Caspian is 29. He's parents are Harry Travis and Helen Opal. He was born in Cornwel, England. he lived there until his father died of cancer at the age sixteen. His mother moved back to Charllotte, South Carolina were she lived before moving to England and got married. At the age 18, Caspian joined the air force and leard to fly planes. When he was 25 he left the air force and sarted he's own Aviation Chartering business called Brigade Air. It has florish since then and their is now three Brigade Airs. One of them catters to the rich and famous. He has flown actors like Richard gere, Chad Michael Murry, Jennifer Gardner, Lindsey lohen, Will Smith and Music Stars like the bands Korn, Nickleback, Three days Grace and singers like Marilyn Manson, Brittney Spears, Ciara and the list goes on. He never leaves for over night ever since he got married. He hopes in ten years Brigade Air will have branchs all acoss east coast.
Sonata is 24. Her parents are Avery Axel and Indy Willlow. Sonata grew up in Portland, Oregan until she went to college at USC and got a masters in Buisness and clothing designing (I can't think what it is called. It's very late. maybe too late to be doing this). She opened a Clothing Bouique that does tailoring for men and women of unusal shapes and sizes that have trouble fitting into regular store bought clothes. The buisness is doing fine. She hopes to get a large store at a better location in the very near future.
1. Names 9
2. Description 8
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8
5. Making it sorta believable... 7
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Username: Diamante04
DH: John James
DW: Aveline Sonya "Ava"
1. Names 7
2. Description 9
3. Creativity 7
4. Imagination 7
5. Making it sorta believable... 9
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
John is 22 years old and recently graduated college with a degree in broadcast journalism. He was able to find a job rather quickly, getting hired at a local television station...the same station he did a college internship at. He's working as a news reporter and is hoping to become an anchor sometime in the near future.
Ava is 20 years old and is still attending college. She's majoring in liberal studies and plans to become an elementary school teacher. She's loved working with children, and her entire life has dreamed of teaching, so she can't wait until the day she gets her credential and is able to do so. In the meantime, she's working as a teacher's aide at a local elementary school and gaining a lot of experience from it.
John and Ava met in elementary school, though it wasn't by any means "love at first sight". They were a little young for that...only 6 and 8 years old. John was very athletic and outgoing, while Ava was much more quiet and shy. When they were younger, he thought she was too "prissy", while he was too much of a jock for her. But when she started high school, he realized how much she had grown up, and they started to date. High school sweethearts, who were engaged on Ava's graduation night, have now been married for 6 months.
John grew up in a family of six: his parents, Nathan David and Iris Victoria, his older brother, Nathan David Jr., and younger sisters Julie Alexandra and Carrie Marie. His family is extremely close, and they all live relatively close to one another, wanting their children to grow up together.
Ava grew up in a family of seven: her parents, Nicholas Ryan and Michelle Marie, her older brother, Travis Michael, younger brother Kyle Joseph, and younger sisters, Lillian Rose and Kathryn Isabella. They, too, are a close family, though they don't live as near each other as John's.
Now that they are married, John and Ava hope to continue to be successful in life and would love to start a family. They dream of having children together and can't wait until that becomes a reality :-)
UN: Sophie
DH: Jonas Caspian
DW: Sonya Divinity
1. Names 8
2. Description 7
3. Creativity 7
4. Imagination 7
5. Making it sorta believable... 8
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Jonas and Sonya have known each other since childhood, but only started going out in their final year at Oxford University (Jonas studied maths, Sonya history). They married at the age of 25. Jonas now works in investment banking and Sonya works for PWC in their human resources department. They would love to have a large family and hope to move to Scotland one day.
UN: Raeanne
DH: Kyler Jameson {6'2, 150lbs, 28y.o wavy light brown hair thats shaggy long, with bright round blue eyes. He works has a chiropractor along side his wife and secretly hopes for triplets.}
[GM: Kristy Anais {52y.o. women dont give away weight, straight dirty blonde hair and round bright blue eyes. She is a nurse and secretly wants grandchildren}
GF: Ian James {55y.o 170lbs 6'0, light brown speckled gray hair. Blue grey eyes. He works has an electrician and secretly wants to retire down south.}
DS: Kyla Jade {25 y.o 120lbs 5'8 light brown hair and giant blue eyes. Fashion Editor for Vouge NY. Secretly wants to be a model.}]
DW: Evangeline Winter {26 5'6 115lbs. dark black hair with large almond brown eyes.
1. 7
2. Description 7
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8
5. Making it sorta believable 8
6. 7
7. 7
UN: Avalon
LN: Halloran
DH: Kyler Jameson (24)
DW: Anais Evangeline (23)
1. Names 8
2. Description 9
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8
5. Making it sorta believable... 8
6. Randomosity 7
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Kyler grew up in London, England, the youngest of three. He has a sister, Adelaide Imogen (26), and a brother, Christian Jude (29). His father, Lewis Benjamin, ran a successful four-star restaurant before passing away a year ago at the age of sixty-two. (Christian has subsequently taken over management of the restaurant.) Kyler's mother, Stella Marie, tragically died when Kyler was only five.
Kyler has light brown hair that gets curly if he doesn't keep it short. His eyes are bluish-gray. He stands about six feet tall and has an athletic build, as he enjoys participating in sports (especially soccer). In his free time, he likes taking pictures, going running, or playing his guitar.
Anais lived all her life in Boston. She has two older brothers, Jourdain Edmond (27) and Theo Maximilian (24), and a younger sister, Manon Juliette (20). Her parents, Alphonse Paul and Eve Helene, are both French, so Anais grew up speaking both French and English fluently.
Anais has shoulder-length, wavy brown hair and green eyes. She is about 5'8", with a slim, athletic figure. When she has time, she likes painting and drawing, reading, or going out for a walk.
Kyler and Anais met when Kyler spent his a semester of his junior year in high school studying abroad. Anais was in his physics class, and he was immediately smitten with her. They ended up dating almost the entire semester before Kyler had to leave to return to England.
As luck would have it, the pair met up again five years later when they bumped into each other at a coffee shop in London. Anais had gone to England to (of course) study abroad. After some catching up and six months of dating, they moved back to Boston and bought an apartment together. On Anais' birthday last year, Kyler proposed.
They have been married for almost a year now. Kyler is working on getting through medical school and hopes to become a surgeon. To help to pay for his tuition and make ends meet, he is also working part-time at a local bookstore. Anais is currently employed at a prominent architecture firm in the city and hopes to open up her own firm one day.
UN: Acg233
LN: O'Larey
DH: Kyler James (24)
DW: Sonata Evangeline (24)
1. Names 8
2. Description 8 1/2
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8 1/2
5. Making it sorta believable... 8
6. Randomosity 7 1/2
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Kyler and Sonata met last year at a festival of the arts. Kyler, a physical therapist, has bright red hair and blue eyes. He has lot's of freckles and is strong and lean. Sonata, a writer and dancer, has nearly black curls and hazel-green eyes. She is tall and muscular. Sonata's brother, Luther Scott, and Kyler's sister, Scarlett Marie, were going on a second date and agreed to take their siblings to make it a double date. Kyler and Sonata clicked, though Luther and Scarlett did not.
Kyler comes from an lower middle class Irish family. His parents, Callum Peter and Kathleen Anna, worked their way through many hardships to give Kyler, Scarlett and their younger brother Aidan, a good shot at becoming financially stable.
Sonata comes from an upper middle class family. She and her brother are the only children of Andrew Jonas and Aileen Emilia.
Sonata's dreams to become a dancer were nearly smashed when she mistakenly gave up dance because she thought she wasn't good enough. Kyler convinced her to restart and she recently got the lead role of the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Pacific Ballet Theater's Nutcracker.
Kyler and Sonata were married less than a year ago. Orignially from Chicago, both decided to move out west to Northern California.
Kyler is hoping open his own office sometime in the future, for now, he works for a local physical therapist.
UN: Rachel
LN: Sims
DH: Ian James
DW: Sonya Winter
1. Names 8
2. Description 1
3. Creativity 1
4. Imagination 1
5. Making it sorta believable... 1
6. Randomosity 1
7. Following the rules of course... 2
(ignore everything but the names)
The better you follow the rules, the more children you get! Here are the rules and Judging Criteria:
1. Names (1-10) ten being the best on everything
2. Description (1-10)
3. Creativity (1-10)
4. Imagination (1-10)
5. Making it sorta believable... (1-10)
6. Randomosity (1-10) {this one is hard to score on}
7. Following the rules of course... (1-10)
Ok, well, here are the rules...
1. No spelling/Nick name changes unless otherwise specified.
2. Make sure there are no changes to the sign up sheets.
3. Okay, well If I missed anything just tell me!
UN: Summer
DH: Ian Kyler
DW: Evangeline Adorlee "Evie"
Ian has dark brown hair and green eyes. And I have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Ian is a great surgen and currently is in charge of four interns that believe him to be the "meanest surgen ever." And I am an english and theatre teacher at a local high school that she does for pure enjoyment.
We grew up next door to each other and were ffriends from the very beginning. We then fell in love when they were in high school after Ian's twin brother Isaiah died from a brain tumor that would be very hard to operate on. Since then Ian has prefected every way to operate in the brain and has since saved severall people in similar situations as his brother had been in.
This is our house that my parents bought for us when we got married. It was the greatest gift we recieved! We absolutely love it and it has quite a few rooms that will soon fill with our children!
1. 8
2. 8
3. 8
4. 9
5. 9
6. 5
7. 10
UN: Roni
DH: Caspian Jonas
DW: Sonata Arwen
Caspian is 29. He's parents are Harry Travis and Helen Opal. He was born in Cornwel, England. he lived there until his father died of cancer at the age sixteen. His mother moved back to Charllotte, South Carolina were she lived before moving to England and got married. At the age 18, Caspian joined the air force and leard to fly planes. When he was 25 he left the air force and sarted he's own Aviation Chartering business called Brigade Air. It has florish since then and their is now three Brigade Airs. One of them catters to the rich and famous. He has flown actors like Richard gere, Chad Michael Murry, Jennifer Gardner, Lindsey lohen, Will Smith and Music Stars like the bands Korn, Nickleback, Three days Grace and singers like Marilyn Manson, Brittney Spears, Ciara and the list goes on. He never leaves for over night ever since he got married. He hopes in ten years Brigade Air will have branchs all acoss east coast.
Sonata is 24. Her parents are Avery Axel and Indy Willlow. Sonata grew up in Portland, Oregan until she went to college at USC and got a masters in Buisness and clothing designing (I can't think what it is called. It's very late. maybe too late to be doing this). She opened a Clothing Bouique that does tailoring for men and women of unusal shapes and sizes that have trouble fitting into regular store bought clothes. The buisness is doing fine. She hopes to get a large store at a better location in the very near future.
1. Names 9
2. Description 8
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8
5. Making it sorta believable... 7
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Username: Diamante04
DH: John James
DW: Aveline Sonya "Ava"
1. Names 7
2. Description 9
3. Creativity 7
4. Imagination 7
5. Making it sorta believable... 9
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
John is 22 years old and recently graduated college with a degree in broadcast journalism. He was able to find a job rather quickly, getting hired at a local television station...the same station he did a college internship at. He's working as a news reporter and is hoping to become an anchor sometime in the near future.
Ava is 20 years old and is still attending college. She's majoring in liberal studies and plans to become an elementary school teacher. She's loved working with children, and her entire life has dreamed of teaching, so she can't wait until the day she gets her credential and is able to do so. In the meantime, she's working as a teacher's aide at a local elementary school and gaining a lot of experience from it.
John and Ava met in elementary school, though it wasn't by any means "love at first sight". They were a little young for that...only 6 and 8 years old. John was very athletic and outgoing, while Ava was much more quiet and shy. When they were younger, he thought she was too "prissy", while he was too much of a jock for her. But when she started high school, he realized how much she had grown up, and they started to date. High school sweethearts, who were engaged on Ava's graduation night, have now been married for 6 months.
John grew up in a family of six: his parents, Nathan David and Iris Victoria, his older brother, Nathan David Jr., and younger sisters Julie Alexandra and Carrie Marie. His family is extremely close, and they all live relatively close to one another, wanting their children to grow up together.
Ava grew up in a family of seven: her parents, Nicholas Ryan and Michelle Marie, her older brother, Travis Michael, younger brother Kyle Joseph, and younger sisters, Lillian Rose and Kathryn Isabella. They, too, are a close family, though they don't live as near each other as John's.
Now that they are married, John and Ava hope to continue to be successful in life and would love to start a family. They dream of having children together and can't wait until that becomes a reality :-)
UN: Sophie
DH: Jonas Caspian
DW: Sonya Divinity
1. Names 8
2. Description 7
3. Creativity 7
4. Imagination 7
5. Making it sorta believable... 8
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Jonas and Sonya have known each other since childhood, but only started going out in their final year at Oxford University (Jonas studied maths, Sonya history). They married at the age of 25. Jonas now works in investment banking and Sonya works for PWC in their human resources department. They would love to have a large family and hope to move to Scotland one day.
UN: Raeanne
DH: Kyler Jameson {6'2, 150lbs, 28y.o wavy light brown hair thats shaggy long, with bright round blue eyes. He works has a chiropractor along side his wife and secretly hopes for triplets.}
[GM: Kristy Anais {52y.o. women dont give away weight, straight dirty blonde hair and round bright blue eyes. She is a nurse and secretly wants grandchildren}
GF: Ian James {55y.o 170lbs 6'0, light brown speckled gray hair. Blue grey eyes. He works has an electrician and secretly wants to retire down south.}
DS: Kyla Jade {25 y.o 120lbs 5'8 light brown hair and giant blue eyes. Fashion Editor for Vouge NY. Secretly wants to be a model.}]
DW: Evangeline Winter {26 5'6 115lbs. dark black hair with large almond brown eyes.
1. 7
2. Description 7
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8
5. Making it sorta believable 8
6. 7
7. 7
UN: Avalon
LN: Halloran
DH: Kyler Jameson (24)
DW: Anais Evangeline (23)
1. Names 8
2. Description 9
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8
5. Making it sorta believable... 8
6. Randomosity 7
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Kyler grew up in London, England, the youngest of three. He has a sister, Adelaide Imogen (26), and a brother, Christian Jude (29). His father, Lewis Benjamin, ran a successful four-star restaurant before passing away a year ago at the age of sixty-two. (Christian has subsequently taken over management of the restaurant.) Kyler's mother, Stella Marie, tragically died when Kyler was only five.
Kyler has light brown hair that gets curly if he doesn't keep it short. His eyes are bluish-gray. He stands about six feet tall and has an athletic build, as he enjoys participating in sports (especially soccer). In his free time, he likes taking pictures, going running, or playing his guitar.
Anais lived all her life in Boston. She has two older brothers, Jourdain Edmond (27) and Theo Maximilian (24), and a younger sister, Manon Juliette (20). Her parents, Alphonse Paul and Eve Helene, are both French, so Anais grew up speaking both French and English fluently.
Anais has shoulder-length, wavy brown hair and green eyes. She is about 5'8", with a slim, athletic figure. When she has time, she likes painting and drawing, reading, or going out for a walk.
Kyler and Anais met when Kyler spent his a semester of his junior year in high school studying abroad. Anais was in his physics class, and he was immediately smitten with her. They ended up dating almost the entire semester before Kyler had to leave to return to England.
As luck would have it, the pair met up again five years later when they bumped into each other at a coffee shop in London. Anais had gone to England to (of course) study abroad. After some catching up and six months of dating, they moved back to Boston and bought an apartment together. On Anais' birthday last year, Kyler proposed.
They have been married for almost a year now. Kyler is working on getting through medical school and hopes to become a surgeon. To help to pay for his tuition and make ends meet, he is also working part-time at a local bookstore. Anais is currently employed at a prominent architecture firm in the city and hopes to open up her own firm one day.
UN: Acg233
LN: O'Larey
DH: Kyler James (24)
DW: Sonata Evangeline (24)
1. Names 8
2. Description 8 1/2
3. Creativity 8
4. Imagination 8 1/2
5. Making it sorta believable... 8
6. Randomosity 7 1/2
7. Following the rules of course... 10
Kyler and Sonata met last year at a festival of the arts. Kyler, a physical therapist, has bright red hair and blue eyes. He has lot's of freckles and is strong and lean. Sonata, a writer and dancer, has nearly black curls and hazel-green eyes. She is tall and muscular. Sonata's brother, Luther Scott, and Kyler's sister, Scarlett Marie, were going on a second date and agreed to take their siblings to make it a double date. Kyler and Sonata clicked, though Luther and Scarlett did not.
Kyler comes from an lower middle class Irish family. His parents, Callum Peter and Kathleen Anna, worked their way through many hardships to give Kyler, Scarlett and their younger brother Aidan, a good shot at becoming financially stable.
Sonata comes from an upper middle class family. She and her brother are the only children of Andrew Jonas and Aileen Emilia.
Sonata's dreams to become a dancer were nearly smashed when she mistakenly gave up dance because she thought she wasn't good enough. Kyler convinced her to restart and she recently got the lead role of the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Pacific Ballet Theater's Nutcracker.
Kyler and Sonata were married less than a year ago. Orignially from Chicago, both decided to move out west to Northern California.
Kyler is hoping open his own office sometime in the future, for now, he works for a local physical therapist.
UN: Rachel
LN: Sims
DH: Ian James
DW: Sonya Winter
1. Names 8
2. Description 1
3. Creativity 1
4. Imagination 1
5. Making it sorta believable... 1
6. Randomosity 1
7. Following the rules of course... 2
This message was edited 12/21/2006, 8:14 AM
Signing up!
LN: Adamson
DH: Milo James "James"
DW:Arwen Evangeline
the whole family:
sign up- James and Arwen were married on March 14th. their wedding colors were a dark forrest green and cream. they were married in Iowa, where James' parents live. they moved to Washington state after a year of marriage. they met at Michigan state university, and have both finished school.
a bit about James:
sign up- Milo James was named after his great-grandfather. He hates the name Milo, and has gone by James his whole life. James was born on February 6th. He has dark brown hair that is nail straight and green eyes. He comes from a small family, his parents' names are Melanie and Robert, and his younger brother is Melvin Peter, who goes by Peter. James is a landscaper.
a bit about Arwen:
sign up- Her maiden name is Daniels. Arwen's parents were both very into the Lord of the Rings series by J R R Tolkien, and were very Christian. Her parents' names are David and Louise. Arwen Has 8 siblings, their names are Peregrine Christian, Eowyn Hope, Aragorn Philip, Legolas Augustine, Galadriel Faith, Frodo Deacon, Meriadoc Sebastian, and Gandalf Eustace. Arwen helps her husband with his landscaping business, but hopes to be a stay at home mom when they have children. she has wavy brown hair and green eyes.
LN: Adamson
DH: Milo James "James"
DW:Arwen Evangeline
the whole family:
sign up- James and Arwen were married on March 14th. their wedding colors were a dark forrest green and cream. they were married in Iowa, where James' parents live. they moved to Washington state after a year of marriage. they met at Michigan state university, and have both finished school.
a bit about James:
sign up- Milo James was named after his great-grandfather. He hates the name Milo, and has gone by James his whole life. James was born on February 6th. He has dark brown hair that is nail straight and green eyes. He comes from a small family, his parents' names are Melanie and Robert, and his younger brother is Melvin Peter, who goes by Peter. James is a landscaper.
a bit about Arwen:
sign up- Her maiden name is Daniels. Arwen's parents were both very into the Lord of the Rings series by J R R Tolkien, and were very Christian. Her parents' names are David and Louise. Arwen Has 8 siblings, their names are Peregrine Christian, Eowyn Hope, Aragorn Philip, Legolas Augustine, Galadriel Faith, Frodo Deacon, Meriadoc Sebastian, and Gandalf Eustace. Arwen helps her husband with his landscaping business, but hopes to be a stay at home mom when they have children. she has wavy brown hair and green eyes.
Signing up!
The Gable Family
DH: John Milo (30)
DW: Aveline Winter (27)
John and Aveline Gable have been married for two years and have just bought their first house, a small two-bedroom home in rural New England. They are looking forward to starting a family very shortly.
John just turned 30 and is very tall with long brown hair that he usually keeps in a ponytail. He alternates between being clean-shaven and having facial hair; usually he wears a goatee. John is the son of Edward Gable, a mechanic, and Cynthia Gable, a fourth grade teacher, and has only one sibling, his brother David. He and has lived in New England for most of his life, except for the four years he spent attending college in New York and the two years afterward that he lived in New York City. He has always loved music, and when he came back from New York, he reconnected with some old friends and started a band, in which he plays guitar. The band mostly plays free shows at small venues; John makes his real living teaching music at the local community college. However, a position for a music teacher has just opened up at a different college about an hour away. The commute would be a hassle, especially in the winter, but it would much more than his current job, so he's thinking about applying.
Aveline Gable, formerly Aveline Winthrop, is 27 years old and grew up in a small Southern town. She is the youngest of six children; her siblings are Bonnie, 42, Roger, 37, and twins Joanna and Lillian, 36. Her father, Curtis Winthrop, is a retired police officer. Her mother, Sylvia, died of cancer when Aveline was four, and she was raised by her father and her grandmother, Rose-Ellen Winthrop. She met John in college, where she was majoring in writing, and they began dating just before he graduated. She graduated two years after John, and shortly afterward, they became engaged. They were married two years ago in a small outdoor ceremony and spent their honeymoon in Ireland. Aveline writes a weekly column for a local newspaper and is hoping to soon publish her first book, a collection of poems for children. She has short, curly blonde hair and freckles and is often told that she looks much younger than her age. Aveline has always loved children and is very close to all of her nieces and nephews, though they all love far away. She can't wait to become a mother herself.
The Gable Family
DH: John Milo (30)
DW: Aveline Winter (27)
John and Aveline Gable have been married for two years and have just bought their first house, a small two-bedroom home in rural New England. They are looking forward to starting a family very shortly.
John just turned 30 and is very tall with long brown hair that he usually keeps in a ponytail. He alternates between being clean-shaven and having facial hair; usually he wears a goatee. John is the son of Edward Gable, a mechanic, and Cynthia Gable, a fourth grade teacher, and has only one sibling, his brother David. He and has lived in New England for most of his life, except for the four years he spent attending college in New York and the two years afterward that he lived in New York City. He has always loved music, and when he came back from New York, he reconnected with some old friends and started a band, in which he plays guitar. The band mostly plays free shows at small venues; John makes his real living teaching music at the local community college. However, a position for a music teacher has just opened up at a different college about an hour away. The commute would be a hassle, especially in the winter, but it would much more than his current job, so he's thinking about applying.
Aveline Gable, formerly Aveline Winthrop, is 27 years old and grew up in a small Southern town. She is the youngest of six children; her siblings are Bonnie, 42, Roger, 37, and twins Joanna and Lillian, 36. Her father, Curtis Winthrop, is a retired police officer. Her mother, Sylvia, died of cancer when Aveline was four, and she was raised by her father and her grandmother, Rose-Ellen Winthrop. She met John in college, where she was majoring in writing, and they began dating just before he graduated. She graduated two years after John, and shortly afterward, they became engaged. They were married two years ago in a small outdoor ceremony and spent their honeymoon in Ireland. Aveline writes a weekly column for a local newspaper and is hoping to soon publish her first book, a collection of poems for children. She has short, curly blonde hair and freckles and is often told that she looks much younger than her age. Aveline has always loved children and is very close to all of her nieces and nephews, though they all love far away. She can't wait to become a mother herself.
UN: Sophie
DH: Jonas Caspian
DW: Sonya Divinity
DD/DD: Elodie Fleur / Felicity Clara
Jonas and Sonya have just moved to St Andrews, which they have been trying to do for a while. Unfortunately Sonya was unable to carry on her work with PWC but this has proved a blessing in disguise as she is now able to devote all her time to the twins, who she adores. Jonas has just been promoted so lcukily money is not a problem, and in fact they have just bought a new family car.
DH: Jonas Caspian
DW: Sonya Divinity
DD/DD: Elodie Fleur / Felicity Clara
Jonas and Sonya have just moved to St Andrews, which they have been trying to do for a while. Unfortunately Sonya was unable to carry on her work with PWC but this has proved a blessing in disguise as she is now able to devote all her time to the twins, who she adores. Jonas has just been promoted so lcukily money is not a problem, and in fact they have just bought a new family car.
UN: Roni
DH: Caspian Jonas
DW: Sonata Arwen
DS: Rilian Eustace
Rilian was born two weeks ago. After he was born we found out that Rilian is deaf in his right ear, but he has some hearing in his left. When he is older he will get a hearing implant. He weighted 8 pounds and 7 ounces. He has thick red hair just like his father. sonata always wanted her children to have red hair. He has dark green eyes. Caspian has already dropped him, luckly there was bedding on the floor. He has lost his holding privilege.
Four days before Rilian was born, Sonata's clothing boutique burned to the ground. She has no plans to rebuild it as of yet. She is forused only on Rilian right now and has no time worrying about her failed buisness. Although Caspian has opened three more branchs in the west coast.
DH: Caspian Jonas
DW: Sonata Arwen
DS: Rilian Eustace
Rilian was born two weeks ago. After he was born we found out that Rilian is deaf in his right ear, but he has some hearing in his left. When he is older he will get a hearing implant. He weighted 8 pounds and 7 ounces. He has thick red hair just like his father. sonata always wanted her children to have red hair. He has dark green eyes. Caspian has already dropped him, luckly there was bedding on the floor. He has lost his holding privilege.
Four days before Rilian was born, Sonata's clothing boutique burned to the ground. She has no plans to rebuild it as of yet. She is forused only on Rilian right now and has no time worrying about her failed buisness. Although Caspian has opened three more branchs in the west coast.
This message was edited 12/21/2006, 8:02 PM
Wait--so unless you say we may, we can't have nicknames?
My decision to play your game rests on the answer to this question.
My decision to play your game rests on the answer to this question.
Yes you can have nicknames....
Just, if you have an adopted child, who already has a nickname, don't change it!
Just, if you have an adopted child, who already has a nickname, don't change it!
Round One
UN: Summer
DH: Ian Kyler
DW: Evangeline Adorlee "Evie"
DD/DD/DS: Anika Faith ((My favorite name!!)) / Bretta Delany "Bretty" / Edmund Porter "Eddie"
AngelBaby: Caspian Kirke
After two years of trying Ian and I decided to try vitro fertilization. It worked miracles and Ian and I found out that we were expecting quads! It was wonderful. However, shortly before the start of my 3rd trimester we learned that we had lost one of the babies because his umbilical chord wrapped around his neck. This saddened Ian and I very much and we are still quite sad that we do not have all four of the babies we had once expected. However, at 35 weeks I did start going into labor. They preformed an emergency C-section and we recieved three beauitful children. Anika Faith was the first to come out and she was 5 pounds 3 onzes, our biggest. Bretta Delany came second and she was 3 pounds 10 onzes. And finally our third came, Edmund Porter and he was 4 pounds 3 onzes. Anika was allowed to come home with us three days later but our other two needed to wait another two weeks to gain weight and get more healthier.
Now that they are home Ian and I have has quite the adventure. We had already had adjusted to having one baby around, when the other two came we realized how little sleep we could have and actually run on! Both of my parents and his came to stay with us and helped as well. His parents had to leave after they turned a month though. My parents have stayed because they are both retired and love the thought of helping us out!
UN: Summer
DH: Ian Kyler
DW: Evangeline Adorlee "Evie"
DD/DD/DS: Anika Faith ((My favorite name!!)) / Bretta Delany "Bretty" / Edmund Porter "Eddie"
AngelBaby: Caspian Kirke
After two years of trying Ian and I decided to try vitro fertilization. It worked miracles and Ian and I found out that we were expecting quads! It was wonderful. However, shortly before the start of my 3rd trimester we learned that we had lost one of the babies because his umbilical chord wrapped around his neck. This saddened Ian and I very much and we are still quite sad that we do not have all four of the babies we had once expected. However, at 35 weeks I did start going into labor. They preformed an emergency C-section and we recieved three beauitful children. Anika Faith was the first to come out and she was 5 pounds 3 onzes, our biggest. Bretta Delany came second and she was 3 pounds 10 onzes. And finally our third came, Edmund Porter and he was 4 pounds 3 onzes. Anika was allowed to come home with us three days later but our other two needed to wait another two weeks to gain weight and get more healthier.
Now that they are home Ian and I have has quite the adventure. We had already had adjusted to having one baby around, when the other two came we realized how little sleep we could have and actually run on! Both of my parents and his came to stay with us and helped as well. His parents had to leave after they turned a month though. My parents have stayed because they are both retired and love the thought of helping us out!
This message was edited 12/21/2006, 2:52 PM
This message was edited 12/22/2006, 5:13 PM
Username: Diamante04
DH: John James {24}
DW: Aveline Sonya "Ava" {22}
DS/DD: Carter Cole / Ariella Celestia {nb}
1. Names 7
2. Description 9
3. Creativity 7
4. Imagination 7
5. Making it sorta believable... 9
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
John is now 24 years old, and Ava is 22 years old. They've been married for two and half years and were thrilled to find out one of their biggest dreams was coming to come true two-fold with the arrival of twins! They decided to keep the sex of the babies a surprise and were even more thrilled when their son and daughter came into the world.
Carter Cole and Ariella Celestia were born September 30th. Carter was born at 9:14 AM, weighing 5 pounds, 14 ounces; 19 inches long. He was joined by his sister at 9:34 AM, weighing 5 pounds, 8 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long. John and Ava had names picked out for any possibility of sexes, though their favorites, by far, were Carter and Ariella. Ava wanted their son's name to somehow honor John, and they agreed to double his initials, like John's; hence, Carter Cole. John, likewise, wanted their daughter's name to honor Ava, so they agreed to give her a name that had Ava's same initials. The only problem came when they couldn't find the perfect "S" middle names, so they did the next closest thing, and found a "C" name that made the "S" sound, and so came about Ariella Celestia.
And dreams really do come true for this family! Ava was able to finish her college education and obtain her teaching credential before the twins were born. She'd been teaching for a few months at her first job when she found out she was pregnant, so it came time to make a big decision. She knew she wanted to spend plenty of time at home with the babies and didn't want to have to worry about rushing back to work. So, she decided to leave her position permanently, for the time being, and stay home with Carter and Ariella. Her job was lost to her children, but she thinks it was well-worth it. :-) John, on the other hand, is still working as a news reporter, though he does occassionally fill in as an anchor. He loves his line of work, as well as the station he's at.
DH: John James {24}
DW: Aveline Sonya "Ava" {22}
DS/DD: Carter Cole / Ariella Celestia {nb}
1. Names 7
2. Description 9
3. Creativity 7
4. Imagination 7
5. Making it sorta believable... 9
6. Randomosity 6
7. Following the rules of course... 10
John is now 24 years old, and Ava is 22 years old. They've been married for two and half years and were thrilled to find out one of their biggest dreams was coming to come true two-fold with the arrival of twins! They decided to keep the sex of the babies a surprise and were even more thrilled when their son and daughter came into the world.
Carter Cole and Ariella Celestia were born September 30th. Carter was born at 9:14 AM, weighing 5 pounds, 14 ounces; 19 inches long. He was joined by his sister at 9:34 AM, weighing 5 pounds, 8 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long. John and Ava had names picked out for any possibility of sexes, though their favorites, by far, were Carter and Ariella. Ava wanted their son's name to somehow honor John, and they agreed to double his initials, like John's; hence, Carter Cole. John, likewise, wanted their daughter's name to honor Ava, so they agreed to give her a name that had Ava's same initials. The only problem came when they couldn't find the perfect "S" middle names, so they did the next closest thing, and found a "C" name that made the "S" sound, and so came about Ariella Celestia.
And dreams really do come true for this family! Ava was able to finish her college education and obtain her teaching credential before the twins were born. She'd been teaching for a few months at her first job when she found out she was pregnant, so it came time to make a big decision. She knew she wanted to spend plenty of time at home with the babies and didn't want to have to worry about rushing back to work. So, she decided to leave her position permanently, for the time being, and stay home with Carter and Ariella. Her job was lost to her children, but she thinks it was well-worth it. :-) John, on the other hand, is still working as a news reporter, though he does occassionally fill in as an anchor. He loves his line of work, as well as the station he's at.
UN: avalon
LN: Halloran
DH: Kyler Jameson (25)
DW: Anais Evangeline (24)
DD/DD/DS/DD: Adelaide Faith "Addy" / Blair Alexandria / Corin Peter / Ella Ainsley
Kyler and I had certainly discussed having kids, but we had always agreed that we would wait a few years before trying. I guess nature had other plans!
Our quadruplets -- yes, quadruplets -- arrived two nights ago, a month premature. Considering the circumstances, they are all in wonderful health. Three girls and a boy, forty little fingers and forty wiggly toes. Kyler and I couldn't be happier (or more exhausted!).
From what we can gather so far, they all have light brown hair, but not a whole lot of it! Both Corin and Ella have blue eyes, while Addy's are gray and Blair's are green. In short, they're all a perfect mix between Kyler and me!
With the arrival of the quads, we've been getting a lot of attention from the local media and such. Our neighbors have been helping out tremendously, which is fortunate because I was just laid off at the architecture firm due to budget cuts. This means that Kyler's job at the bookstore is our only source of income at the moment. What with four newborns and his medical school tuition, the expenses are bound to get high!
In a stroke of good luck, Kyler's older brother Christian just announced that he is opening another restaurant in the U.S...and in Boston, of all places! He's privately hired me to design it, which means, technically, I still have a job! He's also moving here for the time being to oversee the construction process, so he's volunteered to help out with the quads while he's here. Thank goodness!
LN: Halloran
DH: Kyler Jameson (25)
DW: Anais Evangeline (24)
DD/DD/DS/DD: Adelaide Faith "Addy" / Blair Alexandria / Corin Peter / Ella Ainsley
Kyler and I had certainly discussed having kids, but we had always agreed that we would wait a few years before trying. I guess nature had other plans!
Our quadruplets -- yes, quadruplets -- arrived two nights ago, a month premature. Considering the circumstances, they are all in wonderful health. Three girls and a boy, forty little fingers and forty wiggly toes. Kyler and I couldn't be happier (or more exhausted!).
From what we can gather so far, they all have light brown hair, but not a whole lot of it! Both Corin and Ella have blue eyes, while Addy's are gray and Blair's are green. In short, they're all a perfect mix between Kyler and me!
With the arrival of the quads, we've been getting a lot of attention from the local media and such. Our neighbors have been helping out tremendously, which is fortunate because I was just laid off at the architecture firm due to budget cuts. This means that Kyler's job at the bookstore is our only source of income at the moment. What with four newborns and his medical school tuition, the expenses are bound to get high!
In a stroke of good luck, Kyler's older brother Christian just announced that he is opening another restaurant in the U.S...and in Boston, of all places! He's privately hired me to design it, which means, technically, I still have a job! He's also moving here for the time being to oversee the construction process, so he's volunteered to help out with the quads while he's here. Thank goodness!
sign up!
LN: Cheshire
DH: John Caspian (27)
DW: Sonora Atlantis (25)
John and Sonora's house

John and Sonora married on Oct. 29 this year. They live in Alexandria, Virginia.
John was born on Nov. 4, 1979. He was born London, England. His parents are William Charles and Elizabeth Anne Cheshire. William was a police officer and Elizabeth on a bakery. John siblings are, Margaret Ayla "Meg"(23) and Sarah Elanor (19). Meg is married to a Greek man named Nico Alexandros Kokinos (24). They married on June 3 last year. Sarah is currenlty Harry Patrick Appleby (21) who is in the army.
Sonora was born on Aug. 14, 1981. She was born in Florence, Italy. Sonora's parents are Bianca Clelia and Emilio Davide Baldi.
Emilio was a chef and owned a restuarent and Bianca was a stay home mother. Sonora's siblings are, Sonata Amour (25), Sarolta Aurora (23), Salla Aarina (20), Symona Aneglica (16), and Sofia Achilleasa (14). Sonata is married to David Benjamin Walker (25) from Australia. They married on Dec. 30 2 years ago. Sarolta is engaged to George Ian Jameson (23).
John is lawyer in Alexandria and Sonora is a travel agent. John hope to have any boys, and Sonora just wants alot of children.
LN: Cheshire
DH: John Caspian (27)
DW: Sonora Atlantis (25)
John and Sonora's house

John and Sonora married on Oct. 29 this year. They live in Alexandria, Virginia.
John was born on Nov. 4, 1979. He was born London, England. His parents are William Charles and Elizabeth Anne Cheshire. William was a police officer and Elizabeth on a bakery. John siblings are, Margaret Ayla "Meg"(23) and Sarah Elanor (19). Meg is married to a Greek man named Nico Alexandros Kokinos (24). They married on June 3 last year. Sarah is currenlty Harry Patrick Appleby (21) who is in the army.
Sonora was born on Aug. 14, 1981. She was born in Florence, Italy. Sonora's parents are Bianca Clelia and Emilio Davide Baldi.
Emilio was a chef and owned a restuarent and Bianca was a stay home mother. Sonora's siblings are, Sonata Amour (25), Sarolta Aurora (23), Salla Aarina (20), Symona Aneglica (16), and Sofia Achilleasa (14). Sonata is married to David Benjamin Walker (25) from Australia. They married on Dec. 30 2 years ago. Sarolta is engaged to George Ian Jameson (23).
John is lawyer in Alexandria and Sonora is a travel agent. John hope to have any boys, and Sonora just wants alot of children.
LN: Cheshire
DH: John Caspian (27)
DW: Sonora Atlantis (25)
I will tally your points for next round!
John and Sonora's house
John and Sonora married on Oct. 29 this year. They live in Alexandria, Virginia.
John was born on Nov. 4, 1979. He was born London, England. His parents are William Charles and Elizabeth Anne Cheshire. William was a police officer and Elizabeth on a bakery. John siblings are, Margaret Ayla "Meg"(23) and Sarah Elanor (19). Meg is married to a Greek man named Nico Alexandros Kokinos (24). They married on June 3 last year. Sarah is currenlty Harry Patrick Appleby (21) who is in the army.
Sonora was born on Aug. 14, 1981. She was born in Florence, Italy. Sonora's parents are Bianca Clelia and Emilio Davide Baldi.
Emilio was a chef and owned a restuarent and Bianca was a stay home mother. Sonora's siblings are, Sonata Amour (25), Sarolta Aurora (23), Salla Aarina (20), Symona Aneglica (16), and Sofia Achilleasa (14). Sonata is married to David Benjamin Walker (25) from Australia. They married on Dec. 30 2 years ago. Sarolta is engaged to George Ian Jameson (23).
John is lawyer in Alexandria and Sonora is a travel agent. John hope to have any boys, and Sonora just wants alot of children.
DH: John Caspian (27)
DW: Sonora Atlantis (25)
I will tally your points for next round!
John and Sonora's house
John and Sonora married on Oct. 29 this year. They live in Alexandria, Virginia.
John was born on Nov. 4, 1979. He was born London, England. His parents are William Charles and Elizabeth Anne Cheshire. William was a police officer and Elizabeth on a bakery. John siblings are, Margaret Ayla "Meg"(23) and Sarah Elanor (19). Meg is married to a Greek man named Nico Alexandros Kokinos (24). They married on June 3 last year. Sarah is currenlty Harry Patrick Appleby (21) who is in the army.
Sonora was born on Aug. 14, 1981. She was born in Florence, Italy. Sonora's parents are Bianca Clelia and Emilio Davide Baldi.
Emilio was a chef and owned a restuarent and Bianca was a stay home mother. Sonora's siblings are, Sonata Amour (25), Sarolta Aurora (23), Salla Aarina (20), Symona Aneglica (16), and Sofia Achilleasa (14). Sonata is married to David Benjamin Walker (25) from Australia. They married on Dec. 30 2 years ago. Sarolta is engaged to George Ian Jameson (23).
John is lawyer in Alexandria and Sonora is a travel agent. John hope to have any boys, and Sonora just wants alot of children.
LN: Cheshire
DH: John Caspian (27)
DW: Sonora Atlantis (25)
DD/DS: Felicity Caroline / Edward Caspian (0)
John and Sonora were so happy to welcome Felicty and Edward to their lives. Felicity and Edward look just like John. They both have red hair and blue eyes. Sonora thought that they would have black hair like her, but they still have her deep blue eyes. Felicity was 5lbs 3 oz and 18 inches and Edward was 5lbs 4 oz and 18 1/2 inches.
We wanted to name the twins after John and Sonora. So Edward middle name in the same as John's. Felicity didn't get any of Sonora names because they wanted to name their next child with a place name and Edward didn't go with any place name.
Some saddes came when Sonora lost her job at the travel accengy due to buget cuts.. But some get happiness came when she was oftened a job at a travel website. She will now be helping rating places. She is very happy. She will start her job as soon as the twins are able to go to John's sister, Meg can watch them. Meg and her husband Nico moved to Alexandria as well.
DH: John Caspian (27)
DW: Sonora Atlantis (25)
DD/DS: Felicity Caroline / Edward Caspian (0)
John and Sonora were so happy to welcome Felicty and Edward to their lives. Felicity and Edward look just like John. They both have red hair and blue eyes. Sonora thought that they would have black hair like her, but they still have her deep blue eyes. Felicity was 5lbs 3 oz and 18 inches and Edward was 5lbs 4 oz and 18 1/2 inches.
We wanted to name the twins after John and Sonora. So Edward middle name in the same as John's. Felicity didn't get any of Sonora names because they wanted to name their next child with a place name and Edward didn't go with any place name.
Some saddes came when Sonora lost her job at the travel accengy due to buget cuts.. But some get happiness came when she was oftened a job at a travel website. She will now be helping rating places. She is very happy. She will start her job as soon as the twins are able to go to John's sister, Meg can watch them. Meg and her husband Nico moved to Alexandria as well.
Signing Up!
I was going to sign up last night, but it was getting late and all of my creativeness went out the door.
LN: Taylor
DH: John Caspian "Jack"
DW: Sonya Amethyst "Amy"
My name is Sonya Amethyst. I was adopted from Russia at the age of two. I don't remember much of my history in Russia, but I have always been fascinated with Russian culture. I hope to travel there someday, and perhaps adopt a child of my own from Russia. I go by a shortened form of my middle name, Amy, because people in my area (for whatever reason) had trouble with my name. I don't know how or why, but it would always be pronounced wrong or spelled wrong. Amy is a simple name-three letters, not many pronounciations to get all mixed up. Someday I may switch back to using Sonya, but for now I use Amy. I have wavy light brown hair and green eyes. I'm not beautiful in the conventional sense, but my husband Jack finds me lovely, and that's enough for me. I'm 25 years old, and have been out of college for nearly three years. I chose social work as my profession because I wanted to help other kids who don't have homes. Right now, I work in domestic foster placing for children whose parents cannot, will not, or inadequately take care of them. I love what I do, though I hope to work in international adoption someday. My parents, Rose and Michael Deere. They couldn't have children, so they adopted a menagerie of children from around the world. I have six brothers and two sisters all from a different country than myself.
I was going to sign up last night, but it was getting late and all of my creativeness went out the door.
LN: Taylor
DH: John Caspian "Jack"
DW: Sonya Amethyst "Amy"
My name is Sonya Amethyst. I was adopted from Russia at the age of two. I don't remember much of my history in Russia, but I have always been fascinated with Russian culture. I hope to travel there someday, and perhaps adopt a child of my own from Russia. I go by a shortened form of my middle name, Amy, because people in my area (for whatever reason) had trouble with my name. I don't know how or why, but it would always be pronounced wrong or spelled wrong. Amy is a simple name-three letters, not many pronounciations to get all mixed up. Someday I may switch back to using Sonya, but for now I use Amy. I have wavy light brown hair and green eyes. I'm not beautiful in the conventional sense, but my husband Jack finds me lovely, and that's enough for me. I'm 25 years old, and have been out of college for nearly three years. I chose social work as my profession because I wanted to help other kids who don't have homes. Right now, I work in domestic foster placing for children whose parents cannot, will not, or inadequately take care of them. I love what I do, though I hope to work in international adoption someday. My parents, Rose and Michael Deere. They couldn't have children, so they adopted a menagerie of children from around the world. I have six brothers and two sisters all from a different country than myself.
This message was edited 12/21/2006, 11:16 AM
Okay, here is your family!
LN: Taylor
DH: John Caspian "Jack"
DW: Sonya Amethyst "Amy"
I will tally your points for next round!
My name is Sonya Amethyst. I was adopted from Russia at the age of two. I don't remember much of my history in Russia, but I have always been fascinated with Russian culture. I hope to travel there someday, and perhaps adopt a child of my own from Russia. I go by a shortened form of my middle name, Amy, because people in my area (for whatever reason) had trouble with my name. I don't know how or why, but it would always be pronounced wrong or spelled wrong. Amy is a simple name-three letters, not many pronounciations to get all mixed up. Someday I may switch back to using Sonya, but for now I use Amy. I have wavy light brown hair and green eyes. I'm not beautiful in the conventional sense, but my husband Jack finds me lovely, and that's enough for me. I'm 25 years old, and have been out of college for nearly three years. I chose social work as my profession because I wanted to help other kids who don't have homes. Right now, I work in domestic foster placing for children whose parents cannot, will not, or inadequately take care of them. I love what I do, though I hope to work in international adoption someday. My parents, Rose and Michael Deere. They couldn't have children, so they adopted a menagerie of children from around the world. I have six brothers and two sisters all from a different country than myself. My older sister, Zhen Mei (who goes by Sarah), is from China.
LN: Taylor
DH: John Caspian "Jack"
DW: Sonya Amethyst "Amy"
I will tally your points for next round!
My name is Sonya Amethyst. I was adopted from Russia at the age of two. I don't remember much of my history in Russia, but I have always been fascinated with Russian culture. I hope to travel there someday, and perhaps adopt a child of my own from Russia. I go by a shortened form of my middle name, Amy, because people in my area (for whatever reason) had trouble with my name. I don't know how or why, but it would always be pronounced wrong or spelled wrong. Amy is a simple name-three letters, not many pronounciations to get all mixed up. Someday I may switch back to using Sonya, but for now I use Amy. I have wavy light brown hair and green eyes. I'm not beautiful in the conventional sense, but my husband Jack finds me lovely, and that's enough for me. I'm 25 years old, and have been out of college for nearly three years. I chose social work as my profession because I wanted to help other kids who don't have homes. Right now, I work in domestic foster placing for children whose parents cannot, will not, or inadequately take care of them. I love what I do, though I hope to work in international adoption someday. My parents, Rose and Michael Deere. They couldn't have children, so they adopted a menagerie of children from around the world. I have six brothers and two sisters all from a different country than myself. My older sister, Zhen Mei (who goes by Sarah), is from China.
LN: Taylor
DH: John Caspian "Jack"
DW: Sonya Amethyst "Amy"
DD/DD: Adelaide Faith "Addy" and Amber Cadence
It's only been 1 yr. and 4 months since Jack and I got married, but we have two little girls! The identical twins were born in early June. Their names are Adelaide Faith and Amber Cadence. For both of the girls, we just used names that we liked. Addy and Amber have the most adorable little faces. They are two weeks old yesterday. As of yet, they have no measurable hair, but they do have the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen. Having identical babies is sometimes difficult, but we've taken to putting them in personalized clothes in public, and writing their names on masking tape at home (we stick the masking tape to the back of whatever outfit they're wearing). Jack and I have quickly learned that parenting isn't as easy as our respective parents made it look. Due to a budget cut, I was laid off just before I found out I was pregnant. It wasn't long before I found a position in international adoptions that was open in our area. I applied for the job and, to my suprise, was offered the position within a week! The pay is nearly twice what it was before. Because the twins were due in June, and Jack had off from teaching for the summer, I decided to take the job for a year or so and see how it went. I love working there! From Russia alone I've been able to place 7 children, and I've placed more from around the world. I love doing what I do, and can't wait to adopt a little boy or girl from Russia when we can save up enough money.
LN: Taylor
DH: John Caspian "Jack"
DW: Sonya Amethyst "Amy"
DD/DD: Adelaide Faith "Addy" and Amber Cadence
It's only been 1 yr. and 4 months since Jack and I got married, but we have two little girls! The identical twins were born in early June. Their names are Adelaide Faith and Amber Cadence. For both of the girls, we just used names that we liked. Addy and Amber have the most adorable little faces. They are two weeks old yesterday. As of yet, they have no measurable hair, but they do have the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen. Having identical babies is sometimes difficult, but we've taken to putting them in personalized clothes in public, and writing their names on masking tape at home (we stick the masking tape to the back of whatever outfit they're wearing). Jack and I have quickly learned that parenting isn't as easy as our respective parents made it look. Due to a budget cut, I was laid off just before I found out I was pregnant. It wasn't long before I found a position in international adoptions that was open in our area. I applied for the job and, to my suprise, was offered the position within a week! The pay is nearly twice what it was before. Because the twins were due in June, and Jack had off from teaching for the summer, I decided to take the job for a year or so and see how it went. I love working there! From Russia alone I've been able to place 7 children, and I've placed more from around the world. I love doing what I do, and can't wait to adopt a little boy or girl from Russia when we can save up enough money.
UN: Acg233
LN: O'Larey
DH: Kyler James (25)
DW: Sonata Evangeline (25)
DD/DS: Cadence Alexandria / Caspian Gale (1)
While busy with their lives, Kyler and Sonata never fathomed that they'd have children so early in their careers.
Sonata, though not necessarily living in the Pacific Northwest, travels around with the tour of the area. Kyler sees her when she comes close enough to home, and came out to visit her on her Christmas eve show in Portland.
Unfortuantly, when he and Sonata returned, there was unpleasantness to greet them. The physical therapist whom Kyler was working for had fired Kyler, on account of him missing so much work to visit Sonata.
A dancers pay is small and Kyler's physical therapy was the support of the small family. Hoping to bring in more income, Sonata began teaching classes at a local dance studio as well as auditioning and practicing for Giselle in Sacremento.
Kyler, intent on not making his wife bring in the income, pulled a few strings and took out a loan for a run-down building in the right location in a suburb of Sacremento. Now even lower on money, he works to beautify the lovely old building and bring life back into it. He is constantly down in the building, working away to make it into his dream: his own physical therapy office.
At the same time, Sonata learned that she is pregnant, with twins nonetheless. They soon realize that with children running around, the small apartment building is not going to work. Despite the low funds, another loan is taken out and the two buy a cozy cottage in the suburb. Sonata's dream of owning horses is going to have to be held off for a while.
LN: O'Larey
DH: Kyler James (25)
DW: Sonata Evangeline (25)
DD/DS: Cadence Alexandria / Caspian Gale (1)
While busy with their lives, Kyler and Sonata never fathomed that they'd have children so early in their careers.
Sonata, though not necessarily living in the Pacific Northwest, travels around with the tour of the area. Kyler sees her when she comes close enough to home, and came out to visit her on her Christmas eve show in Portland.
Unfortuantly, when he and Sonata returned, there was unpleasantness to greet them. The physical therapist whom Kyler was working for had fired Kyler, on account of him missing so much work to visit Sonata.
A dancers pay is small and Kyler's physical therapy was the support of the small family. Hoping to bring in more income, Sonata began teaching classes at a local dance studio as well as auditioning and practicing for Giselle in Sacremento.
Kyler, intent on not making his wife bring in the income, pulled a few strings and took out a loan for a run-down building in the right location in a suburb of Sacremento. Now even lower on money, he works to beautify the lovely old building and bring life back into it. He is constantly down in the building, working away to make it into his dream: his own physical therapy office.
At the same time, Sonata learned that she is pregnant, with twins nonetheless. They soon realize that with children running around, the small apartment building is not going to work. Despite the low funds, another loan is taken out and the two buy a cozy cottage in the suburb. Sonata's dream of owning horses is going to have to be held off for a while.