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Re: Estel's Adoption Congrats Round One!!
in reply to a message by estel

Username: enlatiah
LN: Williams
DH: Ian James (29)
DW: Danielle Hope (25)
DS/DD: Justin Eli and Jacquie Faith (3)Ian and Danielle would like to adopt:
1. Aurora Lily
2. Jenna
3. Joy
4. Sarah Jane
5. NoelleYou laugh because I'm different, I laugh because we're all the same.
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Congratulations Ian, Danielle, Justin, and Jacquie! You have adopted Aurora Lily. She is 11 months old and has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is perfectly healthy and should easily transition into your family. Enjoy your new daughter!
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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Ian, Danielle, Justin, and Jacquie are excited to welcome Aurora into their family. The transition was perfect. You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because we're all the same.
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