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My siggy congrats round 2
If anyone else signed up but did not get a child this round or did not name their children from last round, go ahead and name your last child and then give a post saying "missed me" and I will give you a child. This round you will also get a pet. You can use your own imagination for it's name. this is the last round where you will be able to sign up!
You get one child, and one pet this round. Girls: Kali, Deja, Elizaveta, Amelia, Shantice, Anais, Holla, Colina, Laddie, Onyx, Salvadory, Tristabelle, Lynne, Mykayla, Rosina, Ysanne, Lara, Chrissy, Calliope, Jodie, Kimberley, Chrysanthe, Ciara, Kimi, Niree, Sacha, Sibley, Zolah, Medina, Ianthe, Galaxy, Shay, clementia, Adanna, Hannah, Mary, Tiara, Wyoming, Fiona, Eve, Brynne, Emily, Fairlee, Naimh, Maeve, Bindi, Nicky, Trasia, Anniline, Skye, Evangeline, Diana, Willow caley, Felicity, Chloe, Jade, Nicky, Toriana, Ethereal, Infinity, Miracle, Mimra, Flora, Jasmine, Yvonne, Misty, Sally, CaleBoys: Blaise, Gilmer, Quentin, Dravin, Jansen, Flint, Terry, Hannes, John, Michael, Gabriel, Moses, Luke, Dylan, Nemo, Halse, Milo, Douglas, Ullirch, tyrone, Mason, clovis, Seton, Preston, Matthew, Cedric, William, Hansel, Shiloh, Lance, Farnell, Benjamen, Deagan, David, glendon, Lars, Zander, Jasper, Amory, Micha, Isaiah, Saber, Victor, Ryan, Ryley, Lorenzo, Bridgely, Noah, caspian, Aidan, Adam, Diego, Dennis, Ian, Flip, Darren, John, Vince, Kyle, Marvin, Peris, Juni, Rex, Frances, MichaelUS: Quigonjecca
LN: Faye
DW: Amethyst Skye
DH: Caspian Milo
DD/DD/DD/DD: Kimberley Shay/ Calliope Jade/ Torriana Annaline/ Elizaveta Naimh
Dgecko: US: Miss_Smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DD/DD: Chloe Adanna and Tiara Skye
Ddog:US: LadyBug
LN: Breton
DH: Michael David
DW: Rachel Lee
DD: Emily Amelia DS: Matthew Luke
Dhamster:US: Spartz
LN: Spartz
DH: Dylan Edward
DW: Marie Nicole
DS/DS: Dylan Cedric / Mason David
Dmouse:US: guest
LN: Cahill
DW: Elisabeth Mae
DH: James Alexander
Dferret:US: salsa
LN: Breen
DH: Richard Turan
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DS/ / DD:
Dcat:US: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
DS/DD/DS: Matthew Aidan "Matty" / Sacha Willow / Zander Isaiah
Dturtle:US: sophie
LN: Scott
DW: Sophie Louise
DH: ????
LN: Cohen
DW: Millie Tinuviel
DH: Dion Victor
Dbutterfly: US: JHK
DH: Alan George
DW: Judith Maria
Dbird:LN: Winchester
DH: Remus Alasdair
DW: Rebecca Simone
Dfrog:Username: Diamante04
LN: Thomas
DH: Samuel John "Sam"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD/DS/DS: Hannah Mary & Dylan Luke & Quentin Michael
Drat:US: Array
LN: Smith
DH: Virgil Lucifer
DW: Arachne Querida Oenone
DD: Eve Clementia Ianthe
Ddog:Username: Sabrina Fair
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DS: Michael Blaise
DLizard:US: Shelby
LN: Banyon
DH: Milo Adrian
DW: Shelby Rebecca
DD/DS/DS: Chloe Calliope Jade / Adam Gabriel Milo / Noah Michael Ian
DD: Dpet rock:US: Lawruh
LN: Hawk
DH: Peter Jacob (27)
DW: Shannon Melaina (23)
DS/DD: Jasper Adam / Maeve Rosina
Dhedgehog:US: Enlatiah
LN: Wrenfrow
DH: Gregory Spencer "Greg"
DW: Leilani Maile Kala
DD/DD: Kali Anais Jade/Felicity Willow Chloe
Dhorse:US: Sarah Lee
LN: Windsor
DH: Patrick Michael
DW: Olivia Anne "Liv"
DD/DD/DD: Chloe Amelia / Mary Diana / Felicity Jade
Dgerbil:Remember, if I missed you, just send me a post saying "missed me" and I will gladly give you a child and pet!
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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US: LadyBug
LN: Breton
DH: Michael David
DW: Rachel Lee
DD: Emily Amelia
DD: Chloe Lynne
Dhamster: Olive_________________________________________________________________________
Michael & Rachel Breton and their two lovely daughters Emily & Chloe!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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US: Spartz
LN: Spartz
DH: Dylan Edward
DW: Marie Nicole
DS/DS: Dylan Cedric / Mason David
DD: Hannah Lynn
Dmouse: ScabbeersDmouse!!!??? there's no way i can have a different pet? :-(MUGGLENET FOREVER!!! Image Hosted by
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Well, if you want a different pet...Here are your choices!Ddog:
Dgold fish:
Dpet rock:
Dbird:If there is one I didn't think of feel free to use it!Sorry you didn't like your mouse! If I had known I would have given you something different...
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US: Shelby
LN: Banyon
DH: Milo Adrian
DW: Shelby Rebecca
DD/DS/DS: Chloe Calliope Jade / Adam Gabriel Milo / Noah Michael Ian
DD: Felicity Zolah Skye
Dpet rock: Flint
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US: Kelga
LN: Rogers
DH: Scott Alexander
DW: Karly Grace
DS/DD/DS/DD/DD: Ciara Chloe, Emily Evangeline, Skye Sacha, Zander Isaiah, and Mason Adam
DS: Tyrone Michael "Ty"
DFerret: Marvin
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Missed Me
US: Estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (24)
DW: Lydia Grace (22)
DD/DS/DS: Mary Willow, Shiloh Moses, and Quentin Lance
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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Sorry about that.... here ya go!US: Estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (24)
DW: Lydia Grace (22)
DD/DS/DS: Mary Willow, Shiloh Moses, and Quentin Lance
Dguinea pig:
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US: Enlatiah
LN: Wrenfrow
DH: Gregory Spencer "Greg"
DW: Leilani Maile Kala
DD/DD: Kali Anais Jade/Felicity Willow Chloe
DS: Gabriel Blaise
Dhorse: ShanlieBut as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here -- the extraordinary rent you have to pay as you stay.
Annie Dillard
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LN: Cohen
DW: Millie Tinuviel
DH: Dion Victor
DS/DS: Dravin Ian Caspian & Blaise Noah Michael
DD: Willow Niamh Maeve
Dbutterfly: Deja Ianthe
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DH: Alan George
DW: Judith Maria
DD: Amelia Jade "Amy"
DS: Michael Aidan
Dbird(f): Stella
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Missed me!Username: Ebba
LN: Harvey
DH: Nicholas James 'Nick'
DW: Laura May
DS/DD: Chloe Eve / Gabriel Michael
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Sorry about the wait everyone....Username: Ebba
LN: Harvey
DH: Nicholas James 'Nick'
DW: Laura May
DS/DD: Chloe Eve / Gabriel Michael
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Username: Ebba
LN: Harvey
DH: Nicholas James 'Nick'
DW: Laura May
DS/DD: Chloe Eve / Gabriel Michael
DD: Emily Mary
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US: sophie
LN: Scott
DW: Sophie Louise
DD/DS: Diana Skye / Adam Blaise
DS: Dylan Matthew
Dgoldfish: NemoS xx--
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
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US: Miss_Smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DD/DD: Chloe Adanna and Tiara Skye
DS: Noah Gabriel
Ddog: Xander
**miss_smiley**--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)**Brandon & Elise**
Our new baby boy, Gabriel, joins big sisters, Chloe and Tiara :)
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Username: Diamante04
LN: Thomas
DH: Samuel John "Sam"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD/DS/DS: Hannah Mary & Dylan Luke & Quentin Michael
DD: Jasmine Chloe
Drat: Misty
Sam and Jen
...Proud Parents To...
Hannah, Dylan, & Quentin
...Announcing the Arrival of a Princess...

Jennifer Nicole
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
...Loving the Names...
Ariella Faith, Elisabeth Maria, Olivia Jasmine
Cade Preston, Grant Joseph, Jude Hamilton

This message was edited 10/28/2006, 10:14 PM

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US: Array
LN: Smith
DH: Virgil Lucifer
DW: Arachne Querida Oenone
DD: Eve Clementia Ianthe "Evey"
DS: Dennis Isaiah Nemo "Denny"
Ddog: Sally
--The Smiths--
Virgil & Arachne
Evey ~3~ and Denny ~brand new!~
and Sallypuppy

I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

This message was edited 10/28/2006, 8:53 PM

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US: salsa
LN: Breen
DH: Richard Turan
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DS/DD: Ryley Luke / Ciara Skye
DS: Caspian Milo
Dcat: Noah
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Missed meI think, I'm pretty sure I'm in this game and was from the beginning, but maybe I'm wrong, if not that's ok. Maybe there is another siggy game, cause I know I signed up for one and did a first round.
Just something I made.

This message was edited 10/28/2006, 7:54 PM

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Here...Well, you didn't sign up but I would LOVE it if you joined! (Could you have posted under a different name?) Here is the info in case you want to join:US: Jenni
Dpet rock:
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US: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob "Chris"
DW: Summer Jeanna
DS/DD/DS: Matthew Aidan "Matty" / Sacha Willow / Zander Isaiah
DD: Lara Cale
Dturtle: Franklin
The Vincent Family
Summer Jeanna Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Christopher Jacob "Chris"
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Matthew Aidan "Matty" Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sacha Willow Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Zander Isaiah [2]
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Lara Cale [newborn]
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another

This message was edited 10/28/2006, 7:07 PM

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US: Lawruh
LN: Hawk
DH: Peter Jacob (27)
DW: Shannon Melaina (23)
DS/DD: Jasper Adam / Maeve Rosina (2)
DS: Luke Isaiah
Dhedgehog: Rex
--------------------"The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
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Username: Sabrina Fair
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DS: Michael Blaise
DD: Bindi Jasmine
DLizard: Lars
Sabrina, Anthony & Michael welcome, Bindi Jasmine into thr world
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho

This message was edited 10/29/2006, 1:58 PM

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missed me!
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Sorry 'bout that...DD/DD:
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Oops!sorry Shelby, I put your daughters name as your pet. I hope you don't mind seperating them!
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