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Re: LadyBug's Congrats Round 10! (Final Round)
Username: Bex
~ Round 10 of 10
LN: Malfoy
DH: Ignatius Phineas Cygnus
DW: Rebecca Simone
DD: Eve Alexandra "Evie"
DD: Charlotte Helena "Charlie"
DS: Peregrine Francis "Perry"
DS: Sebastian Richard "Bastian"
DD/DD: Eleanor Pearl / Cecilia Lucy "Nell & Lucy"
DS: Finlay Hugh "Finn"
DS: Rex Nathaniel
DD: Margaret Theresa "Maggie"
DD: Edith Georgina "Edie"
DS: Edward Owen "Ned"Thanks so much, I have so many great combos! I love them all!~*~*~ BeX ~*~*~ my space!

This message was edited 10/24/2006, 9:02 PM

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