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Re: Froztens congrats round 4 !
Username: Elizaveta
LN: Sherridan
DH: Zachary Thomas "Zack"
DW: Winry Ophelia
DS: Arthur Nicholas "Art"
DS: Philip Rhys "Phil"
DD: Noella Tulip
DS: Lawrence Benjamin "Law"Do you like the name Bob?
No-you get a boyWhich is your favorite?
Stevie Wonder-FN from namebank 6,MN from namebank 2-----
From Robin Hood Men in Tights
[after Blinkin catches a flying arrow]
Achoo: Blinkin! How did you do that?
Blinkin: I heard that coming a mile away.
Robin Hood: Right-o, Blinkin, very good.
Blinkin: Pardon? Who's talking?
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