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Re: Nikki's Congrats Round Nine
The Parker's
Maddox Rhys "Max" and Lucy Blair Isabella "Lucy"
Samuel Isaiah "Sam"
Chase Camden "Chase"
Mia Sophia "Mia"
Colton Lee "Cole" / Kyler Liam "Kye"
Trenton Riley "Trent"
Emma Grace "Emma"
Rylan Evander "Rye"
Alyssa Ines "Lyssa"
Mira Juliet/Brent Matthew "Mira" / "Brent" Max and Lucy with Sam, Chase, Mia, Cole, Kye, Trent, Emma, Rye, Lyssa, Mira, and Brent(Mira and Mia? Brent and Trent? Rye and Kye? Who would do that, weird how that worked!)
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