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Re: LadyBug's Congrats Round 10! (Final Round)
Username: LadyBug
~* Round 10 of 10
LN: Weaver
DH: Brent Lewis
DW: Julie Catherine
DS: Maxwell Hamilton GriffithMax
DS: Charles Albert EllisCharlie
DD: Alice Lucy Fiona
Ddog: Scout
DD: Lucy Jean
DS/DS: Roderick Edmund Alistair "Roddy" / Henry Dickon Edgar "Harry"
DD: Marget Gwynneth Fayre "Margie"
DS: Eoin Freeman Matthew
DBird: Story
DD: Cassandra Debi Rachael "Cassie"
DS: Miles William Humphrey
DD/DD: Liliana Katlyn Adleigh "Lily" / Tatiana Ava Catherine "Tatia"
Brent & Julie Weaver
Max, Charlie, Alice, Lucy, Roddy, Harry, Margie, Eoin, Cassie, Miles, Lily & Tatia Weaver with their dog Scout and bird Story! :)
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