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Re: You say/You think
Riley Beatrice
You think: dislike unisex names, but if Riley is used a girl I think Rylie/Ryleigh looks more girly.Zoe Parker
You think: dislike Zoe, bc I never understood why it's said (zoe-ee) when Joe is said (Jo) not (joe-ee). Parker is all boy to me, even then I don't like it.Lily Camille
You think: Lily is cute, Camille is ok. Too many L's though. Emmeline Louise
You think: Emmeline is kinda cute. Louise I dislike.Mary-Rose Elizabeth
You think: cute combo, all names are quite popular though.Henry Blake
You think: sound good together, Henry is nms, Blake is ok.Homer James
You think: Homer is nmsaa, James is ok. They sound good together though.Andrea Joy
You think: cute comboJennifer Sheena
You think: dislike the sound of them together. Jennifer is too popular, Sheena is diff.Ronia Elisabeth
You think: pron. (ron-ee-uh)? It's diff., Elisabeth looks better spelled Elizabeth.Aquinnah Kathleen
You think: pron. (uh-quinn-uh)? I don't think I like it, Kathleen is okJodie Alicia
You think: Jodie is cute, the combo sounds ok together
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