Elizaveta's Congrats Sign-Ups
This is a regular congrats game. There will be six rounds (not counting this one): four single child rounds, one multiples round, and one pet round. I will tell each person what the gender of their child is for each round. The genders will be randomly chosen from a hat. There is no limit to how many people can sign up, and you can sign up at any time. I will try to post a round every day or every other day. If you miss a round, I will provide links to the previous rounds so you can catch up. I hope you all have fun playing!
Sign-Up Form
LN: (Choose from namebank below)
DH: (Choose from namebanks below)
DW: (Choose from namebanks below)
Rounds (out of 6):
NOTE: No spelling changes please. Nicknames are fine as long as they come from the first name.
Last Name: [First names that used to be (or still are) surnames]
Addison, Ashton, Baxter, Bradford, Chadwick, Craig, Darby, Donovan, Edison, Elwood, Flynn, Freeman, Garth, Grayson, Harding, Howard, Ingram, Irving, Jepson, Justice, Kendrick, Kimball, Lincoln, Luther, Monroe, Montgomery, Newton, Norris, Orson, Otis, Perry, Price, Quincy, Quinn, Radcliff, Ripley, Shaw, Sloane, Thorburn, Troy, Uland, Upton, Vaughan, Vernon, Webster, Wiley, Yale, York, Zane, Zola
Husband’s First Name: [Names that are generally nicknames]
Abe, Al, Alex, Andy, Art, Ash, Ben, Bill, Billy, Bob, Bobby, Brad, Bram, Cal, Chaz, Chris, Clay, Cliff, Dan, Danny, Dave, Dom, Don, Doug, Ed, Finn, Fred, Freddy, Gabe, Gene, Gib, Greg, Gus, Jake, Jeb, Jed, Jeff, Jim, Joe, Josh, Ken, Larry, Len, Lenny, Lex, Liam, Luke, Mal, Matt, Max, Mick, Mike, Mitch, Nate, Nick, Ollie, Paddy, Pat, Pete, Phil, Ray, Rich, Rick, Ricky, Rob, Robby, Ron, Sam, Sammy, Shad, Sid, Sly, Tad, Ted, Theo, Tim, Timmy, Toby, Tom, Tommy, Tony, Topher, Trev, Ty, Val, Vic, Vin, Vince, Walt, Wat, Will, Willie, Zack, Zed, Zef, Zeke
Husband's Middle Name: [Top 50 Names of 1900 in USA]
James, John, Robert, Michael, William, David, Richard, Charles, Joseph, Thomas, Christopher, Daniel, Paul, Mark, Donald, George, Kenneth, Steven, Edward, Brian, Ronald, Anthony, Kevin, Jason, Matthew, Gary, Timothy, Jose, Larry, Jeffrey, Frank, Scott, Eric, Stephen, Andrew, Raymond, Gregory, Joshua, Jerry, Dennis, Walter, Patrick, Peter, Harold, Douglas, Henry, Carl, Arthur, Ryan, Roger
Wife’s First Name: [Names from Top 100 Names of 1900 in USA]
Mary, Patricia, Barbara, Elizabeth, Jennifer, Maria, Susan, Margaret, Dorothy, Karen, Helen, Ruth, Laura, Sarah, Deborah, Jessica, Cynthia, Amy, Anna, Rebecca, Virginia, Kathleen, Pamela, Stephanie, Carolyn, Christine, Marie, Catherine, Frances, Ann, Alice, Julie, Heather, Teresa, Gloria, Evelyn, Judith, Rose, Christina, Beverly, Jane, Rachel, Jacqueline, Julia, Ruby, Phyllis, Annie, Diana, Lillian, Emily
Wife’s Middle Name: [Random Name Generator Names – Categories: Literature, Biblical, Mythology, Theology, and History]
Abishag, Adah, Adrasteia, Aglaia, Althea, Anat, Anna, Antigone, Apphia, Arethusa, Arianrhod, Bridget, Brunhilde, Ceres, Daphne, Edna, Eos, Flora, Gomer, Guinevere, Hecate, Hersilia, Indira, Irene, Isolde, Izanami, Jezebel, Khordad, Klytië, Martha, Melpomene, Neasa, Niamh, Nina, Oenone, Pele, Penelope, Phoebe, Polyxena, Proserpine, Rachel, Rebekah, Salome, Sapphira, Selene, Sharon, Tanith, Valkyrie, Valli, Venus
Peter: Oh my God, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios. Brian and Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
Sign-Up Form
LN: (Choose from namebank below)
DH: (Choose from namebanks below)
DW: (Choose from namebanks below)
Rounds (out of 6):
NOTE: No spelling changes please. Nicknames are fine as long as they come from the first name.
Last Name: [First names that used to be (or still are) surnames]
Addison, Ashton, Baxter, Bradford, Chadwick, Craig, Darby, Donovan, Edison, Elwood, Flynn, Freeman, Garth, Grayson, Harding, Howard, Ingram, Irving, Jepson, Justice, Kendrick, Kimball, Lincoln, Luther, Monroe, Montgomery, Newton, Norris, Orson, Otis, Perry, Price, Quincy, Quinn, Radcliff, Ripley, Shaw, Sloane, Thorburn, Troy, Uland, Upton, Vaughan, Vernon, Webster, Wiley, Yale, York, Zane, Zola
Husband’s First Name: [Names that are generally nicknames]
Abe, Al, Alex, Andy, Art, Ash, Ben, Bill, Billy, Bob, Bobby, Brad, Bram, Cal, Chaz, Chris, Clay, Cliff, Dan, Danny, Dave, Dom, Don, Doug, Ed, Finn, Fred, Freddy, Gabe, Gene, Gib, Greg, Gus, Jake, Jeb, Jed, Jeff, Jim, Joe, Josh, Ken, Larry, Len, Lenny, Lex, Liam, Luke, Mal, Matt, Max, Mick, Mike, Mitch, Nate, Nick, Ollie, Paddy, Pat, Pete, Phil, Ray, Rich, Rick, Ricky, Rob, Robby, Ron, Sam, Sammy, Shad, Sid, Sly, Tad, Ted, Theo, Tim, Timmy, Toby, Tom, Tommy, Tony, Topher, Trev, Ty, Val, Vic, Vin, Vince, Walt, Wat, Will, Willie, Zack, Zed, Zef, Zeke
Husband's Middle Name: [Top 50 Names of 1900 in USA]
James, John, Robert, Michael, William, David, Richard, Charles, Joseph, Thomas, Christopher, Daniel, Paul, Mark, Donald, George, Kenneth, Steven, Edward, Brian, Ronald, Anthony, Kevin, Jason, Matthew, Gary, Timothy, Jose, Larry, Jeffrey, Frank, Scott, Eric, Stephen, Andrew, Raymond, Gregory, Joshua, Jerry, Dennis, Walter, Patrick, Peter, Harold, Douglas, Henry, Carl, Arthur, Ryan, Roger
Wife’s First Name: [Names from Top 100 Names of 1900 in USA]
Mary, Patricia, Barbara, Elizabeth, Jennifer, Maria, Susan, Margaret, Dorothy, Karen, Helen, Ruth, Laura, Sarah, Deborah, Jessica, Cynthia, Amy, Anna, Rebecca, Virginia, Kathleen, Pamela, Stephanie, Carolyn, Christine, Marie, Catherine, Frances, Ann, Alice, Julie, Heather, Teresa, Gloria, Evelyn, Judith, Rose, Christina, Beverly, Jane, Rachel, Jacqueline, Julia, Ruby, Phyllis, Annie, Diana, Lillian, Emily
Wife’s Middle Name: [Random Name Generator Names – Categories: Literature, Biblical, Mythology, Theology, and History]
Abishag, Adah, Adrasteia, Aglaia, Althea, Anat, Anna, Antigone, Apphia, Arethusa, Arianrhod, Bridget, Brunhilde, Ceres, Daphne, Edna, Eos, Flora, Gomer, Guinevere, Hecate, Hersilia, Indira, Irene, Isolde, Izanami, Jezebel, Khordad, Klytië, Martha, Melpomene, Neasa, Niamh, Nina, Oenone, Pele, Penelope, Phoebe, Polyxena, Proserpine, Rachel, Rebekah, Salome, Sapphira, Selene, Sharon, Tanith, Valkyrie, Valli, Venus
Peter: Oh my God, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios. Brian and Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
This message was edited 9/28/2006, 5:27 PM
Sign-Up Form: Shayde
LN: Shaw
DH: Vince Ryan
DW: Julia Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): 6
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
LN: Shaw
DH: Vince Ryan
DW: Julia Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): 6
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
Sign-Up Form
LN: Irving
DH: Gene Raymond
DW: Rebecca Isolde "Becca"
Rounds (out of 6): 3
NOTE: No spelling changes please. Nicknames are fine as long as they come from the first name.

LN: Irving
DH: Gene Raymond
DW: Rebecca Isolde "Becca"
Rounds (out of 6): 3
NOTE: No spelling changes please. Nicknames are fine as long as they come from the first name.

Sign-Up Form
LN: Sloane
DH: Clay Anthony
DW: Catherine Penelope
Rounds: 6
LN: Sloane
DH: Clay Anthony
DW: Catherine Penelope
Rounds: 6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Flynn
DH:Will Anthony
DW: Maria Rachel
Rounds (out of 6):6
Eleanor x
LN: Flynn
DH:Will Anthony
DW: Maria Rachel
Rounds (out of 6):6
Eleanor x
LN: Montgomery
DH: Theo Gregory
DW: Mary Tanith
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Dad: I know what the Loch Ness monster is. I done figured it out by myself!
Brother: Okay, then, what is it?
Dad: It's an elephant.
DH: Theo Gregory
DW: Mary Tanith
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Dad: I know what the Loch Ness monster is. I done figured it out by myself!
Brother: Okay, then, what is it?
Dad: It's an elephant.
Sign-Up Form
LN: Jepson
DH: Finn Robert (26)
DW: Teresa Sapphria (24)
Rounds: 6
LN: Jepson
DH: Finn Robert (26)
DW: Teresa Sapphria (24)
Rounds: 6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Baxter
DH: Tom Anthony
DW: Carolyn Adah
Rounds (out of 6): 4
LN: Baxter
DH: Tom Anthony
DW: Carolyn Adah
Rounds (out of 6): 4
LN: Montgomery
DH: Nate Thomas
DW: Rachel Bridget
Rounds (out of 6): 6
DH: Nate Thomas
DW: Rachel Bridget
Rounds (out of 6): 6
LN: Shaw
DH: Liam Eric
DW: Ruby Jezebel
Rounds: 6
We love you Copper! 6/1/91 - 6/16/06
Matthew Craig 'Matt' 1/21/1977 - 7/11/2006
DH: Liam Eric
DW: Ruby Jezebel
Rounds: 6
We love you Copper! 6/1/91 - 6/16/06
Matthew Craig 'Matt' 1/21/1977 - 7/11/2006
LN: Ingram
DH: Dave Christopher
DW: Amy Selene
Rounds (out of 6): 6
LN: Harding
DH: Walt Gregory
DW: Anna Daphne
Rounds (out of 6): 6
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
DH: Walt Gregory
DW: Anna Daphne
Rounds (out of 6): 6
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein
"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sign-Up Form
LN: Addison (My maiden name..hehe)
DH: Alex James (Husband's real name is James)
DW: Rose Isolde (Rose is my real middle name)
Rounds: 6

LN: Addison (My maiden name..hehe)
DH: Alex James (Husband's real name is James)
DW: Rose Isolde (Rose is my real middle name)
Rounds: 6

Sign-Up Form
LN: Price
DH: Luke William
DW: Julie Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): all 6 please
Thanks for hosting a game!
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
LN: Price
DH: Luke William
DW: Julie Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): all 6 please
Thanks for hosting a game!
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
LN: Jepson
DH: Walt Anthony
DW: Julia Tanith
Rounds (out of 6): 6
DH: Walt Anthony
DW: Julia Tanith
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Montgomery
DH: Liam Ryan
DW: Ruby Niamh
Rounds (out of 6): 6
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
LN: Montgomery
DH: Liam Ryan
DW: Ruby Niamh
Rounds (out of 6): 6
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
Sign-Up Form
DH:Liam Henry
DW:Rose Guinevere
Rounds (out of 6):6
DH:Liam Henry
DW:Rose Guinevere
Rounds (out of 6):6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Irving
DH: Josh Edward
DW: Julia Bridget
Rounds (out of 6): 6
LN: Irving
DH: Josh Edward
DW: Julia Bridget
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Donovan
DH: Will Patrick
DW: Julia Rachel
Rounds: 6

LN: Donovan
DH: Will Patrick
DW: Julia Rachel
Rounds: 6

Sign-Up Form
Username: Rosethorn08
LN: Grayson
DH: Mitch Anthony
DW: Jessica Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): 6

Username: Rosethorn08
LN: Grayson
DH: Mitch Anthony
DW: Jessica Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): 6

This message was edited 9/28/2006, 6:46 PM
LN: Orson
DH: Lenny Christopher "Len"
DW: Kathleen Rebekah "Kathy"
Rounds (out of 6): 6

I know, I know... Im a loser but I just love my cat so dang much!
DH: Lenny Christopher "Len"
DW: Kathleen Rebekah "Kathy"
Rounds (out of 6): 6

I know, I know... Im a loser but I just love my cat so dang much!
LN: Yale
DH: Topher Patrick
DW: Teresa Daphne
Rounds: 6
DH: Topher Patrick
DW: Teresa Daphne
Rounds: 6

Sign-Up Form
LN: Sloane
DH: Liam Christopher
DW: Evelyn Irene "Evie"
Rounds (out of 6): all
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
LN: Sloane
DH: Liam Christopher
DW: Evelyn Irene "Evie"
Rounds (out of 6): all
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Sign-Up Form
LN: Flynn
DH: Cliff Michael
DW: Teresa Rebecca "Teri"
Rounds (out of 6): 6
LN: Flynn
DH: Cliff Michael
DW: Teresa Rebecca "Teri"
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Vaughan
DH: Ty Joseph
DW: Stephanie Sapphira
Rounds (out of 6): 6

LN: Vaughan
DH: Ty Joseph
DW: Stephanie Sapphira
Rounds (out of 6): 6

Sign-Up Form
LN: Bradford
DH: Liam Kevin
DW: Emily Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): 6
LN: Bradford
DH: Liam Kevin
DW: Emily Rachel
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Price
DH: Greg Kenneth
DW: Elizabeth Nina
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Shouldnt we put the username, rather than you have to type it all out?
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
LN: Vaughan
DH: Bram David
DW: Rose Flora
Rounds (out of 6): 6
DH: Bram David
DW: Rose Flora
Rounds (out of 6): 6
Sign-Up Form
LN: Elwood
DH: Jeff Patrick
DW: Rachel Irene
Rounds (out of 6): 6